
2022 Summer Data Camp

It's not just a workshop, it's a challenge!

Registration for this event has ended. 
Thank you to everyone participating in the 2022 Summer Data Camp!

The Research & Statistical Service (REST) team within the NEIU Center of Health is proud to offer a remote Summer Data Camp with ten unique topics for students, faculty, and staff.

Attend 5 Summer Data Camp Sessions and earn the Center of Health 2022 Summer Data Camp Challenge Badge!

Earn the badge to display on your resume, social media, LinkedIn and more! To complete the challenge, register for and attend five sessions from July 11 to Aug. 2. 






July 13
Noon How do I Make Data Tables for Meaningful Anaylsis? Using Pivot Tables and Key Functions in Excel by Prof. Hardik Marfatia, Economics Zoom
July 18
9 am Understanding T-Tests by Samantha Condo and Serin Han Zoom
July 18
Noon What is Dash-boarding? Analysis Data through Dash-boarding using Excel by Prof. Hardik Marfatia, Economics Zoom
July 22
9 am An Introduction to the Mathematical Modeling of Cancer by Dr. Emma Turian, Mathematics Zoom
July 25
9 am Running Simple Ordinary Least Square(OLS) Regression by Samantha Condo and Serin Han Zoom
July 27
Noon What is Geospatial Modeling? Exploring the Foundations for Geospatial Modeling by Prof. Hardik Marfatia, Economics Zoom
July 29
9 am Lecturer Dr. Beverly Gonzalez, Mathematics and Senior Biostatistician  NEIU Main Campus
Aug. 1
Noon Can Maps Talk? Using R to Build Interactive Maps for Geospatial Modeling by Prof. Hardik Marfatia, Economics  Zoom
Aug. 2
Noon How do you Forecast? Learn the basics of Forecasting using R by Prof. Hardik Marfatia, Economics Zoom