Before we consider your request, please answer the following questions. After submission, a representative of IA will contact you regarding any questions that may arise. Submission does not imply approval of request and both Alumni and IA will review all requests and inform you of their status. It is understood that any data files provided are confidential and may only be used for the purpose submitted. In addition, I also understand that no solicitation request for contributions can be made without the approval of the Office of Alumni Relations. I understand and will abide by this statement. Name of Individual Requesting Data Department Contact Email Extension Name and contact information for the Department Chair that has given approval for request Please tell us the purpose of your Data request Which Alumni are you hoping to target with this data request: Please identify the College Are there specific Majors (name them or say all Majors in the specified college)? Are there specific Minors (name them or say all minors in the specified college)? Graduation Class/Years you are targeting. Be specific with start and end years. Expected Completion Date? Information needed in the data file: Check all that apply. For additional information, please use Other. Constituent Preferred Name and Address Preferred E-mail Preferred Phone Number Majors Minors Graduation Date °¿³Ù³ó±ð°ù… Enter other… If you need us to know more about your request, please provide details here If you are intending to solicit donations with the data provided, please understand you must first submit and review a Charitable Solicitation form with Development Staff for approval. A Charitable Solicitation form has been submitted for review The data will not be used for donation requests °¿³Ù³ó±ð°ù… Enter other… Please email a copy of your Charitable Solicitation Form to CAPTCHA Get new captcha! What code is in the image? Enter the characters shown in the image. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Submit