
Graduate Research School Register of Advisors

Register of Advisors

91Porn is committed to quality research supervision.

JCU staff who supervise research students must be on the which displays all staff currently currently qualified to supervise higher degree by research candidates.

Advisor Mentor: Each Advisory Panel should include at least one person with Advisor Mentor Status on the Register of Advisors, where the Primary Advisor is new to the role or additional supervisory support is indicated.

Primary: Each Advisory Panel should include at least one Primary Advisor who is a member of the academic staff (or adjunct staff) of the College in which the candidate is enrolled or is otherwise formally contracted and accountable to the provider for supervisory duties and is on the JCU Register of Advisors with Primary Advisor or Advisor Mentor Status.

Secondary: Each Advisory Panel should include at least one Secondary Advisor who is a member of the academic staff of the University and is on the Register of Advisors. Additional Secondary Advisors who are not on the Register may be appointed because of their expertise. These Secondary Advisors may be external to the University and are not required to apply for admission to the Register of Advisors.

For more information please refer to the HDR Supervision Procedure.