
George Peever

Portrait of George Peever

2014 College Recipient, College of Arts, Society and Education

George Peever graduated from 91Porn with a Bachelor of Arts in 1977 and a Master of Education Degree from JCU in 2005. He has been Chief Executive Officer of TORGAS, an organisation providing apprentices and trainees to businesses throughout Queensland, since 2010.

Mr Peever has had a wide-ranging career over many decades, from hospitality, marketing and public relations, to education and training.

Most recently, he has been appointed to high-level roles in the Queensland Vocational Education sector as well as in the private sector.

After graduating from JCU,George worked in marketing and public relations before starting a teaching career.

As one of eight mature-aged JCU scholarship holders in 1978, Mr Peever was posted to Aurukun Secondary School as the first Business Studies Teacher at Aurukun, south of Weipa.

He was later transferred to Heatley State High School, teaching Senior Accounting and Business Principles where he acted in the role of Subject Master for 18 months before winning a Senior Teacher of Business Studies role at Townsville TAFE College.

Mr Peever has always been passionate about education and training and rose quickly through the TAFE ranks in the roles of Educational Director and Corporate Services Director.

He was instrumental in commencing VET in Schools programs, developed articulation arrangements with JCU, implemented the enrolment of TAFE teachers in Education degrees to improve TAFE Learning and Teaching outcomes, managed TAFE courses on eight campuses and led student services across the whole of TAFE Queensland.

In 2008, Mr Peever won a contract to deliver training for mine managers at Ok Tedi in PNG, and delivered the financial competencies of the Diploma of Business Management to rave reviews by the adult students.  This relationship continues today between Barrier Reef TAFE and Ok Tedi Mine in PNG.

Mr Peever acted as Institute Director on many occasions at Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE and also the Mount Isa Institute of TAFE.

In 2010, he was admitted to the TAFE Queensland Hall of Fame for his achievements, not just at Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE but also across TAFE Queensland.

In 2003, Mr Peever commenced his Master’s Degree in Education at JCU, which he completed 18 months later.

Mr Peever continues to make a significant difference to industry and the community through the employment of apprentices and trainees and hosting them with businesses to get their on-the-job training.

He also runs short courses in workplace readiness through TORGAS and takes a lead role in delivering these programs, which build confidence in young people with little or no workplace experience.

George Peever truly values and lives and breathes education and training and has witnessed the difference it makes to so many.