
Policy Academic Governance LearnJCU Data Management Procedure

LearnJCU Data Management Procedure


This procedure supports the Learning Teaching and Assessment Policy by providing a process for managing the storage requirements of the Learning Management System and its integrated recording platforms. The procedures are designed to support the operational management of these platforms and assure compliance with state legislative requirements by providing access to historical subject data and recordings for a suitable duration.

This procedure addresses HESF Standard 2.1.1.


This procedure applies to all educators, support staff, development partners and students of JCU located at all JCU campuses (physically and virtually).

This procedure specifically concerns the availability and retention of LearnJCU subject data and recordings made with the Panopto and Collaborate platforms.

This procedure does not apply to the retention of subject materials, student coursework, or assessment samples that are managed in compliance with the Records Management Policy for accreditation, audit, or review purposes. This procedure does not apply to personal data contained or embedded in a LearnJCU subject, personal video recordings created with Panopto, commercially contracted media content (including Publisher e-texts and learning resources), media content where JCU does not own the copyright (such as digital media provided by the Library under fair dealing provisions), or JCU corporate media content.


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Policy Glossary or the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy.

Archived Subject Site – describes the state of a LearnJCU subject site that has been stored in the University’s secure cloud storage facility in an archive format and is not available for on-demand access.

Archived recording – describes the state of a lecture-seminar recording that has been flagged as archived in the system and is not available for on-demand viewing.

LearnJCU Subject Site – describes a virtual environment within LearnJCU aligned with an individual subject availability in Student Management.

Scheduled lecture recordings - include all lecture recordings relating to an individual subject made in venues equipped with a remote recorder capture appliance.

Stored recording –describes the state of a lecture-seminar recording that is available for on-demand viewing by students in LearnJCU subject sites where the subject Lecturer has opted to make the recording available.

Subject Data – describes subject materials or items and student data created directly in a subject site, including documents, files, discussions, assessment tasks, student submissions and grades.

Virtual classroom – describes a synchronous collaboration space in LearnJCU with session recording capability.


1. LearnJCU Subject Sites

1.1 Resources including the arrangement of guest lecturers and materials used in course, subject or unit delivery, will remain available in LearnJCU for three years after completion of the subject. Exceptions to this time frame will be confirmed annually.

1.2 The LearnJCU Subject Site is accessible to staff who were associated with the subject and to students who were previously enrolled in the subject and who still have a current enrolment at the University.

1.3 LearnJCU Subject Sites that are more than three years old are bulk archived and stored in the University’s secure cloud storage facility.

1.4 Archives of LearnJCU Subject Sites include subject data, but not linked content that is stored on external platforms, such as Panopto, PebblePad, Padlet, H5P, and Readings.

1.5 A Subject Coordinator or Lecturer may submit a request through ServiceNow to restore an archived LearnJCU Subject Site along with reason/s supporting the request.

1.6 A restored LearnJCU Subject Site may not function as expected due to changes in the Learning Management System or externally stored content which is outside the University's control.

1.7 Requestors are provided access to a restored subject site for 30 days and will be notified of the access period.

2. Scheduled lecture recordings

2.1 Scheduled lecture recordings are stored and available on-demand for 12 months.

2.2 Stored recordings may be accessed by students who have completed subjects containing the recordings, and by staff with a teaching role in the subject.

2.3. Stored recordings which are at least 12 months old from their creation date are automatically archived and become unavailable for on-demand viewing.

2.4 Recordings that are at least two years old from their creation date and have been archived for 12 months are deleted.

2.5 The creator of an archived recording is automatically notified of the deletion schedule and may restore an archived recording through a self-service procedure described in .

3. Virtual classroom recordings

3.1 Virtual classroom recordings are stored and available on-demand for two years.

3.2 Virtual classroom recordings may be accessed by students who are enrolled or have completed subjects containing the recordings, and by staff with a teaching role in the subject.

3.3 Virtual classroom recordings that are at least two years old (from their creation date) will be deleted.

3.4 The creator of a Virtual classroom recording is notified of the deletion schedule and may retain the recording in the university’s supported digital media platform through a self-service procedure.

Related policy instruments

Learning Teaching and Assessment Policy

Records Management Policy

University Sector Retention and Disposal Schedule QDAN601




NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainLearning and Teaching

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date




Major review.  Procedure renamed – previously called LearnJCU Subject Site Lifecycle Management Procedure.

Manager, Learning Environments




Procedure established

Head, Blended Learning and Innovation


Subject site, lifecycle, LearnJCU, lecture recording, virtual classroom, archive, restore, retention, disposal
Contact personManager, Learning Environments