
Security Policy


91Porn (JCU) is committed to providing a safe and secure working and learning environment. The Policy provides a framework for the management of security and safety within buildings and throughout external spaces at JCU campuses and other JCU managed locations.

The Policy will allow the University, as far as reasonably practical, to provide for the safety and security of the Estate and the people who use the facilities underpinned by:

  • proactive deterrence to minimise crime and incidents; and
  • a responsive, effective, efficient service to deal with the University’s operational security needs.


This policy applies to all members of the University community including (but not limited to): students, staff, affiliates, tenants, visitors and contractors. It applies to all Australian JCU campuses and JCU Managed Locations, with the exception of JCU Brisbane and covers personal and physical security. This Policy does not cover information and data security.


Authorised Persons

An authorised person appointed by the Vice Chancellor, or delegate, under the 91Porn Act 1997 who the Vice Chancellor, or delegate, is satisfied has the necessary training, or knowledge and experience, to be an authorised person for control of conduct purposes. JCU Security Staff are Authorised Persons.

Controlled Area

Any area or space on campus to which general or public access is not available at that time. This may be characterised by signs, locked doors and fences, or be defined by the instruction of a campus security officer or designated member of staff.

Emergency Services

The public organisations that respond to and deal with emergencies when they occur, especially the police, ambulance service, and the fire brigade.

JCU Managed Locations

All buildings, grounds and residences whether owned, leased, rented or otherwise under control of the University.

JCU Security Team

The University appointed security staff, including contractors, responsible for the delivery of security related services to the organisation.


For the purposes of this Policy, the term safety is broadly used to refer to the protection of individuals, the organisation, and assets against external threats and criminal activities.

Security Incident

An act, omission, circumstance, or occurrence which directly or indirectly adversely affect the security of people or assets on any campus or other University property. Such incident may include actual and suspected events including: acts of violence, theft, loss or damage to personal and/or university property, suspicious or threatening behaviour, emergency situations such as fire, flood, chemical spills, accidents or bodily injury, disorderly and/or disruptive conduct, unauthorised access and alarm activation.


1. Commitment

1.1  It is the University’s obligation to provide the safest and most secure environment possible for students, staff, tenants, contractors and visitors in accordance with relevant Australian state and federal legislation as well as JCU policies and procedures.

1.2  The University’s view is that the campus and managed sites should be open and welcoming environments with some areas having controlled access where and when the need arises. Security measures are implemented in accordance with the University’s plans and objectives, available resources and most importantly in proportion to the assessed risk and threats to the University, its people and physical assets. These threats may include vandalism, theft, intentional and accidental damage, natural disaster, violent incidents, terrorism and other non-traditional threats.

2. Responsibilities

2.1  The Estate Directorate is responsible for managing the security function at JCU Managed Locations. The JCU Security team consists of a combination of JCU staff and authorised contractors. JCU Security Officers are appointed as both authorised persons and security officers in line with the provisions of the 91Porn Act 1997. JCU Security provides security advice and guidance on a regular basis.

2.2  The Estate Directorate is responsible for:

2.2.1 the development, documenting and implementation of security strategy, policies and procedures and the monitoring of their effectiveness and efficiency;

2.2.2 ensuring members of the JCU Security Team receive training and certification appropriate to their role, including regular refresher training.

2.3  JCU Security Team is responsible for the delivery of security duties as defined in the Standard Security Operating Procedures, including but not limited to; the security control room operation, CCTV, responding to incidents including fire and intruder alarm activations, disturbances, gas leaks, electrical/mechanical failures, damage to University fabric and lock-outs, on campus. This could include critical incidents affecting the University’s business continuity and disaster management.

2.4  The Director Estate works closely with the Chief of Staff who has overall responsibility for the co-ordination of University-wide Emergency Planning, including Critical Incident Response and Business Continuity Management.

2.5  Students, staff, tenants and contractors must all fulfil a role in promoting and maintaining a secure environment by challenging suspicious activity if safe to do so, and reporting suspicious activity to JCU Security. Staff and students are strongly advised to carry their ID cards on campus during business hours in order to present proof of identity to Security staff (as Authorised Persons) when asked. Outside business hours (ie between 6pm and 7am), Staff and students are required to carry their ID card. Those who are unable to establish their status as a Staff member or student when required by Security may be asked to leave campus.

2.6  All staff, students, tenants, contractors and visitors must comply with reasonable directions from JCU Security Officers especially in emergency or evacuation situations and in relation to security procedures.

2.7  Security of personal property remains an individual’s own responsibility, and valuables (such as phones, money or IT equipment) should not be left unattended.

3. Security Framework

3.1  Safety and Security at JCU will be provided through the development, maintenance and monitoring of protective security measures that include:

3.1.1 personal security and safety including education and awareness;

3.1.2 physical security;

3.1.3 incorporation of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles into urban and environmental design guidelines; and

3.1.4 contingency and emergency plans, threats and risk assessments and incident reporting procedures.

3.2  This framework is informed by regular security risk assessments in the context of a whole of University emergency and incident management. The JCU Security team work in liaison with relevant University organisational units on security measures to support:

3.2.1 an open, safe and welcoming environment;

3.2.2 reduction of incidents and the minimisation of risk;

3.2.3 the personal safety of individuals;

3.2.4 protection of premises, physical assets, including property and vehicles;

3.2.5 reduction of unauthorised access to secure areas of the University estate, and where necessary to take additional security measures to protect high value assets, and high risk facilities; and

3.2.6 clear, regularly reviewed policies and procedures.

3.3 Security measures include a combination of physical, technical and procedural security methods and subject to location may include:

3.3.1 24 hour, year-round security team who carry out regular patrol and attend incidents and alarm activations, including first aid response;

3.3.2 locking and unlocking of buildings, access to buildings out of hours;

3.3.3 controlling access to car parks, buildings and limited access rooms by means of ID card;

3.3.4 responding to, and reporting, security incidents including personal or duress alarms;

3.3.5 liaison with emergency services as well as responsibility for emergency evacuation instructions.

3.4 JCU Managed locations that do not have a member of the JCU Security Team on site, will be subject to security assessments and the development of appropriate security plans. In any security incident, staff or students at the location should contact local emergency services, and advise JCU’s Security Control Room as soon as practicable (as directed in the Incident Management Policy)..

3.5 Closed-circuit television cameras are installed on campus for the purposes of security and crime prevention.

3.5.1 Access to live or recorded footage is available only to JCU staff or contractors directly involved with security operations for legitimate University purposes only;

3.5.2 The Queensland Police Service (QPS) will be provided access to footage where there is a clear and immediate threat to the safety of an individual, or if they request footage on the approved QPS form, signed by a senior officer;

3.5.3 Other parties may request to view footage by contacting legal@jcu.edu.au.

Related policy instruments

Defence Industry Security Program - Security Procedure

Related documents and legislation

Work, Health and Safety Policy

Incident Management Policy and Procedures

Emergency Management Plan

WHS-PRO-005 WHS Incident and Hazard Management

High Voltage Access Policy

Risk Management Policy

Risk Management Framework and Plan

Business Continuity Policy

Business Continuity Management Plan


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing. Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainEstate and Facility Management

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review

27 Nov 2025

Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Policy established  to provide the requirements for the management of security and safety within buildings and throughout external spaces at JCU campuses and other JCU managed locations

Head, Estate Operations


Security, CCTV, Access, Control, Key, Incident, Safety

Contact personManager, Security and Campus Safety