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FORMCHECKBOX No(Include documentation of the approval of the principal on school letterhead).Who is/are the subject(s) of the research? FORMCHECKBOX Teacher(Include teachers consent document) FORMCHECKBOX Student(Include parental permission and student assent forms). FORMCHECKBOX Administrative personnel(Include consent document and describe personnel below):Administrative personnel:  FORMTEXT      Clarify if students can decline to participate, and if so explain the alternatives to participation and the consequences of withdrawing from the study, if any:  FORMTEXT      Describe in detail the activity(ies) planned for non-participants Note: If the research will occur in the classroom during class time, please describe alternative activity planned for students who do not participate, including a description of supervisory provisions:  FORMTEXT       Clarify if the objectives of the   VW^anx      " $ & 2 4 P ͼͼ޼޵vcvv%jh P&CJOJQJU^Jjh P&CJOJQJU^Jh P&CJOJQJ^Jh h@hCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ h@h h(5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&h@h5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h P&CJh h P&$VW  $$&@#$/Ifa$gd$d$Ifa$gd $$Ifa$gd$<$Ifa$gdd$&@#$/If$If     |xrgY & Fxx$If  h$If$Ifkd$$Ifl0~( 6@0 )62s4 laP R T  & ( < > @ J L N h j ~      vq h P&5h P&5OJQJ\^Jjh P&Uj7h P&Ujh P&Ujh P&UmHnHujh P&Uh P&jh P&U h P&5\h P&CJOJQJ^Jjh P&CJOJQJU^J%jh P&CJOJQJU^J&  & N h  & F$If  & F8$If^8bkd$$Ifl|D%(0(64 la  RB666  & Fx$If & F8x$If^8kd$$Ifl\|D%   0(62s222s4 la RF  & Fx$Ifkd$$Ifl\|D%   0(62s222s4 la  <$If $<$Ifa$bkdO$$IflF|D%(0(64 la   < > @  !/01_`aopq45?tf\h P&OJQJ^Jjh P&OJQJU^J'jm h P&5OJQJU\^J'j h P&5OJQJU\^J'j h P&5OJQJU\^J h P&5'jch P&5OJQJU\^Jh P&'jh P&5OJQJU\^Jh P&5OJQJ\^J!jh P&5OJQJU\^J#  B H nc[[x$If $x$Ifa$kdS$$IflaF|D%T1C 0(6    22s4 la nb  & Fx$Ifkd$$IflF|D%T1C 0(6    22s4 la 2:_<$If $<$Ifa$bkd $$Ifl|D%(0(64 la_`rzwldd<$If $<$Ifa$kd $$IflF| D%T 0(6    4 lawldd<$If $<$Ifa$kdo $$IflZF| D%T 0(6    4 lawi_ xx$Ifxx$If^kd $$IflPF| D%T 0(6    4 la?@  PRfhjtvxz:==========>?@?࿻ౠ౛z౿xg౿!j!h P&OJQJU^JU!jh P&OJQJU^Jh P&56OJQJ\]^J h P&5!jh P&OJQJU^Jh P&OJQJ^Jh P&h P&5OJQJ\^J&jh P&OJQJU^JmHnHujh P&OJQJU^J!jh P&OJQJU^J(Px~r 8x$If^8  & Fx$IfukdW$$IflE0|D%Tt"0(64 laxzy x$If^ 8x$If^8  & Fx$Ifbkd$$Ifl |D%(0(64 la===y x$If^ 8x$If^8  & Fx$Ifbkd$$Ifl |D%(0(64 la research are consistent with the course curriculum. If the principal investigator is NOT also the classroom instructor, please provide a copy of the syllabus and a letter of support from the classroom instructor indicating that the goals of the research and the classroom are consistent. If the principal investigator is also the classroom instructor, please submit a copy of the syllabus and an explanation of how this research fits in with the educational goals of the classroom:  FORMTEXT       Describe mechanisms that will be put in place to minimize loss of classroom time (remember, generally students are not in a class in order to be a research subject):  FORMTEXT       If participation requires removal of students from the classroom, please carefully explain how this will occur, including an explanation for avoiding stigmatization of the subject.  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