ࡱ> SUR bjbj 7R+\\8I$A888d8888AcLX80I8~88|>,8$B"I\ e: Art Rubric for General Education Jane Weintraub a.o., NEIU Art Department Quality( Outcome(Type of classBelow Expectations Approaches Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds ExpectationsTo have experiential knowledge of an art formDemonstrates an understanding of the use of materials and methods in the execution of an art productstudioStudent is unable to demonstrate an understanding of materials and techniquesStudent struggles with materials and techniquesStudent demonstrates an understanding of materials and techniquesStudent demonstrates a mastery of materials and techniqueshistoryStudent is unable to demonstrate an understanding of the technical challenges inherent in the making of an art productStudent demonstrates a slight understanding of the technical challenges inherent in the making of an art productStudent demonstrates an understanding of the processes and materials involved in the making of an art productStudent demonstrates a developed understanding of the processes and materials involved in the making of an art productTo appreciate art forms within their historical and contemporary contextDemonstrates an understanding of historical and contemporary perspectives within a given fieldstudioStudent cannot recognize the different historical periods within a given fieldStudent is beginning to recognize the different historical periods within a given fieldStudent can recognize the different historical periods within a given fieldStudent can recognize the different historical periods within a given field and understand how his/her work fits inhistoryStudent demonstrates little awareness of the historical context within which a given artwork is producedStudent demonstrates a modest awareness of the historical context within which a given artwork is producedStudent demonstrates an awareness of the historical context within which a given artwork is producedStudent demonstrates a keen awareness of the historical context within which a given artwork is producedDemonstrate a basic knowledge of design elementsDemonstrates a basic knowledge of line, shape, color, texture, and value.studio and historyStudent has limited understanding of the elements in an artworkStudent can accurately describe some of the elements in an artworkStudent can accurately describe most of the elements in an artworkStudent can offer a detailed description of the elements in an artworkDemonstrate a basic knowledge of principles of compositional organizationDemonstrates a basic knowledge and use of the principles of art such as balance, movement, proportion, dominance, economy, space, harmony, and variety.studio and historyStudent has limited understanding of the principles in an artworkStudent can accurately describe some of the principles in an artworkStudent can accurately describe most of the principles in an artworkStudent can offer a detailed description of the principles in an artworkTo foster basic skills in analytical thinking about works of art by using an appropriate art vocabularyIn written work and/or class discussions the student will verbally demonstrate an understanding of form, content, and subject matter studio and historyStudent cannot make a complete and detailed description of an art work using appropriate vocabularyStudent can make a detailed description of some aspects of an art work using appropriate vocabularyStudent can make a detailed description of an art work using appropriate vocabularyStudent can make a complete and detailed description of an art work using appropriate vocabularyTo demonstrate a basic recognition of the different modes of visual expressionHas an understanding of some of the different cultural and historical means of visual expressionstudio and historyStudent cannot identify artwork from different cultures and time periodsStudent is beginning to identify artwork from a few different cultures and time periodsStudent can identify artwork from a few different cultures and time periodsStudent can identify artwork from different cultures and time periods To acquire a general understanding of the role of art as a form of visual communication Has an understanding of the difference between verbal and visual communication.studio and historyStudent can recognize few of the roles that visual expression plays in societyStudent can differentiate some of the roles that visual expression play in societyStudent can understand the role that visual expression plays in society Student can evaluate the role that visual expression plays in societyTo recognize problem solving as a means of accomplishing an art productWill be able to recognize how the fundamentals of design are integrated to produce a work of art.studio and historyEvaluates work as good or bad based on personal tasteStudent tries to use established criteria to judge/make a work of art, but does not apply the criteria accuratelyStudent will be able to recognize how some of the elements and principles are used to create a work of artStudent will be able to use multiple criteria to judge/make an art work      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3    !JKLU\]d   / 8 L M N |  8NO~z~zrnnjfjnjhjUhWhanh,9han5h,9h,9h,95h2Z  *hXhp jhph,9hp5hbn j *hh *hhhhp h"wh"wh"wh"wCJaJ hF=A5 h]5h"whF=A5h"wh5h]h5>*h]h]5>*(!JK  8 M $If$a$gd"w M N | -'''$Ifkd$$Ifl֞ #^,p5  bb 0564 la 6 f $If +%%%$Ifkd$$Ifl4֞ #^,p5` ` bb 0564 la e D $If $IfgdF=A  d k +%%%$Ifkd$$Ifl4֞ #^,p5    bb 0564 lak _$If+%%%$Ifkd$$Ifl4֞ #^,p5` ` bb 0564 laG$If)##$Ifkd$$Ifl4֞ #^,p5    bb 0564 laO$If j7VW-.//0NObtu8>bcTfg PgXjhZh|O hg?5h? *hh2Z hbnh,9han5h2Z hjUhWhanP j-'''$Ifkd$$Ifl֞ #^,p5  bb 0564 laW.$If./0-'''$Ifkd$$Ifl֞ #^,p5  bb 0564 la0O$Ifbu-'''$Ifkd$$Ifl֞ #^,p5  bb 0564 lauc$IfTg-'''$Ifkd$$Ifl֞ #^,p5  bb 0564 lag g$IfXk-'''$Ifkd$$Ifl֞ #^,p5  bb 0564 lajk+}~h2&mHnHuh2&jh2&Uh$gjh$gUhF=Ah2Z hbnh|Ohank~$If-+&+gd2&kd $$Ifl֞ #^,p5  bb 0564 la$a$gd2& 51h0:pX= /!"#$% $$If!vh5 555 5b5b5 #v #v#v#v #vb#v :V l0565 555 5b5 4$$If!vh5 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