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Types of information (sources) selected do not relate to concepts or answer research question.Access the Needed InformationAccesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and most appropriate information sources.Accesses information using variety of search strategies and some relevant information sources. Demonstrates ability to refine search.Accesses information using simple search strategies, retrieves information from limited and similar sources.Accesses information randomly, retrieves information that lacks relevance and quality.Evaluate Information and its Sources CriticallyThoroughly (systematically and methodically) analyzes own and others' assumptions and carefully evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a position.Identifies own and others' assumptions and several relevant contexts when presenting a position.Questions some assumptions. Identifies several relevant contexts when presenting a position. May be more aware of others' assumptions than one's own (or vice versa).Shows an emerging awareness of present assumptions (sometimes labels assertions as assumptions). Begins to identify some contexts when presenting a position.Use Information Effectively to Accomplish a Specific PurposeCommunicates, organizes and synthesizes information from sources to fully achieve a specific purpose, with clarity and depthCommunicates, organizes and synthesizes information from sources. Intended purpose is achieved.Communicates and organizes information from sources. The information is not yet synthesized, so the intended purpose is not fully achieved.Communicates information from sources. The information is fragmented and/or used inappropriately (misquoted, taken out of context, or incorrectly paraphrased, etc.), so the intended purpose is not achieved.Access and Use Information Ethically and LegallyStudents use correctly all of the following information use strategies (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution) and demonstrate a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.Students use correctly three of the following information use strategies (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution) and demonstrates a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.Students use correctly two of the following information use strategies (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution) and demonstrates a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.Students use correctly one of the following information use strategies (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution) and demonstrates a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.     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