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Appropriate methodology or theoretical frameworks may be synthesized from across disciplines or from relevant subdisciplines.Critical elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are appropriately developed, however, more subtle elements are ignored or unaccounted for.Critical elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are missing, incorrectly developed, or unfocused.Inquiry design demonstrates a misunderstanding of the methodology or theoretical framework.AnalysisOrganizes and synthesizes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.Organizes evidence to reveal important patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.Organizes evidence, but the organization is not effective in revealing important patterns, differences, or similarities.Lists evidence, but it is not organized and/or is unrelated to focus.ConclusionsStates a conclusion that is a logical extrapolation from the inquiry findings.States a conclusion focused solely on the inquiry findings. The conclusion arises specifically from and responds specifically to the inquiry findings.States a general conclusion that, because it is so general, also applies beyond the scope of the inquiry findings.States an ambiguous, illogical, or unsupportable conclusion from inquiry findings.Limitations and ImplicationsInsightfully discusses in detail relevant and supported limitations and implications.Discusses relevant and supported limitations and implications.Presents relevant and supported limitations and implications.Presents limitations and implications, but they are possibly irrelevant and unsupported.     ()*+3456@AHIRSTVefa b 4 6 ? @ J K [ \ ` a o p , - qqhl|hyOJQJmH sH hl|hyOJQJ"hl|hy5OJQJ\mH sH hl|hOJQJhl|hOJQJhl|h5OJQJ\hl|h5OJQJ\hCJOJQJaJ&hl|h5OJQJ]^JmH sH  hl|5OJQJ]^JmH sH ,)*+46AISUVfb ysss$Ifxkd$$If \$ ,7.  @ 7274  a-ytl| $$Ifa$$a$ b 5 6 a - ne $Ifgdykd$$If r$ X ,7.   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