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Suspends judgment in valuing her/his interactions with culturally different others.Begins to initiate and develop interactions with culturally different others. Begins to suspend judgment in valuing her/his interactions with culturally different others.Expresses openness to most, if not all, interactions with culturally different others. Has difficulty suspending any judgment in her/his interactions with culturally different others, and is aware of own judgment and expresses a willingness to change.Receptive to interacting with culturally different others. Has difficulty suspending any judgment in her/his interactions with culturally different others, but is unaware of own judgment.     +,-5678BCJKTUVWXabz{f g   V W X a b ̺{iW{iW"hZH6hjC6CJOJQJ]aJ"hZH6h 46CJOJQJ]aJhZH6hZH6CJOJQJaJhZH6hjCCJOJQJaJhZH6h 4CJOJQJaJ"hZH6h 45CJOJQJ\aJ"hZH6hjC5CJOJQJ\aJ#hhjC5OJQJ^JmH sH  h 5OJQJ]^JmH sH  h5OJQJ]^JmH sH ",-68CKUWXb{g  yssss$Ifxkd$$If \8,:B\ \  :274  a-ytZH6 $$Ifa$$a$  W X b c 4 nkd$$If r8<,:B\  j\  :274  a-ytZH6$If T W b c % ( 3 4 678IJ|iViViViV$hZH6hjCCJOJQJaJmH sH $hZH6hrtCJOJQJaJmH sH "hZH6hjC6CJOJQJ]aJ"hZH6h 46CJOJQJ]aJ"hZH6hjC5CJOJQJ\aJ"hZH6h 45CJOJQJ\aJhZH6hZH6CJOJQJaJhZH6hjCCJOJQJaJhZH6hrtCJOJQJaJhZH6h 4CJOJQJaJ!8tnnnnnn$Ifkd$$If r8<,:B\  j\  :274  a-ytZH6+tnnnnnn$Ifkd@$$If r8<,:B\  j\  :274  a-ytZH6*+-.ͻufufufufͩuSuSuS$hZH6hrtCJOJQJaJmH sH hZH6hjCCJOJQJaJhZH6h 4CJOJQJaJ"hZH6hjC6CJOJQJ]aJ$hZH66CJOJQJ]aJmH sH "hZH6h 46CJOJQJ]aJ"hZH6hrt6CJOJQJ]aJ"hZH6hjC5CJOJQJ\aJ"hZH6h 45CJOJQJ\aJhZH6hZH6CJOJQJaJ/tnneenn $Ifgdrt$Ifkd$$If r8<,:B\  j\  :274  a-ytZH6./uv TUo޼weV޼VGhZH6h 4CJOJQJaJhZH6hjCCJOJQJaJ"hZH6hjC6CJOJQJ]aJ"hZH6h 46CJOJQJ]aJ"hZH6hjC5CJOJQJ\aJ"hZH6h 45CJOJQJ\aJhZH6hZH6CJOJQJaJhZH6hrtCJOJQJaJ$hZH6hrtCJOJQJaJmH sH hZH6h 4CJOJQJaJ$hZH6hjCCJOJQJaJmH sH URtnnnenn $Ifgdrt$Ifkd$$If r8<,:B\  j\  :274  a-ytZH6op{|QR zzzjhjd/Uhjd/jhjChjd/B*UphhjCCJOJQJaJhZH6hZH6CJOJQJaJhZH6hjCCJOJQJaJhZH6h 4CJOJQJaJhZH6hjCCJOJQJaJhZH6h 4CJOJQJaJ$hZH6hrtCJOJQJaJmH sH  trmkmkmkmkkrgdjCkd$$If r8<,:B\  j\  :274  a-ytZH6 9&P1F0:pZH6= /!"#$% $$If!vh#vB#v\ #v#v\ :V   :5B5\ 55\ / / / / 2744  a-ytZH6$$If!vh#vB#v\ #v #vj#v\ :V   :5B5\ 5 5j5\ / / / 2744  a-ytZH6$$If!vh#vB#v\ #v #vj#v\ :V   :5B5\ 5 5j5\ / / / 2744  a-ytZH6$$If!vh#vB#v\ #v #vj#v\ :V   :5B5\ 5 5j5\ / / / 2744  a-ytZH6$$If!vh#vB#v\ #v #vj#v\ :V   :5B5\ 5 5j5\ / / / 2744  a-ytZH6$$If!vh#vB#v\ #v #vj#v\ :V   :5B5\ 5 5j5\ / / / 2744  a-ytZH6$$If!vh#vB#v\ #v #vj#v\ :V   :5B5\ 5 5j5\ / / / 2744  a-ytZH6fE 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~PJ^J_HmH nH sH tH R`R Normal*$1$8$9DCJKH_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List ZoZ jCStandard *$8$9D$CJKHPJ^J_HaJmHsHtH NON jCHeading $xCJOJPJQJ^JaJ66 jC Text body x$/"$ jCListD"@2D jCCaption  $xx6CJ]aJ*B* jCIndex $<@R< jC Comment TextCJaJ@j@QR@ jCComment Subject5\H@rH jC Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ<O< jCTable Contents $BOB jC Table Heading $a$5\2o2 jC WW8Num1z0OJQJ2o2 jC WW8Num1z1OJQJ2o2 jC WW8Num1z2OJQJ2o2 jC WW8Num2z0OJQJ2o2 jC WW8Num2z1OJQJ2o2 jC WW8Num2z2OJQJ2o2 jC WW8Num3z0OJQJ2o2 jC WW8Num3z1OJQJ2o!2 jC WW8Num3z2OJQJ2o12 jC WW8Num4z0OJQJ2oA2 jC WW8Num4z1OJQJ2oQ2 jC WW8Num4z2OJQJB'`aB jCComment ReferenceCJaJBoqB jCComment Text CharmHsHNoN jCComment Subject Char5\mHsHVoV jCBalloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJmHsHBoB jC Internet link>*phwhDoD jCBullet SymbolsOJ PJ QJ ^J P/P jCDefault_20_Paragraph_20_Font.o. jCLLS_2_0OJQJ.o. jCLLS_2_1OJQJ.o. jCLLS_2_2OJQJ.o. jCLLS_2_3OJQJ.o. jCLLS_2_4OJQJ.o!. jCLLS_2_5OJQJ.o1. jCLLS_2_6OJQJ.oA. jCLLS_2_7OJQJ.oQ. jCLLS_2_8OJQJ.oa. jCLLS_1_0OJQJ.oq. jCLLS_1_1OJQJ.o. jCLLS_1_2OJQJ.o. jCLLS_1_3OJQJ.o. jCLLS_1_4OJQJ.o. jCLLS_1_5OJQJ.o. jCLLS_1_6OJQJ.o. jCLLS_1_7OJQJ.o. jCLLS_1_8OJQJ,,jCWW8Num1? 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