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Solution/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as all of the following: ethical, logical, and cultural dimensions of the problem.Proposes one or more solutions/hypotheses that indicates comprehension of the problem. Solutions/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as the one of the following: ethical, logical, or cultural dimensions of the problem.Proposes one solution/hypothesis that is off the shelf rather than individually designed to address the specific contextual factors of the problem.Proposes a solution/hypothesis that is difficult to evaluate because it is vague or only indirectly addresses the problem statement.Evaluate Potential SolutionsEvaluation of solutions is deep and elegant (for example, contains thorough and insightful explanation) and includes, deeply and thoroughly, all of the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/reasoning, examines feasibility of solution, and weighs impacts of solution.Evaluation of solutions is adequate (for example, contains thorough explanation) and includes the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/reasoning, examines feasibility of solution, and weighs impacts of solution.Evaluation of solutions is brief (for example, explanation lacks depth) and includes the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/reasoning, examines feasibility of solution, and weighs impacts of solution.Evaluation of solutions is superficial (for example, contains cursory, surface level explanation) and includes the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/reasoning, examines feasibility of solution, and weighs impacts of solution.Implement SolutionImplements the solution in a manner that addresses thoroughly and deeply multiple contextual factors of the problem.Implements the solution in a manner that addresses multiple contextual factors of the problem in a surface manner.Implements the solution in a manner that addresses the problem statement but ignores relevant contextual factors.Implements the solution in a manner that does not directly address the problem statement.Evaluate OutcomesReviews results relative to the problem defined with thorough, specific considerations of need for further work.Reviews results relative to the problem defined with some consideration of need for further work.Reviews results in terms of the problem defined with little, if any, consideration of need for further work.Reviews results superficially in terms of the problem defined with no consideration of need for further work     #$%&./01;<CDMNOQXY_`{ |   x z V W " ϽwhwhLhG#CJOJQJaJ*hLhkd5CJOJQJ\aJmH sH hLhnCJOJQJaJhLhjCJOJQJaJ"hLhj5CJOJQJ\aJ"hLhn5CJOJQJ\aJhnCJOJQJaJ&hnhn5OJQJ]^JmH sH  hn5OJQJ]^JmH sH ($%&/1<DNPQ`ypj$If $Ifgdkdxkd$$If \T+8^@ ^ 8274  a-ytL $$Ifa$$a$ |  y z W # ne $Ifgdkdkd$$If rT+8^@ N  8274  a-ytL$If # $ B 3 "=tkeeee$If $Ifgdkdkd$$If rT+8^@ N  8274  a-ytL" $ , - 6 7 8 A B 2 3 !"<>;<\]9:02DE߳ߡߡߡ$hLhG#CJOJQJaJmH sH hLhjCJOJQJaJ"hLhn5CJOJQJ\aJ*hLhL5CJOJQJ\aJmH sH *hLhkd5CJOJQJ\aJmH sH "hLhj5CJOJQJ\aJhLhnCJOJQJaJ2=>[w]:1tkeeee$If $Ifgdkdkd@$$If rT+8^@ N  8274  a-ytL12E-tnnnnn$Ifkd$$If rT+8^@ N  8274  a-ytLE,-  |}"$KLкШzjf^f^f^fzjh"Uh"jhnh"B*UphhnCJOJQJaJ$hLhG#CJOJQJaJmH sH hLhG#CJOJQJaJ"hLhn5CJOJQJ\aJ*hLhkd5CJOJQJ\aJmH sH "hLhj5CJOJQJ\aJhLhnCJOJQJaJhLhjCJOJQJaJ! }Ltkeeee$If $Ifgdkdkd$$If rT+8^@ N  8274  a-ytLtrmkmkmkmkkrgdnkd$$If rT+8^@ N  8274  a-ytL 9&P1F0:pL= /!"#$% $$If!vh#v^#v@ #v^#v :V  85^5@ 5^5 / / / / 2744  a-ytL$$If!vh#v^#v@ #vN #v#v :V  85^5@ 5N 55 / / / 2744  a-ytL$$If!vh#v^#v@ #vN #v#v :V  85^5@ 5N 55 / / / 2744  a-ytL$$If!vh#v^#v@ #vN #v#v :V  85^5@ 5N 55 / / / 2744  a-ytL$$If!vh#v^#v@ #vN #v#v :V  85^5@ 5N 55 / / / 2744  a-ytL$$If!vh#v^#v@ #vN #v#v :V  85^5@ 5N 55 / / / 2744  a-ytL$$If!vh#v^#v@ #vN #v#v :V  85^5@ 5N 55 / / / 2744  a-ytLfE 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~PJ^J_HmH nH sH tH R`R Normal*$1$8$9DCJKH_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List ZoZ nStandard *$8$9D$CJKHPJ^J_HaJmHsHtH NON nHeading $xCJOJPJQJ^JaJ66 n Text body x$/"$ nListD"@2D nCaption  $xx6CJ]aJ*B* nIndex $<@R< n Comment TextCJaJ@j@QR@ nComment Subject5\H@rH n Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ<O< nTable Contents $BOB n Table Heading $a$5\2o2 n WW8Num1z0OJQJ2o2 n WW8Num1z1OJQJ2o2 n WW8Num1z2OJQJ2o2 n WW8Num2z0OJQJ2o2 n WW8Num2z1OJQJ2o2 n WW8Num2z2OJQJ2o2 n WW8Num3z0OJQJ2o2 n WW8Num3z1OJQJ2o!2 n WW8Num3z2OJQJ2o12 n WW8Num4z0OJQJ2oA2 n WW8Num4z1OJQJ2oQ2 n WW8Num4z2OJQJB'`aB nComment ReferenceCJaJBoqB nComment Text CharmHsHNoN nComment Subject Char5\mHsHVoV nBalloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJmHsHBoB n Internet link>*phwhDoD nBullet SymbolsOJ PJ QJ ^J P/P nDefault_20_Paragraph_20_Font.o. nLLS_2_0OJQJ.o. nLLS_2_1OJQJ.o. nLLS_2_2OJQJ.o. nLLS_2_3OJQJ.o. nLLS_2_4OJQJ.o!. nLLS_2_5OJQJ.o1. nLLS_2_6OJQJ.oA. nLLS_2_7OJQJ.oQ. nLLS_2_8OJQJ.oa. nLLS_1_0OJQJ.oq. nLLS_1_1OJQJ.o. nLLS_1_2OJQJ.o. nLLS_1_3OJQJ.o. nLLS_1_4OJQJ.o. nLLS_1_5OJQJ.o. nLLS_1_6OJQJ.o. nLLS_1_7OJQJ.o. nLLS_1_8OJQJ,,nWW8Num1? 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