History / en Transfer Student Stipend Program /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/history/transfer-student-stipend-program Transfer Student Stipend Program Timothy White Thu, 12/14/2023 - 16:23

The History Department at NEIU is happy to introduce its first Community College Transfer Student Stipend Program for BA seeking students.

$1,000 will be awarded to any community college transfer student who successfully completes the following three steps:

  1. Be admitted to NEIU as a degree-seeking student.
  2. Declare History as a major.
  3. Pass 9 credit hours three 300-level history courses with a 2.5 GPA. 
    1. Students may complete all 9 units in one semester or longer, and all courses must count toward a BA degree in history at NEIU.

To Qualify

Applicants must have completed an Associate's degree or have completed 60+ college credits before their first semester at NEIU. Students who have transferred prior to Summer 2024 do not qualify for this stipend but other scholarships are available.

Note that this program does not disqualify students from applying to other forms of financial aid including scholarships and grants. Upon completion of step 3, a check for $1,000 will be mailed to the student.  

Interested Students Must Apply Now

There is a limit of 5 stipends per semester and they are only available to new (never attended NEIU) community college transfer students on a first come first serve basis beginning in the Summer 2024 sessions.

Application Deadlines

To reserve a place in the program interested students must apply no later than:

May 1, 2024 for Summer 2024
July 1, 2024 for Fall 2024

Declare a major in history


For more information, please contact the department chair Dr. Mateo Farzaneh at m-farzaneh@neiu.edu or (773) 442-5821.

Donate Now


Thu, 14 Dec 2023 22:23:16 +0000 Timothy White 94815 at
American Studies, Graduate Certificate /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/history/american-studies-graduate-certificate American Studies, Graduate Certificate

The American Studies Graduate Certificate provides you with the opportunity to deepen and expand your knowledge of the American experience in all its complexities, and challenge existing biases and notions of what it means to be American. Through this interdisciplinary program, in consultation with faculty advisors, students select eighteen credits of coursework, with no more than six credits in any one of twelve participating programs. This flexibility allows you to tailor the program to your particular needs and interests, while enabling you to work with accomplished faculty in a range of disciplines.

Vesna Misoska Thu, 09/15/2022 - 15:35 Department History History Affiliation College of Arts and Sciences Type Graduate Non-degree Certificate Location El Centro

The program will help students develop new frameworks, analytical approaches and materials. It will reward those whose curiosity about American cultures and societies calls for advanced work and interdisciplinary perspectives.

The certificate program provides rich and engaging professional development for those in fields such as education, and library and information science.

For more detailed career information, visit the U.S. Department of Labor .

Take a closer look at the American Studies Graduate Certificate and the courses offered toward the program.

If you are interested in the program or have questions, please contact History at (773) 442-5630.

91Porn is home to students from all corners of the world and is one of the most ethnically diverse universities in the nation. Our small class sizes, flexible schedules and dedicated faculty can help you succeed in your studies.

We offer an education with value.

American Studies, Graduate Certificate /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/history/american-studies-graduate-certificate Prog Desc Marketing Text Deepen and expand your knowledge of the American experience in all its complexities, and challenge existing biases and notions of what it means to be American with the American Studies Graduate Certificate.

Learn more about Northeastern and our programs today!

Loading... /* 1) ? '&' + location.search.substring(1) : ''); var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(script, s);/*]]>*/ ]]>
Thu, 15 Sep 2022 20:35:21 +0000 Vesna Misoska 94086 at
Alumni Profiles /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/history/alumni-profiles Alumni Profiles Timothy White Thu, 02/18/2021 - 15:59

As a History student, you will develop skills of critical thinking and writing that you will find indispensable as you pursue a variety of careers, including education, research, law, business, public affairs and the service professions. Below are a few alumni profiles to give you an idea of the many career opportunities available to History majors.

Christina Cogswell

B.A. in History, 2015 (NEIU) 
M.S. in Library and Information Sciences, 2017 (UIUC)
M.A. in History (NEIU - In progress)

I'm the Information Services Librarian at El Centro.  In this role I manage the El Centro Library, supervise 1 full-time employee, and 3 graduate assistants. It's my goal to make sure that students taking their classes at El Centro have the same services available to our on-campus students.  This includes access to our eResources and interlibrary loans, but also in-person reference help and meeting with students 1-on-1 to help with their research. Great customer service is a huge part of our job at the El Centro Library, and I feel lucky to be able to help students feel less stressed!

Studying history helped me in so many ways! The research skills (secondary + primary sources!) I gained while studying history are honestly so helpful! Once you learn something new, it's easy to forget how hard/overwhelming it was to learn it. Many students are intimidated and overwhelmed by the research process - it's been very nice to be able to share my experiences and successes at NEIU - I hope the students I help feel more confident after I meet with them. The other aspect of studying history I find beneficial is writing - when you study history, you end up doing so much writing. Because of this, I'm extremely comfortable with any writing that is required for my job. In addition to these skills helping me in my career, I also believe studying history has helped me in my life. Knowing how to evaluate the information that I encounter on a daily basis really helps me keep my critical thinking cap on. I also like to think that history helped me begin to understand so many huge socio/political issues that affect our lives every day. It caused me to start wondering about the how + why behind events and people's opinions. Having a small glimpse into the complications of human life through time helped me see those complications in everything around me.

Simeon Nockov

B.A. in History and Philosophy, 2009 (NEIU)
Juris Doctorat (JD), 2012 (Chicago-Kent College of Law)
Master of Laws (LL.M.), 2013 (University of California, Berkeley, School of Law)

Currently, I work for the State of Illinois as an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). As an ALJ, I preside over property tax appeals for residential, commercial, and industrial matters.

Studying history helped me develop the ability to research and analyze large amounts of information. These skills are very applicable to the field of law where we constantly research case law, statutes, and other pertinent authority. Being able to boil down the vast amount of information into a short persuasive story is what trial lawyers do on the daily basis. Studying history also gave me a deeper understanding of the historical context behind the political and cultural nuances that shaped the law as we know it today.

Erica Feldman

B.A. in History, 2007 (NEIU)
M.A. in Gender and Cultural Studies, 2012 (Simmons College)

I am the "Head Witch in Charge", and Creative Director of HausWitch Home + Healing, a radical, intersectional feminist witch store in Salem, MA.

My history degree from NEIU paved the way for my graduate work studying Witch trials and the archetype of the Witch from a multidisciplinary perspective. The knowledge I gained gave me a unique perspective when starting my business in Salem, MA, a town inextricably linked to history. I have also found that my background in history has provided a useful context with which to understand current events and I sincerely wish that more people studied history so that it would stop repeating itself!

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 21:59:53 +0000 Timothy White 92866 at
Ashley L. Elrod /node/83931 Ashley L. Elrod Charles Steinwedel Tue, 01/15/2019 - 12:51 Ashley Elrod Assistant Professor Expertise Early Modern Europe, Disability Studies, History of Science, Magic, and Religion Courses Taught HIST 111A: World History: The West to 1500 302B: Age of Reformation 307B: Age of Enlightenment 309: History of Disability HIST 300W: The Historian's Craft HIST 302B: Age of Reformation HIST 307B: Age of Enlightenment HIST 309: History of Disability HIST 343: Science, Magic, and Religion in History HIST 393: Capstone for History Majors Research Interests European history, German history, disability, guardianship, legal culture, gender Education

Duke University

History, Ph.D.

Selected Publications

“‘Moral Madness’: Representations of Prodigality, Disability, and Competence in German History,” in Disability in German-Speaking Europe: History, Memory, and Culture, ed., Linda Leskau, Tanja Nusser, and Katherine Sorrels (under contract with Camden House, 2022).

“Denouncing the Spendthrift: Debating Social Identity in the Court of Law and Public Opinion,” in Names and Naming in Early Modern Germany, edited by Beth Plummer and Joel Harrington. Berghahn Publishers (Oxford, UK), May 2019.

Additional Information

Awards & Honors:

  • National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Institute “Global Histories of Disability,” 2018
  • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation & Council for European Studies, Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 2016-2017
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Research Scholarship, 2013-2014


a-elrod@neiu.edu Office Hours Fall 2021: Tues & Thurs 1:45-3:15 p.m. and additional days/times by appointment. Available via phone and Zoom; in-person meetings upon request. Curriculum Vitae Elrod_Ashley_CV_2021.09.10.pdf161.71 KB

LWH 4093
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5624 L. History College of Arts and Sciences Main Campus ]]>
Tue, 15 Jan 2019 18:51:31 +0000 Charles Steinwedel 83931 at
Asian Studies, Minor /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/history/history-minor/asian-studies-minor Asian Studies, Minor

Students seeking to attain a minor in Asian Studies should meet the requirements listed in the Academic Catalog.

Vesna Misoska Tue, 05/17/2016 - 10:46 Department History History Affiliation College of Arts and Sciences Type Undergraduate Minor Location Main Campus

Take a closer look at the minor in Asian Studies and the courses offered in the program.

If you are interested in the program or have questions, please contact History and the Program Coordinator at (773) 442-5630.

91Porn is home to students from all corners of the world and is one of the most ethnically diverse universities in the nation. Our small class sizes, flexible schedules and dedicated faculty can help you succeed in your studies.

We offer an education with value.

Asian Studies, Minor /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/history/asian-studies-minor Prog Desc Marketing Text The Asian Studies minor uses an interdisciplinary approach, which exposes students to various aspects and topics of Asian studies via other disciplines. ]]>
Tue, 17 May 2016 15:46:48 +0000 Vesna Misoska 63086 at
George Gerdow /faculty/george-gerdow George Gerdow Charles Steinwedel Mon, 01/11/2016 - 15:32 George Gerdow Professor Emeritus Expertise U.S. - Latin American Relations Courses Taught Hist 214: United States History to 1877 Hist 215: United States History, 1877 - Present Hist 111D: World History: Latin America Research Interests U.S. - Latin American Relations; Latina/os in the U.S.; U.S. Foreign Policy; Native Americans Education

Loyola University Chicago

History, M.A.

g-gerdow@neiu.edu Office Hours None History College of Arts and Sciences El Centro Main Campus ]]>
Mon, 11 Jan 2016 21:32:17 +0000 Charles Steinwedel 57756 at
Richard Grossman /faculty/richard-grossman Richard Grossman Cristina Joe Fri, 01/23/2015 - 12:38 Richard Grossman Professor Emeritus Expertise Modern Central American History and United States foreign relations. Courses Taught Hist 111D: World History: Latin America Hist: 332B: United States Foreign Relations, 1914 - Present Hist 351: History of Central American and the Caribbean Hist 353: History of Mexico Research Interests Latin America Education

University of Chicago

History, Ph.D., 1996


Dr. Grossman specializes in modern Central American History and US Foreign Relations. His recent publications include "The Hero Never Dies: Augusto Sandino of Nicaragua" in Samuel Brunk and Ben Fallaw, eds. Heroes and Hero Cults in Latin America (University of Texas Press. 2006) and "The Blood of the People: The Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua's Fifty Year War Against the People of Nicaragua, 1927-1979" in Cecilia Menjivar and Nestor Rodriguez, eds. When States Kill: Latin America, the U.S., and Technologies of Terror (University of Texas Press, 2005).

r-grossman@neiu.edu Office Hours None
Curriculum Vitae RICHARD GROSSMAN CV.PDF38.18 KB History College of Arts and Sciences Main Campus ]]>
Fri, 23 Jan 2015 18:38:09 +0000 Cristina Joe 57441 at
Charles Steinwedel /faculty/charles-steinwedel Charles Steinwedel Cristina Joe Thu, 01/22/2015 - 12:38 Charles Steinwedel Professor Expertise Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet history; Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century; Europe 1871-1919; and graduate courses on the Russian Revolution and European Empires. Courses Taught Hist 111B: World History: The West, 1500 - Present Hist 305: Europe in the Age of Imperialism, 1871 - 1919 Hist 314A: Russian History from the Varangians to 1855 Hist 314B: Russian and Soviet History, 1855 - Present Hist 308: Human Rights in History, Literature, and Law Research Interests Empire, nationality, and religion in late imperial Russia; Sugar and Power in Late Imperial Russia Education

Columbia University

History, Ph.D., 1999

Selected Publications

Threads of Empire: Loyalty and Tsarist Authority in Bashkiria, 1552-1917 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2016).

External Publications Link c-steinwedel@neiu.edu Office Hours On leave 2024-25. Curriculum Vitae Steinwedel_CV_NOV 2023.pdf132.23 KB

Room LWH 4081
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5606 Ph.D. History College of Arts and Sciences Main Campus ]]>
Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:38:00 +0000 Cristina Joe 57431 at
Leo Bacino /faculty/leo-bacino Leo Bacino Cristina Joe Fri, 06/06/2014 - 12:45 Leo Bacino Expertise General U.S. History, political economy, foreign policy Courses Taught Hist 109: History of Chicago (First Year Experience Program) Hist 214: United States History, 1607-1877 Hist 215: United States History, 1877-Present Hist 325: The Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 1865-1920 Hist 326: The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1945 Hist 327: The U.S. in the Age of Crisis, 1945-Present Hist 332A: United States Foreign Policy, 1776-1914 Hist 332C: The United States in the Vietnam Conflict, 1945-1975 Research Interests United States political economy and foreign policy Education

Northern Illinois University

History, Ph.D., 1993

Selected Publications

Resconstructing Russia:  U.S. Policy in Revolutionary Russia, 1917-1922 (Kent, OH:  The Kent State University Press, 1999)

l-bacino@neiu.edu Office Hours Spring 2019- Monday & Wednesday 10am-10:30am, 11:20am-12:50pm, 2:10pm- 2:45pm; Friday 10am-10:30, 11:30am-12pm
Curriculum Vitae Bacino CV.pdf39.25 KB

Lech Walesa Hall 4091
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5619 History College of Arts and Sciences Main Campus ]]>
Fri, 06 Jun 2014 17:45:52 +0000 Cristina Joe 56806 at
Christina M. Bueno /faculty/christina-m-bueno Christina M. Bueno Ymelda Robles Thu, 06/05/2014 - 11:45 Christina Bueno Professor; Bernard J. Brommel Distinguished Research Professor Expertise Latin American History Courses Taught Hist 111D: World History: Latin America Hist 353: History of Mexico Hist 354: Contemporary Latin America Hist 392: Problems in History: Food and Drink in History Hist 392: Problems in History: History of the Cuban Revolution Hist 392: Problems in History: Revolutions in Modern Latin America Hist 392: Problems in History: Writing and Methods for History Majors LLAS 101: Intro to Latino and Latin American Studies Field Seminar in Latino and Latin American Studies Seminar on Mexican Nationalism and National Identity Mexico City in Historical Perspective Pro-Seminar: Latin America in the Cold War Graduate Seminar: Commodities in Latin American History Graduate Seminar: Latin America in the Cold War Graduate Seminar: Resistance and Accommodation in Mexican History Research Interests Mexican history, Latin American history, nation building, national and ethnic identities, race, indigenous peoples, museums, material culture, history of archaeology, history of memory, postcolonial studies. Education

University of California, Davis
Latin American History, Ph.D.

Selected Publications


"The Pursuit of Ruins: Archaeology, History, and the Making of Modern Mexico" (University of New Mexico Press, 2016.)

Winner of:

  • Michael C. Meyer Prize for Best Book on Mexican History in a Five-Year Period, 2017
  • Alfred B. Thomas Award 2016, Honorable Mention
  • Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 2017 Book Prize, Honorable Mention
c-bueno@neiu.edu Office Hours Please contact for appointment Curriculum Vitae Most recent CV Bueno.pdf246.5 KB

Room LWH 4087
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5608 M. History Latina/o and Latin American Studies College of Arts and Sciences Main Campus ]]>
Thu, 05 Jun 2014 16:45:09 +0000 Ymelda Robles 56791 at