World Languages and Cultures / en Hablemos de todo un poco /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/world-languages-and-cultures/hablemos-de-todo-un-poco Hablemos de todo un poco Mary Kroeck Thu, 04/14/2022 - 14:28

History and mission

Hablemos de todo un poco began as Tertulias: Noches de conversaciones virtuales. The events were hosted by the graduate assistants of World Languages and Cultures. It is a curated space for Northeastern students, employees and members of the Northeastern extended community to practice their Spanish or dialogue with other Spanish speakers, no matter their level of fluency.

These informal events will cover a variety of cultural topics in Spanish, all within a friendly and supportive setting. Groups are formed based on levels of ability, from beginners through native speakers. 

The purpose of these sessions is to create academic and informal conversations in such a way they help learners develop their Spanish language skills naturally and feel confident in using their knowledge in a variety of settings. The session will also engage learners in conversations about the social, political and economic context of the Spanish language and how it can influence current issues.

The meeting materials will be provided prior to each session via email. Signing up in advance is strongly encouraged. 


Meetings will take place at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays via Zoom. Please sign up in advance to receive the Zoom link. 


If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact Associate Professor of Spanish Brandon Bisby at

Get social!

Historia y Metas

“Tertulias” ahora es “Hablemos un poco de todo.”

Tertulias: Noches de conversaciones virtuales, presentadas por estudiantes de posgrado del Departamento de Lenguas y Culturas Globales, es un evento diseñado para practicar el español o dialogar con otros hispanohablantes, sin importar su nivel.

Estos eventos informales están abiertos a todos los miembros de la comunidad NEIU que busquen practicar el idioma o conversar sobre una variedad de temas culturales en español en un espacio ameno y solidario. Al principio de cada sesión, formaremos grupos apropiados para todo nivel de hablantes, desde principiantes hasta personas nativas.

Las Noches de Conversaciones virtuales tendrán el propósito de crear conversaciones académicas e informales, de tal manera que ayuden al estudiante a desenvolverse naturalmente y con la seguridad que lo aprendido lo pueda emplear en cualquier ámbito. El material será proveído previo a las reuniones a través de los diferentes medios electrónicos o e-mail. La idea es originar conversaciones donde se pueda incluir el contexto social, político y económico, y cómo estos influyen en temas de actualidad.


Las reuniones se llevarán a cabo a las 6 p.m. los miércoles a través de Zoom. Favor de registrarse con anticipación para recibir el enlace de Zoom.


Si necesita más información, comuníquese con la profe. Brandon Bisbey,


Thu, 14 Apr 2022 19:28:01 +0000 Mary Kroeck 93690 at
Program Descriptions /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/world-languages-and-cultures/program-descriptions Program Descriptions mbrown68 Wed, 01/23/2019 - 10:05

French Studies, Minor

Korean, Minor

Latin American Literatures and Cultures, M.A.

Spanish, B.A.

Spanish, Minor

Teacher Licensure in Spanish K-12

Wed, 23 Jan 2019 16:05:16 +0000 mbrown68 84066 at
Korean, Minor /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/world-languages-and-cultures/korean-minor Korean, Minor

The Korean minor consists of 21 credits taken at the Northeastern campus or at any of our partner universities in South Korea. There are no required courses for the minor, so students are able to design the minor to fit their own personal goals. The Korean program provides students with an opportunity to concentrate on acquiring expertise in the modern Korean language and culture. The Korean minor will strengthen a student's overall skills in internationalism and provide a focus on one of the world's most important nations.

Vesna Misoska Tue, 11/27/2018 - 12:39 Department World Languages and Cultures World Languages and Cultures Affiliation College of Arts and Sciences Type Undergraduate Minor Location Main Campus

The Korean program allows students to acquire a strong working knowledge of the Korean language, culture, and society in order to broaden their horizons and sharpen their awareness of Korea in this era of internationalism and globalization. The program can help prepare students for work in contexts where the language and culture are pertinent, or to live and work in Korea; as informed and capable individuals equipped with appropriate intercultural skills and awareness.

Employment may be available with import and export trade organizations, international banking houses, or U.S. companies abroad. An increasing number of domestic and multinational companies are seeking employees who have backgrounds in multicultural studies as a way of dealing with the global market. In addition, an increasing number of students and graduates are going on teach English in Korea.

For more detailed career information, visit the U.S. Department of Labor 

Take a closer look at the minor in Korean and the courses offered in the program.

Please note that the program will be published in the 2019-2020 Academic Catalog in the summer. For immediate inquiries, please contact the department for details.

If you are interested in the program or have questions, please contact World Languages and Cultures at (773) 442-4740.

Korean, Minor /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/world-languages-and-cultures/korean-minor Prog Desc Marketing Text Strengthen skills in the Korean language and culture with the Korean minor designed to benefit personal goals and academic needs. ]]>
Tue, 27 Nov 2018 18:39:09 +0000 Vesna Misoska 83231 at
Teaching Endorsement (Spanish K-12 ) /teaching-endorsement-spanish-k-12 Teaching Endorsement (Spanish K-12 ) Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 05/24/2016 - 17:29

To obtain an endorsement in Spanish K-12, licensed teachers must complete the following courses or their equivalencies with grades of C or above:

  • SPAN 314 - Latin American Culture
  • SPAN 315 - Spanish Culture
  • SPAN 321 - Latin American Literature I
  • SPAN 323 - Latin American Literature II
  • SPAN 326 - Spanish Literature I
  • SPAN 328 - Spanish Literature II
  • SPAN 319 - Applied Spanish Linguistics
  • One capstone seminar (SPAN courses numbered 350-399)
  • EDFN 305 - Philosophical & Historical Foundations of Public Education
  • EDFN 306 - Education & Individual Differences
  • EDFN 307 - Psychology of Instruction & Learning
  • LTCY 301 - Teaching Literacy in Middle & Secondary Schools
  • SCED 311 - School Curriculum
  • SCED 303F - Teaching Modern Foreign Language in the Secondary School
  • SCED 304J - Clinical Experience in the Secondary School: Spanish 

In addition, they must pass these two exams:

  • ILTS (Illinois Licensure Testing System) Content Area Exam in Spanish with an average score of 240.
  • OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) with a rating of Advanced Low level or above.

The Oral Proficiency Interview is administered by the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), and are nationally recognized for assessing oral and written proficiency according to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. for an appointment to take the tests at the Language Learning Lab.

For more information, please contact Anastasia Brelias at or (773) 442-4556.

Tue, 24 May 2016 22:29:02 +0000 Anonymous 76896 at
Olivia M Edelman /faculty/olivia-m-edelman Olivia M Edelman Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/09/2016 - 11:48 Olivia Edelman Instructor of Spanish Courses Taught SPAN 323 Latin American Literature II SPAN 415 Latin American Avant-Gardes Research Interests Latin American Literature and Cultures, Spanish Language Education

NEIU Office Hours Spring 2016: Mondays 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., Wednesdays 3:00 - 4:00 p.m., or by appointment.

LWH 2035
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(777) 442-4755 M World Languages and Cultures College of Arts and Sciences Main Campus YouTube /youtube ]]>
Tue, 09 Feb 2016 17:48:53 +0000 Anonymous 57791 at
Silvana T Mederos /faculty/silvana-t-mederos Silvana T Mederos Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/09/2016 - 11:33 Silvana Mederos Instructor of Spanish Courses Taught SPAN 315 Spanish Culture Research Interests Spanish language, culture and literature. Education

NEIU Office Hours Spring 2016: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:45 - 2:30 p.m. or by Appointment.

Lech Walesa Hall 2035
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(777) 442-4755 T World Languages and Cultures College of Arts and Sciences Main Campus YouTube ]]>
Tue, 09 Feb 2016 17:33:20 +0000 Anonymous 57786 at
Odette K Bazi /faculty/odette-k-bazi Odette K Bazi Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/09/2016 - 10:58 Odette Bazi Instructor of Aramaic Language Courses Taught WLC 200S Introduction to Assyrian Culture ARAM 101 Aramaic I ARAM 102 Aramaic II Research Interests Aramaic language, Assyrian culture Education

NEIU Office Hours M/W 10 – 11 a.m. and 1 - 2 p.m.

LWH 2030
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-4293 K World Languages and Cultures College of Arts and Sciences Main Campus YouTube /youtube ]]>
Tue, 09 Feb 2016 16:58:43 +0000 Anonymous 57781 at
Teacher Licensure in Spanish K-12 /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/world-languages-and-cultures/teacher-licensure-spanish-k-12 Teacher Licensure in Spanish K-12

To become a licensed K-12 teacher of Spanish, students must:

  1. Complete the .
  2. Pass the administered by ACTFL (American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages) with a score of Advanced Low or above.
  3. Pass the administered by ILTS (Illinois Licensure Testing System) with a minimum average score of 240.
  4. Complete a professional education sequence in secondary education outlined in the Academic Catalog.
mbrown68 Thu, 09/03/2015 - 14:16 Department World Languages and Cultures World Languages and Cultures Affiliation College of Arts and Sciences Type Undergraduate Major Location Main Campus

Completion of the Teacher Licensure in Spanish K-12 will satisfy all standards for teacher licensure as required by the Illinois State Board of Education. 91Porn has not made a determination as to whether this education degree program meets the educational requirements for licensure or certification in any of the other 54 U.S. states and jurisdictions. Specific requirements for licensure or certification in states other than Illinois vary from state-to-state. In some cases, you may need to take additional coursework or exams to meet individual state requirements and/or you may need to complete background checks.

Take a closer look at the Teacher Licensure in Spanish K-12 and the courses offered toward the program.

If you are interested in the program or have questions, please contact World Languages and Cultures at (773) 442-4740.

91Porn is home to students from all corners of the world and is one of the most ethnically diverse universities in the nation. Our small class sizes, flexible schedules and dedicated faculty can help you succeed in your studies.

We offer an education with value.

Teacher Licensure in Spanish K-12 /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/world-languages-and-cultures/teacher-licensure-spanish-k-12 Prog Desc Marketing Text Apply knowledge and skills to develop learning experiences for students using effective teaching methods and clinical components. ]]>
Thu, 03 Sep 2015 19:16:44 +0000 mbrown68 63041 at
Donate to World Languages and Cultures at Northeastern /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/world-languages-and-cultures/donate-world-languages-and-cultures-northeastern Donate to World Languages and Cultures at Northeastern Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 05/01/2015 - 13:07 Did you know that gifts to the department World Languages and Cultures support activities like student and faculty travel, scholarships, and high-tech learning materials for our students?  

In April 2015, thanks to these types of donations, Victor Negrete and Meztli Santamaria were awarded the annual Dr. Calixto C. Masó, Jewell Berlinger, and Arturo Nájera scholarshps for their excellent work in the study of Spanish.

We are grateful for the support of our alumni, friends and family. Donations can provide opportunities above what our normal operating budget allows. If you would like to support World Languages and Culures, you can make a tax-deductible gift to the NEIU Foundation: 
  • Online at . Under Designation, select "Other" and type "World Languages and Cultures". Complete the rest of the form as prompted; (Tom - we like to create a "Donate Now" button. My colleague Sylvia handles the development webpages and can show you how to do this if needed. She's cc'd here.)
  • Or via check made payable to the NEIU Foundation, and designate "World Languages and Cultures" in the memo. Please mail to: NEIU Foundation, 5500 N. St. Louis Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
Fri, 01 May 2015 18:07:11 +0000 Anonymous 76641 at
Department News and Events /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/world-languages-and-cultures/department-news-and-events Department News and Events Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 05/01/2015 - 12:19

Spanish National Honor Society SIGMA DELTA PHI @ NEIU




Fri, 01 May 2015 17:19:34 +0000 Anonymous 76636 at