Teacher Education / en Subsequent Endorsements /academics/daniel-l-goodwin-college-of-education/departments/teacher-education/subsequent-endorsements Subsequent Endorsements Ishaque Syed Tue, 12/13/2022 - 12:50

Undergraduates in the Goodwin College of Education have a variety of options for adding a second endorsement to their Professional Educator License (PEL) by the time they graduate from NEIU. Second endorsements in high-need areas are often very valuable for securing jobs in all fields of licensure, but especially elementary education. Some endorsements are tied to an academic minor; all of the endorsements align with . Please explore the links below to learn more about the options that are available and consult with your academic advisor if you would like more information or do not see the endorsement that you are interested in listed below.



  • Early Childhood Education Birth-Grade 2

The Early Childhood endorsement is an excellent subsequent endorsement for teacher candidates who are earning an elementary endorsement. The endorsement may be added by passing the content exam and completing 18 semester hours of coursework in Child Growth and Development; Planning and Assessment; Methods and Content Pedagogy; Literacy Methods; and Collaborative Relationships with Family or Communities. For more information, contact Ulisa Blakely, u-blakely@neiu.edu, (773) 442-5389.

  • Special Education LBS I (PK-21)

This endorsement requires the completion of four courses: Teaching Learners with Moderate to Severe Disabilities- (SPED 376); Development & Characteristics of Children w/Exceptional Learning Needs - SPED 272 (372); Strategies for Differentiating Instruction for Students w/Exceptional Learning Needs - SPED 382; and Informal Assessment and Progress Monitoring - SPED 383. For more information, contact Jason Gallardo at j-gallardo2@neiu.edu or (773) 442-5933.

  • Middle Grades 5-8 in General Science, Language Arts, Mathematics or Social Sciences

The Middle Grades 5-8 endorsement is an excellent endorsement for teacher candidates who are also earning an elementary endorsement. The endorsement may be added by passing the content exam and completing 18 semester hours of coursework in one of the following content areas: General Science, Language Arts, Mathematics or Social Sciences. For more information, contact Sean Condon, s-condon@neiu.edu, (773) 442-5374.

  • Elementary Education, Physical Education, Reading and Other Teaching Fields

In general, 18 semester hours of coursework is required for a subsequent endorsement in these and all other teaching fields. A passing score on the appropriate content test also is required. More information about these and all other subsequent endorsements is available on the . For more information, consult with a GCOE undergraduate academic advisor.

Tue, 13 Dec 2022 18:50:29 +0000 Ishaque Syed 94223 at
Deb Faermark /faculty/deb-faermark Deb Faermark Ishaque Syed Wed, 08/10/2022 - 16:27 Deb Faermark Instructor, TED Summer Graduate Advisor, ECACE Mentor Courses Taught ECED 327: Clinical Experiences In Early Childhood Education: Kindergarten To 2nd Grade ECED 328F: Clinical Experiences In Early Childhood Education/ Special Education Emphasis ECED 329: Student Teaching In Early Childhood ELED 304: Inquiry-Based Social Studies In The Elementary Grades ELED 428: Clinical Teaching ELED 428C: Clinical Teaching: Content Areas MLED 428A/B: Clinical Experience: Literacy In The Middle Grade/English Learners MLED 428C: Clinical Experience Endorsement Areas In The Middle Grades MLED 416: Social Studies As Inquiry In The Middle Grades ELED 506: Research Methodologies For Classroom Teachers. ELED 507: Action Research Design Seminar Research Interests Exploring the roles of administrators with regard to co-teaching, collaboration, and inclusion. Specifically, the impact that professional development trainings on co-teaching and collaboration for administrators have on their ability to provide feedback to co-teachers in order to support and improve their co-teaching practices. Education

Ph.D., Special Education

C.A.S. Special Education

M.A.T Elementary Education

B.S. Communication Disorders and Sciences

Selected Exhibitions

Faermark, D.L. (2018, December). Disability Awareness and Successful Inclusion Supports.

Workshop Presentation at the Association of Illinois Middle-Grade Schools (AIMS) Conference.

Faermark, D.L. (2018, November). Successful Administrator Supports for Co-Teachers in the Inclusive Classroom. Paper presentation at the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council of Exceptional Children.

Faermark, D.L. (2018, March). Successful Supports for Co-Teachers. Paper presentation at the South by Southwest (SXSW) EDU Conference.

Faermark, D.L. & Zeitlin, J.M. (2017, November). Administrator Supports for Co-Teachers in the Inclusive Classroom. Paper presentation at the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council of Exceptional Children.

Faermark, D.L. (2008, November; 2010, November). Differentiated Curriculum in the Classroom for All Learners, Invited Presenter New Teacher Workshop, Governor’s State University.

Faermark, D.L. (2008, December). Disability Awareness Through Simulations, Workshop presentation at the Association of Illinois Middle-Grade Schools (AIMS) Conference.

Wakefield D.S. & Faermark, D.L. (2014, January). Google Drive: A Tool for Collaboration, Co-Teaching and Classroom Connections. Workshop presentation at the Assistive Technology Industry Association.

d-faermark@neiu.edu Office Hours Virtual, by appointment.

Room LWH 2067
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(312) 447-9841 Ph.D. Teacher Education College of Education Main Campus ]]>
Wed, 10 Aug 2022 21:27:01 +0000 Ishaque Syed 94026 at
Lindsay Maldonado, Ph.D. /faculty/lindsay-maldonado-phd Lindsay Maldonado, Ph.D. Ishaque Syed Thu, 06/30/2022 - 12:33 Lindsay Maldonado Assistant Professor Courses Taught EDFN 303: Early Childhood Development ECED 355: Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies in Early Childhood Education Research Interests My research examines how program and experience design support engagement and learning for children and families in informal learning settings. My research interests include informal education and STEM learning in museums. Education

Ph.D., Child Development, Loyola University Chicago

M.S., Child Development, Erikson Institute

B.A. Psychology, 91Porn

Selected Publications

Mast, F., Zhao, L., & Maldonado, L. (2018). Instrument development and validation for conservation learning: A tool for more rigorous research and evaluation. Curator: The Museum Journal, 61(2), 637-383.

Nesbitt, K., & Maldonado, L. (2016). Language as process: Using words to shape exhibit design. Exhibition. The Journal of Exhibition Theory and Practice for Museum Professionals, 36(1) 64-69.

Professional Affiliations & Membership L-maldonado2@neiu.edu Office Hours Vary by semester and teaching schedule.

Room LWH-3042
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

773-442-5379 Ph.D. Teacher Education College of Education Main Campus ]]>
Thu, 30 Jun 2022 17:33:03 +0000 Ishaque Syed 93952 at
Theresa A. DeCicco /faculty/theresa-decicco Theresa A. DeCicco Ishaque Syed Tue, 06/21/2022 - 13:49 Theresa A. DeCicco Instructor Courses Taught BLBC 328A: Clinical Experiences BLBC 328B: Clinical Experiences BLBC 340: Teaching English Learners In Diverse Classrooms BLBC 440: Methods For Teaching English Learners In Diverse Classrooms BLBC 441: Methods For Teaching Content In Bilingual Classrooms BLBC 339: Culturally Responsive Teaching in Diverse Classrooms BLBC 439: Cultural Diversity In Our Schools BLBC 438: Foundations Of Bilingual Education ELED 303: Children's And Young Adult Literature ELED 309: Content Area Literacy Research Interests Professional Learning, Supporting Teachers of Students in Multilingual Classrooms. Education

M.S. Reading

M.Ed. Bilingual Bicultural Education

T-DeCicco@neiu.edu Office Hours Virtual, by appointment

Room LWH 3034
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Teacher Education College of Education Main Campus ]]>
Tue, 21 Jun 2022 18:49:08 +0000 Ishaque Syed 93937 at
Bilingual Education, Minor /academics/daniel-l-goodwin-college-of-education/departments/teacher-education/bilingual-education-minor Bilingual Education, Minor

The minor in Bilingual Education, when combined with the following education major leading to a teaching license: Early Childhood (birth to 2nd grade), Middle Level (5th to 8th grade), Secondary (9th-12th grade), Physical Education (K-12th grade) or Special Education (K-age 21), prepares individuals to work with English learners in bilingual settings within the grade range of their initial endorsement.

In order to obtain a Bilingual Endorsement, students completing a minor in Bilingual Education must do one hundred hours of clinical experiences in a bilingual classroom and pass a state test of language proficiency.


Students must be admitted to the Goodwin College of Education and in one of the Education majors listed above.

Vesna Misoska Mon, 07/13/2020 - 12:25 Department Teacher Education Teacher Education Affiliation College of Education Type Undergraduate Minor Location Main Campus

Take a closer look at the minor in Bilingual Education and the courses offered toward the program.

If you are interested in the program or have questions, please contact Teacher Education at (773) 442-5380.

91Porn is home to students from all corners of the world and is one of the most ethnically diverse universities in the nation. Our small class sizes, flexible schedules and dedicated faculty can help you succeed in your studies.

We offer an education with value.

Bilingual Education, Minor /academics/daniel-l-goodwin-college-of-education/departments/teacher-education/bilingual-education-minor Prog Desc Marketing Text The minor in Bilingual Education prepares individuals to work with English learners in bilingual settings within the grade range of their initial endorsement. ]]>
Mon, 13 Jul 2020 17:25:43 +0000 Vesna Misoska 91536 at
Amanda L.G. Montes Ph.D. /faculty/amanda-lg-montes-phd Amanda L.G. Montes Ph.D. Cassandra Martinez Tue, 12/10/2019 - 15:24 Amanda Montes Associate Professor Expertise K-12 Bilingual/ESL, Applied Linguistics Courses Taught BLBC 340, BLBC 440, BLBC 439, BLBC 339 Research Interests Bilingual Education
World Englishes
Second Language Acquisition
Arts Integration for Language Teaching
Liberatory Pedagogy
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Arizona State University; 2014; The Use and Perception of English in Brazilian Magazine Advertisements.


M.A. Applied Linguistics, University of Massachusetts Boston; 2007, emphasis on English as a Second Language. 


B. A. English, University of Massachusetts Amherst; 2003

Certificate in Latin American Studies. Colegio Hispano Continental, Salamanca (Spain); 2003; Spanish Language & Culture Summer Program.

Selected Publications

Fernández Álvarez, M. & Montes, A. L. G. (Eds.). (2023). Global perspectives on effective assessment in English language teaching. IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8213-1


Montes, A. L. G., & Fernández Álvarez, M. (2023). Linguistic mediation strategies for promoting equity and social change in the bilingual education classroom. In A. Esmail (Ed.), English language learners: A social change perspective. National Association for Multicultural Education.


Montes, A. L. G., & Fernández Álvarez, M. (2022). Planting seeds: Pre-service teachers explore the legacies of Projeto Axé and Projeto Semear. In S. R. Barros & L. C. Oliveira (Eds.), Paulo Freire and multilingual education: Theoretical approaches, methodologies, and empirical analyses in language and literacy (1st ed.). Routledge. 


Fernández Álvarez, M., Paz- Albo, J., Hervás-Escobar, A., & Montes, A. L. G. (2022). Bilingual education teachers’ perceptions of the educational climate and policies in the United States and Spain. Revista Complutense de Educación.


Fernández Álvarez, M. & Montes, A. (2021). Student engagement in the online classroom. In REDINE (Ed.). Conference proceedings EDUNOVATIC 2020 (p. 344). Adaya Press.


Montes, A., Valenciano, C. & Fernández, M. (2018). Training bilingual educators at a PBI. Multicultural Learning and Teaching, 13(1).


Montes, A. L. G. (2016). English in Brazil: A sociolinguistic profile. Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism and Practice, 8(1).

a-montes@neiu.edu Office Hours Vary by semester (773) 442-4557 L. Ph.D. Teacher Education College of Education Main Campus ]]>
Tue, 10 Dec 2019 21:24:13 +0000 Cassandra Martinez 88406 at
Vanessa J. King /staff/vanessa-j-king Vanessa J. King Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/19/2019 - 13:37 Vanessa King Student Support Specialist & Adjunct Instructor Expertise Visual Art and Art Education Education

Master of Social Work; University of Illinois Chicago, 2018

Master of Education in Visual Art; DePaul University, 2004

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting; University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana, 2001

Professional Affiliations & Membership Background

Professional Licensed Teacher since 2004; Grades preK-12

Experienced educator in Chicago Public Schools with master's degrees in Education and Social Work. Success in developing, advocating for, and implementing Learning Experiences that are creative, relevant and accessible to diverse audiences.

NEIU University supervisor and methods instructor for pre-service Art Educators.

v-king@neiu.edu Office Hours By appointment
J. Teacher Education (773) 442-5387 ]]>
Tue, 19 Feb 2019 19:37:46 +0000 Anonymous 84296 at
Program Descriptions /academics/daniel-l-goodwin-college-of-education/departments/teacher-education/program-descriptions Program Descriptions mbrown68 Tue, 01/22/2019 - 15:53

Bilingual Education, Minor

Early Childhood Education, B.A.

Elementary Education, B.A.

Elementary Education, M.A.T.

Focus Programs

Middle Level Education, B.A.

Middle Level Education, M.A.T.

Teaching and Inquiry, M.S.

Teaching Endorsements

Tue, 22 Jan 2019 21:53:31 +0000 mbrown68 84061 at
Faculty and Staff Contacts /academics/daniel-l-goodwin-college-of-education/departments/teacher-education/faculty-and-staff-contacts Faculty and Staff Contacts mbrown68 Tue, 07/24/2018 - 15:16

Teacher Education Department 
Office Location: Room LWH 3039

(773) 442-5380 teacher-education@neiu.edu Teacher Education Rachel Adeodu Ph.D. Department Chair, Associate Professor Teacher Education College of Education (773) 442-5369 r-adeodu@neiu.edu Expertise Early Childhood Development and Education, Early Childhood Literacy and Assessment; Partnership with families of young children. Courses Taught ECED 301: Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Education ECED 302: Philosophical & Historical Foundations of Early Childhood Education ECED 306: Methods of Teaching Reading in Early Childhood ECED 316: Child, Family & Community ECED 328M: Clinical Experiences in Early Childhood Education-Kindergarten & Primary Greades Multicultural Emphasis ECED 329: Student Teaching in Early Childhood ECED 407: Family, Child and Teacher Interaction ECED 410: Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Education READ 416: Reading in the Prmary Grades Research Interests Family involvement in early childhood literacy and education. The influence of immigrant families' "funds of knowledge" in the education of their children. Early childhood curriculum and instruction in the age of accountability. Education

University of Alberta
Elementary Education: Early Childhood Education concentration and cross-cultural education, Ph.D.

University of Glasgow
Educational Administration, M.Ed.

Ahmadu Bello University
English Language Arts Education, B.A.


Professional Affiliations & Membership r-adeodu@neiu.edu

Room LWH 3018
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5369 Office Hours Vary by semester and teaching schedule. Main Campus Sean E. Condon Program Advisor Teacher Education (773) 442-5374 s-condon@neiu.edu Expertise Advisor for Undergraduate Majors in:
Elementary Education (grades 1-6)
Middle Level Education (grades 5-8)

Post-baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Program (TLP) in:
Elementary Education
Middle Level Education Education

English, B.A.


Program Advisor since April, 2009.


Room LWH 4048
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625-4699
United States

(773) 442-5374 Office Hours Email or call for appointment hours. Amina Chaudhri Ph.D. Professor; Elementary Education Program Coordinator Teacher Education College of Education (773) 442-5368 a-chaudhri@neiu.edu Expertise Literacy, children's literature, and multicultural education. Courses Taught ELED 303: Children's Literature ELED 304: Methods of Teaching Social Studies ELED 309: Content Area Literacy ELED 435: Children's and Young Adult Literature Research Interests Teacher preparation, literacy, children's literature, and multicultural education. Education

University of Illinois at Chicago
Curriculum Studies, Ph.D.

Michigan State University
Curriculum and Instruction, M.A.

Oberlin College
English, B.A.

Selected Publications

Chaudhri. A. (2021), Cultural Dexterity Through Multiracial Nonfiction. Chapter in Reading and Teaching with Diverse Nonfiction Children’s Books: Representations and Possibilities. Thomas Crisp, Roberta Gardner and Suzanne Knezek (eds). NCTE Publications.

Chung, S. & Chaudhri, A. (2021). Biographies of Women in the Robert Sibert Award: A Critical Content Analysis. Journal of Children’s Literature. 47 1

Chaudhri, A. & Torres, L.M. (2021). Jugos There? Codeswitching Strategies in Bilingual Picturebooks. Children’s Literature in Education. 1-17.

Chaudhri, A. (2017). Multiracial Identity in Children’s Literature. Routledge. New York, NY.

Chaudhri, A. & Schau, N. (2016). Imaginary Indians: Representations of Native Americans in Scholastic Reading Club. Children’s Literature in Education. 47 (1), 20 – 37.

Professional Affiliations & Membership a-chaudhri@neiu.edu

Room LWH 4019
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625-4699
United States

(773) 442-5368 Office Hours Vary by semester and teaching schedule. Main Campus Yi Hao Ph.D. Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education Teacher Education College of Education (773) 442-5386 y-hao@neiu.edu Expertise Early Childhood Education and the arts. Courses Taught ECED 303: Early Childhood Development ECED 301: Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Education ECED 328i: Clinical Experiences in Early Childhood Education: Infant/Toddler ECED 316: Child, Famiiy, and Community ECED 328T: Clinical Experience in Early Childhood Education, Preschool-KG and Primary-Technology Emphasis ECED 312: Teaching Strategies with Multicultural Groups ECED 325: Literature for Young Children ECED 408: Language Acquisition and Intervention Strategies for Teachers of Young Children ECED 352: Method of Teaching Language Arts, Music and Art in Early Childhood Education ECED 325: Literature for Young Children ECED 452: Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Language Arts, Music, and Art in Early Childhood Research Interests Infant/Toddler Reflective Teaching Education

State University of New York at Buffalo Early Childhood Education, Ph.D.

Concordia University. Master in Early Childhood Education.

Nanjing Normal University, China. Bachelor in Early Childhood Education.

Selected Publications

Articles published

"Reaching potentials: Effective strategies for cultivating student teachers' creativity in teaching art"

"Lesson plan writing"

"Educating Early Childhood Teacher Education Students for the Global World"

"Portfolio assessment in early childhood"

Honors Background

Dr. Hao has taught Early Childhood courses for over 14 years. She grew up in China and moved to Chicago in 1984. Dr. Hao specialized in teaching how to work with infants and toddlers. Her favorite saying is "Let children be children."


Room LWH 3023
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5386 Office Hours Vary by semester. Main Campus Hanna Kim Ph.D. Associate Professor Teacher Education College of Education (773) 442-5383 h-kim17@neiu.edu Expertise Science Education For Diverse Learners. Inquiry based Science Teaching. Science and Classroom Technology Integration. Courses Taught ELED 305: Methods of Teaching Science MELD 335: Teaching Science at the Middle School/Elementary Levels with Problem Solving ELED 329: Student Teaching Seminar ELED 415: Interrelated Instructional Methods of Science and Mathematics in Elementary and Middle School (graduate level) ELED 428: Clinical (Literacy-graduate level) ELED 506: Research Methods for Teachers (graduate level) Research Interests Inquiry based science teaching and learning for diverse learners including ELLs. Science and technology integration. Integrating computational thinking (CT) into science classrooms. Education

University of Texas at Austin Science Education, Ph.D.

Ewha Womans University. South Korea Science Education, B.A.

Selected Publications

Kim, H. & Adler, R. (manuscript in progress), Promoting Future Teachers' Computational Thinking in STEM (funded by the NSF grant).

Slate, J., Hibdon, J., Mayle, S., Kim, H., & Sudha, S. (2019). A Multidisciplinary Approach to Incorporating Computational Thinking in STEM Courses for Preservice Teachers. In M. Realdon (Ed.), Integrating Digital Technology in Education: School-University-Community Collaboration (pp.1-25). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

Adler, R & Kim, H. (2017). Enhancing future K-8 teachers’ computational thinking skills through modeling and simulations, Education and Information Technologies. 1-14. doi;

Kim, H. (2016). Inquiry-Based Science and Technology Enrichment Program for Middle School-Aged Female Students, Journal of Science Education and Technology. 25(2), 174- 186. doi:10.1007/s10956-015-9584-2.

Kim, H. (2015). Effects of Science and Engineering Practices on Science Achievement and Attitudes of Diverse Students including ELLs, National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), Journal of Research and Practice, 6, 1-23. 

Kim, H. (2011). Inquiry based science and technology program: green earth enhanced with inquiry and technology. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20, 803-814.

Selected Performances


Erbacher, A., Chavez, J., León, M., and Kim, H., (2018, October). Integrating Computational Thinking in an Elementary and Middle School Pre-Service Science Curriculum through Robotics, Presented at the SACNAS. The National Diversity in STEM Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Kim, H. (2017, November). Enhancing Future Teachers’ Computational Skills through Coding and Simulations, Presented at the Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture, Rome, Italy.

Kim, H. & Adler, R. (2016, June), Future Teachers’ Computational Thinking and Conceptual  Changes using Scratch Programming, Paper presented at the EdMedia (AACE) World Conference on Educational Media & Technology, Vancouver, BC.

Kim, H. & Adler, R. (2016, October), Promoting Future Teachers' Computational Thinking in STEM, Invited presentation at the NETT Day talk, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL.

Kim, H., Adler, R., and Konan, J. (2016, November), Integrating Computational Thinking in Preservice Science Classrooms, Paper presented at the Northern Illinois Science Education (NISE) Conference, Naperville, IL.

Kim, H. (2016, April), How Do We Save the Endangered Monarch Butterfly around the City? Promoting Students’ Problem-Solving & Argumentation Skills Using Polling Technology, Invited presentation at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA-Middle School Level) Conference, Nashville, TN. 

Kim, H. & Malovey, T. (2015, April), Effects of Science and Engineering Practices on Science Achievement and Attitudes of Diverse Students including ELLs, Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA) Conference, Chicago, IL. 

Kim, H. & Malovey, T. (2015, March), Science and Engineering Practices Among Diverse Students’ Learning about Environmental Science, Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference, Chicago, IL. 

Kim, H. (2014, April), Effects of Science Inquiry Practices on Diverse Seventh Grade Students' Science Achievement and Attitudes, Paper presented for a presentation at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST), International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Kim, H. & Malovey, T. (2014, November), Effects of Science Inquiry Practices on Diverse 7th Grade Students' Science Achievement and Attitudes, Paper presented at the Northern Illinois Science Education (NISE) Conference, Naperville, IL.

Kim, H. & Aguirre, S. (2013, October), Green Earth Enhanced with Science and Engineering Practices, Paper presented at the Illinois Science Education Conference (ISEC) in Tinely Park, IL.

Kim, H. (2013, April), Inquiry based Science and Technology Enrichment Program: Green Earth Enhanced with Inquiry and Technology, Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST), International Conference, Puerto Rico.


2016-2019  National Science Foundation (STEM+Computing) Grant: CodEd STEM (Coding for Educators in STEM)

2014-2015 Chicago Community Trust Grant: Next Generation  Educator for Middle School: Refining STEM with Pedagogical Content and Literacy-NGEMS

Professional Affiliations & Membership h-kim17@neiu.edu

LWH 3041
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625-4699
United States

(773) 442-5383 Office Hours Varies by semester. Main Campus Amanda L. Montes Ph.D. Associate Professor Teacher Education College of Education (773) 442-4557 a-montes@neiu.edu Expertise K-12 Bilingual/ESL, Applied Linguistics Courses Taught BLBC 340, BLBC 440, BLBC 439, BLBC 339 Research Interests Bilingual Education
World Englishes
Second Language Acquisition
Arts Integration for Language Teaching
Liberatory Pedagogy
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Arizona State University; 2014; The Use and Perception of English in Brazilian Magazine Advertisements.


M.A. Applied Linguistics, University of Massachusetts Boston; 2007, emphasis on English as a Second Language. 


B. A. English, University of Massachusetts Amherst; 2003

Certificate in Latin American Studies. Colegio Hispano Continental, Salamanca (Spain); 2003; Spanish Language & Culture Summer Program.

Selected Publications

Fernández Álvarez, M. & Montes, A. L. G. (Eds.). (2023). Global perspectives on effective assessment in English language teaching. IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8213-1


Montes, A. L. G., & Fernández Álvarez, M. (2023). Linguistic mediation strategies for promoting equity and social change in the bilingual education classroom. In A. Esmail (Ed.), English language learners: A social change perspective. National Association for Multicultural Education.


Montes, A. L. G., & Fernández Álvarez, M. (2022). Planting seeds: Pre-service teachers explore the legacies of Projeto Axé and Projeto Semear. In S. R. Barros & L. C. Oliveira (Eds.), Paulo Freire and multilingual education: Theoretical approaches, methodologies, and empirical analyses in language and literacy (1st ed.). Routledge. 


Fernández Álvarez, M., Paz- Albo, J., Hervás-Escobar, A., & Montes, A. L. G. (2022). Bilingual education teachers’ perceptions of the educational climate and policies in the United States and Spain. Revista Complutense de Educación.


Fernández Álvarez, M. & Montes, A. (2021). Student engagement in the online classroom. In REDINE (Ed.). Conference proceedings EDUNOVATIC 2020 (p. 344). Adaya Press.


Montes, A., Valenciano, C. & Fernández, M. (2018). Training bilingual educators at a PBI. Multicultural Learning and Teaching, 13(1).


Montes, A. L. G. (2016). English in Brazil: A sociolinguistic profile. Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism and Practice, 8(1).

a-montes@neiu.edu (773) 442-4557 Office Hours Vary by semester Main Campus Hector Morales Jr. Associate Professor; MAT Program Facilitator Teacher Education College of Education (773) 442-5376 h-morales3@neiu.edu Expertise Mathematics Education, Emerging Language learners, classroom discourse. Courses Taught ELED 310: Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Methods ELED 403: Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Elementary and Middle Schools ELED 328A: Clinical Experience Research Interests Teaching and learning of mathematics with English language learners, mathematical discourse, equity issues in mathematics education, and effective use of technology in mathematics education. Education

University of Illinois at Chicago, Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Mathematics Education, Ph.D.

University of Illinois at Chicago, Teaching of Mathematics, M.S.T.

DePaul University, Mathematics, B.A. 

Selected Publications

DiNapoli, J & Morales Jr., H. (2021). Translanguaging to Persevere is Key for Latinx Bilinguals’ Mathematics Success. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 14(2), 71-104. DOI:

Willey, C. & Morales Jr., H. (2020). Translanguaging to Ensure Latinx Mathematics Learners Thrive. In Sacristán, A.I., Cortés-Zavala, J.C. & Ruiz-Arias, P.M. (Eds.). Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mexico. Cinvestav / AMIUTEM / PME-NA. https:/doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020

DiNapoli, J. & Morales Jr., H. (2020). Translanguaging to Persevere: Supporting and Recognizing the Meaning-Making Process for Latinx Bilingual Students of Mathematics. Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, 11(2), 26-34.

Translanguaging Study Group. (2020). Translanguaging and The Mathematics Classroom. Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics. 11(2), 8-15. (Contributors: Zandra de Araujo, Carlos Nicolas Gomez, Ji Yeong I, Elyssa Miller, Hector Morales Jr., Sarah Roberts, Erin Smith, Miwa Takeuchi, Mary Truxaw, and Craig Willey)

Willey, C. & Morales, H. (2019). Latinx Learners and Translanguaging in a Mathematics Club. In Otten, S., Candela, A. G., de Araujo, Z., Haines, C., & Munter, C. (2019). Proceedings of the forty-first annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri.

Morales, H. & DiNapoli J. (2019). Translanguaging to Persevere: Bridging Methodological Lenses to Examine Latinx Bilingual Students’ Problem-Solving. In Otten, S., Candela, A. G., de Araujo, Z., Haines, C., & Munter, C. (2019). Proceedings of the forty-first annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri

Morales, H., & DiNapoli, J. (2018). Latinx Bilingual Students' Perseverance on a Mathematical Task: A Rehumanizing Perspective. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 7(3), 226-250. doi:

Morales Jr., H. (2012).  Cases of Practice: Teaching Mathematics to ELLs in Secondary School; Case 4: Twelfth-Grade English Language Learners and the Making of Mathematical Meanings.   In S. Celedón-Pattichis & N. G. Ramirez (Eds.), Beyond Good Teaching: Advancing Mathematics Education for ELLs.  Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Morales Jr., H., Vomvoridi-Ivanović, E., Khisty, L.L.(2011).  A Case Study of Multi-Generational Mathematics Participation in an After-School Setting: Capitalizing On Latinas/os Funds of Knowledge.  In Téllez, K., Moschkovich, J.N., & Civil, M. (Eds.) Latinos/as and Mathematics Education: Research on Learning and Teaching in Classrooms and Communities. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


State of Illinois, Professional Educator License, 6-12 Mathematics


Room LWH 3010
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5376 Office Hours TBA Main Campus YouTube http://hub.neiu.edu/youtube Selina L.P. Mushi Ph.D. Professor; Early Childhood Education Teacher Education College of Education (773) 442-5382 s-mushi@neiu.edu Expertise Measurement and evaluation in Curriculum & Instruction. Second language learning. Early Childhood Education. Courses Taught ECED 301: Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Education ECED 313: WIP: Language Development and Education Implications ECED 338: Developmental Assessment of Preschool Children ECED 412: Research Seminar in Early Childhood Education EDFN 303: Early Childhood Development ECED 402: Application of Learning Theories to Early Childhood Education ECED 403: Early Childhood Assessment ECED 408: Language Acquisition and Intervention Strategies for Teachers of Young Children ECED 455: Methods of Teaching Math Science and Social Studies in Early Childhood Education Research Interests Multiple Languages and Learning: Assessment Education

University of Toronto, Education. Ph.D.

University of Dar es Salaam, M.A. Education; B.Educ.

Teaching Certificate (Grade A), Marangu Teachers' College.

Selected Publications

Mushi, S. L. P. (2015). Global Analysis of Education in the 21st Century: What Kinds of Schools Do We Need Today? New York: Edwin Mellen Press (ISBN13:978-1495503573; 10:145503577) 

Mushi, Selina (2012). Multiple Languages and the School Curriculum: Experiences from Tanzania Online submission (ERIC) 2012 65 pp. (ED537709) 

Mushi, Selina, (2011). Book Review: The SIOP® Model for Teaching Mathematics to English Language Learners' Intercultural Education, 22:1, 123 – 125. 

Mushi, S. L P. (2008). “Information Technology and the Curriculum Process: Student Participation and the Changed Role of the Teacher” In S. Nombuso Dlamini (Ed.) New Directions in African Education: Challenges and Possibilities. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, pp 121-145.

Mushi, S. L. P. (2008).  Supporting English Language Learners Across the College Curriculum. A Teaching Module developed as part of the Higher Education Cooperative Act (HECA) Grant (Illinois State University and 91Porn), June 2008.

Mushi, S. L. P. (2008).  Collaborative Guided Games for Young ELLs. A Teaching Module developed as part of the Higher Education Cooperative Act (HECA) Grant (Illinois State University and 91Porn), June 2008.

Mushi, S. L. P. (2008). Strengthening Middle School ELLs’ Formal Conversation Skills: The Role of Guided Class Debates. A Teaching Module developed as part of the Higher Education Cooperative Act (HECA) Grant (Illinois State University and 91Porn), June 2008.

Mushi, S. L. P. (2003). Teaching and Learning Strategies That Promote Access, Equity and Excellence in University Education. In K. S. Brathwaite (Ed.) Access & Equity in the University: A Collection of Papers from the 30th Anniversary Conference of the Transitional Year Programme, Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press (pp 207-230). 

Mushi, S. L. P. (2002). Simultaneous and Successive Second Language Learning: Integral Ingredients of the Human Development Process, Early Child Development and care, Vol. 172 No. 4 pp.349-358. 

Mushi, S. L. P. (2002). Acquisition of Multiple Languages among Children of Immigrant Families: Parents' role in the Home-School Pendulum" Early Child Development and Care, Vol. 172 no. 5 pp.517-530. 

Selected Performances

Unleashing Natural Capital Through Nurturing Human Development - International presentation at the DICOTA Convention, Chicago Marriott O'Hare, August 30th to Sept 2nd, 2012.

Authentic Assessment of Learning Among English Language Learners.  Presentation to college faculty and teachers in District 158 on October 30, 2013. Juried. Invitation by Lulia Sarmiento LSarmiento@distric158.org.

Authentic Assessment of Student Learning at the Course Level -presented at the 9th annual Texas A & M University Assessment Conference:  Using Assessment to Drive Improvement, College Station, Texas, February 22-24, 2009.  Juried.


Professional Affiliations & Membership Background

Dr. Mushi has 15 years of teaching experience at 91Porn. In addition, she has taught and done research at Cameron University, Pace University, University of Toronto, University of Dar es Salaam.

Prior to her university experiences, Dr. Mushi spent nine years teaching in primary schools, grades 1-7, English, math, Kiswahili, geography and science.


Room LWH 3011
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625-4699
United States

(773) 442-5382 Office Hours Vary by semester. Main Campus Steven Wolk Ed.D. Professor; MSTI Program Coordinator Teacher Education College of Education (773) 442-5397 s-wolk@neiu.edu Expertise Teaching language arts (reading and writing). Children's and young adult literature. Writing workshop. Curriculum design and theory. Project-based teaching. Inquiry-based teaching. 21st century literacies. Critical literacy. Democratic and multicultural education. Courses Taught ELED 301: Curriculum of the Elementary School ELED 304: Methods of Teaching Social Studies ELED 329: Student Teaching ELED 416: Social Studies as Inquiry ELED 418: Theoretical Implications of Instruction ELED 428: Clinical Teaching ELED 429: Student Teaching ELED 520: Curriculum and Inquiry ELED 525: New Literacies for the 21st Century ENG 390: Young adult fiction LTCY 504: Literature for Reading Instruction in a diverse society LTCY 506: Reading and Writing Relationships in Secondary Grades Research Interests Teaching language arts. Children's and young adult literature. Teaching social studies. Curriculum design and theory. Project-based teaching. Inquiry-based teaching. 21st century literacies (critical and creative thinking). Critical literacy. Democratic and multicultural education. School and curriculum reform. Education

National-Louis University Instructional Leadership / Curriculum & Instruction, Ed.D.

National-Louis University Elementary Education, M.A.T.

University of Illinois at Chicago Communication Design,  B.A.

University of Illinois at Chicago Photography/Film, B.A.

Selected Publications

Wolk, S. (2013). Caring hearts & critical minds: Literature, inquiry, and social responsibility. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.

Wolk, S. (2002). Being good: Rethinking classroom management and student discipline.  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Wolk, S. (1998). A democratic classroom. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Wolk, S. (2013). Reading democracy: Exploring ideas that matter with middle grade and youngadult literature. English Journal 103 (2), 45-51.

Wolk, S. (2011).  Reading for a better world: Teaching for social responsibility with young adult literature. Journal of Adoloescent and Adult Literacy 52(8), 664-673.

Wolk, S. (2010). What should students read? Phi Delta Kappan: 12 must-reads from Kappan 2009-2010: 53-61. 

Wolk, S. (2010). What should students read? Phi Delta Kappan 91(7), 8-16.

Wolk, S. (2010). Reading social responsibility. Educational Leadership.

Wolk, S. (2009). Reading for a better world: Teaching for social responsibility with young adult literature. Journal for Adolescent and Adult Literacy.

Wolk, S. (2008). School as inquiry. Phi Delta Kappan 90, 115-122.

Wolk, S. (2008). Joy in school. Educational Leadership 66, 8-14.

Wolk, S. (2007). Why go to school? Phi Delta Kappan 88, 648-658.

Wolk, S. (2004). Using picture books to teach for democracy. Language Arts, 82, 26-35.

Wolk, S. (2003, Fall).  Teaching for goodness.  Rethinking Schools

Wolk, S. (2003). Teaching for critical literacy in social studies. Social Studies 94(3): 101-105.

Wolk, S. (2003). Hearts and minds.  Educational Leadership, 61(1), 14-18.

Honors s-wolk@neiu.edu

Room LWH 3092
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625-4699
United States

(773) 442-5397 Office Hours Vary by semester. Main Campus Linda Zemtseff M.Ed. Teacher Education College of Education (773) 442-5392 l-zemtseff@neiu.edu Expertise Math Education Courses Taught ELED 310: Methods of Teaching Mathematics-Elementary School ELED 328: Clinical Experience in Elementary Education ELED 329: Student Teaching in Elementary Education Research Interests Math Instruction-Elementary & Middle School. Teacher Education. Curriculum Development. Staff Development. Supervision. Education

Loyola University Instructional Leadership (Curriculum & Instruction/Supervisor), M.Ed.

Professional Affiliations & Membership Honors Background

Ms. Zemtseff has served as an Elementary and Middle School Teacher for nine years.

In addition she has held positions as:  Instructor at Mallincrodt College; Instructor and Supervisor at both Loyola University and Illinois State University;  currently, is an Instructor and Supervisor in the Elementary Education Program at 91Porn.



Lech Walesa Hall (LWH) 3034
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5392 Office Hours Varies by semester: Main Campus ]]>
Tue, 24 Jul 2018 20:16:30 +0000 mbrown68 69196 at
J. Ruth Dawley-Carr /faculty/j-ruth-dawley-carr J. Ruth Dawley-Carr Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 02/22/2018 - 13:16 J. Ruth Dawley-Carr Associate Professor Courses Taught SCED 415: Introduction to Curriculum SCED 402H: Methods of Teaching Social Sciences SCED 403H: New Directions in Teaching History SCED 404H: Clinical Experience in Secondary School History Research Interests Citizenship and civic education, internationally; History of women and girls' education, particularly in Cuba; Teaching with and for discussion; Teacher preparation at the secondary level. Education

Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015.

Dissertation: Citizenship Education in Cuba: Ideals, Contradictions and Convivencia

M.S. Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006

B.S. in Secondary Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1999

Selected Publications

Dawley-Carr, J.R. (2021). Cuba’s citizenship education model and its current challenges. Peabody Journal of Education, 96(3), 307-318. DOI: 10.1080/0161956X.2021.1942709

Blum, D., Dawley-Carr, J. R., & Bridges, J. (2019). Cuba. Teen lives around the world: A global encyclopedia, 1, 101-116. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Blum, D., & Dawley-Carr, J.R. (2018). If Cuban and US education leaders debated: Sacando la cuenta (Taking an inventory) on the teaching profession. Educational Studies, 54(5), 522-535. DOI: 10.1080/00131946.2018.1467321

Dawley-Carr, J. R. & Blum, D. (2017). If Betsy DeVos Met Ena Elsa Velázquez. Cuba Counterpoints. 

Blum, D. & Dawley-Carr, J. R. (2016). Teachers Wanted. Cuba Counterpoints. 

Blum, D., Smith, R. & Dawley-Carr, J. R. (2016). Being a “good Cuban”: Socialist citizenship education in a globalized context. In Choo, S., Vinz, R., Sawch, D., & Villanueva, A. (Eds.), Educating for 21st Century Global Capacities: International Perspectives and Capacities (pp. 281-296). New York City: Springer.


National Science Foundation Noyce Track 3 Grant, 2023-2028 ($1, 047, 523.00)

National Science Foundation Noyce Capacity Building Grant, 2021-2023 ($121,211)

Chicago Service Learning and Civic Education Consortium Fellowship, 2018-2019 ($1,500)

91Porn Summer Research Stipend, 2018 ($5,000)

Professional Affiliations & Membership Background

Languages: Spanish (proficient), Portuguese (Brazilian, conversational), Kiswahili (Zanzibari, basic knowledge), Quichua (Ecuadorian, basic knowledge).

Teacher Licensure: 6-12, in History (1999), Spanish (1999), and English as a Second Language (2008)

Additional Information

Selected Presentations and Workshops

Dawley-Carr, J. R., Harrell, K., & Lam, S. (2023, May). Teaching about Elections. Paper to presented at the Annual Conference of the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece.

Dawley-Carr, J. R. (2021, April). Civics education in a divided nation. Interactive talk given at the Fourth Annual Civics Summit sponsored by the Service Learning and Civic Education Consortium, Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

Dawley-Carr & Chaudhri. (2019, April). Discussion and facilitation with pre-service teachers. Service Learning and Civic Education Consortium’s Civics Summit. Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

Chaudhri, A. & Dawley-Carr, J.R. (2019, June). Controversial discussion in the classroom. Workshop sponsored by Service Learning and Civic Education Consortium for pre-service teachers at Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

jrdawleycarr@neiu.edu Office Hours Email or phone for an appointment.

Room LWH 4005
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5522 Teacher Education College of Education Main Campus YouTube /youtube ]]>
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