Ombuds / en Resources /university-life/ombuds-office/resources Resources Tyler Smith Thu, 04/02/2020 - 11:59

Videos and Recorded Online Presentations 

Thu, 02 Apr 2020 16:59:02 +0000 Tyler Smith 90191 at
Feedback /university-life/ombuds-office/feedback Feedback Tyler Smith Mon, 09/09/2019 - 10:57

Ombuds Feedback Questionnaire 

Feedback from users of the Ombuds Office's services (visitors) is much appreciated!

If you have worked with the Ombuds Office,  to provide feedback about your experience. Your feedback will guide future efforts to improve ombuds services to the University community. Your responses are completely anonymous and go directly to the Ombuds Office.  

Mon, 09 Sep 2019 15:57:37 +0000 Tyler Smith 87001 at
About the Ombuds /university-life/ombuds-office/about-ombuds About the Ombuds Tyler Smith Tue, 08/27/2019 - 13:27

The University Ombuds position is currently vacant. NEIU is in the process of identifying the next University Ombuds.








Tue, 27 Aug 2019 18:27:31 +0000 Tyler Smith 86776 at
Services /university-life/ombuds-office/services Services Timothy White Fri, 08/23/2019 - 09:22

The Ombuds is available to work with individuals and groups in a variety of ways. The Ombuds always honors the unique characteristics of each situation and the people involved to tailor approaches that meet the needs of visitors. Below is a list of common services offered by the Ombuds Office. If you aren’t sure whether the Ombuds Office is the right place to go, please contact us. The Ombuds Office can often be the first place to go to talk through the situation and gain the clarity that you need to determine how to proceed.


Do you want help thinking through a difficult situation or concern? Are you not sure what to do, where to go, or what your options are? 

The Ombuds can help you talk through the situation and gain the clarity that you need in order to decide how to proceed. The Ombuds can share information about University policies, procedures, norms and expectations. The Ombuds can also refer you to other University or Community resources. All decisions are up to you and, because of confidentiality, you get to maintain control over what happens with the information you share.


Are you experiencing a difficult situation, disagreement or conflict with someone else at the University (student, faculty, supervisor, supervisee, colleague, peer, etc.)? Are you uncertain about whether you should address it? Are you uncertain about how to address it if you do? Have you tried to address it and it didn’t get any better?

In a one-on-one setting, the Ombuds can listen to your concerns without judgment, help you untangle and clarify the issues and explore a range of options or strategies for moving forward. The Ombuds can offer coaching to help you prepare for a difficult conversation, navigate a difficult negotiation or just generally build your skillset and capacity to address the issue independently. Because it is confidential, no one has to know you came to the Ombuds Office for assistance.

Informal Inquiry

In certain circumstance and with permission from the visitor, the Ombuds can reach out to relevant individuals or offices to gather more information about an issue. The information gathered can be used to broaden perspective, clear up uncertainties, increase understanding of the issues and help the visitor generate additional options for resolution.

Facilitated Discussions

Sometimes, it can be difficult to find ways to have constructive dialogue when we are in conflict with others. Often, a neutral third party can help create the kind of space and process that disrupts difficult communication patters and provides people with the opportunity to share perspectives, feel heard, jointly make sense of the issues and collaborate together to determine the best path forward. So long as all people agree, the Ombuds can play the role of the neutral third party to facilitate discussion.

Shuttled Negotiation

Ombuds frequently encourage those in conflict to engage one another directly to find collaborative resolutions to their problems. In some circumstances, however, the concerns are better resolved by shuttling information between people who are not able to engage with each other directly (for a variety of reasons). In those situations, the Ombuds can meet with individuals separately and “shuttle” communication back and forth.

Group Facilitation

As a neutral third party, the Ombuds can provide facilitation services to groups (of all sizes) who are interested in using problem-solving, structured dialogue, decision-making process and/or general meeting management to achieve their desired outcomes.

Group/Team Collaboration and Conflict Resolution

The Ombuds can help groups explore and address issues that often create challenging group dynamics or conflict; such as, change, leadership, communication, roles and responsibilities, interpersonal challenges, resource management, decision-making, trust, and more.

Workshops and Presentations

In addition to general outreach about the Office, the Ombuds offers customized (for particular groups) and general “open-enrollment-style” topical presentations and workshops on relevant topics such as conflict management, difficult conversations, interpersonal communication, negotiation and more.

Institutional Consultation

The Ombuds is available to help the institution, as a whole, and large groups work through the process of change, transition and growth. The Ombuds does not make decisions or create policy, but can offer perspective, challenge assumptions and raise important questions to help decision makers ensure their processes and outcomes are fair and transparent.

Systemic Feedback and Intervention

The Ombuds is uniquely situated to be able to identify systemic and structural issues that may produce or exacerbate conflict and threaten institutional values, health and functioning. The Ombuds can provide systemic feedback and work with University stakeholders to explore effective systemic interventions and solutions.

Fri, 23 Aug 2019 14:22:17 +0000 Timothy White 86676 at
Contact /university-life/ombuds-office/contact Contact Tyler Smith Tue, 08/06/2019 - 16:18

Contacting the Ombuds Office 

You can reach out to make an appointment at any time.  Appointments can take place in-person at the Ombuds Office, at any of our off-campus locations (El Centro, Carruthers Center), or off campus at a nearby location.  Appointments can also take place by phone. Please be mindful that email should not be considered confidential.  Please include only your contact information and availability to meet/speak; do not include sensitive or confidential information about your situation. 

  • Phone: (773) 442-4527
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Ronald Williams Library, Room 216

The Ombuds Office is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible for all members of the University community.  When you contact the office, please let the Ombuds know if you have any special meeting request or needs (time, location, accommodations, etc.).

(773)-442-4527 Ombuds ]]>
Tue, 06 Aug 2019 21:18:09 +0000 Tyler Smith 86401 at
Tyler S Smith /staff/tyler-s-smith Tyler S Smith Tyler Smith Fri, 08/02/2019 - 12:57 Tyler Smith Ombuds Education

Salisbury University
Master of Arts in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution

Salisbury University
Bachelor of Arts in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution 

Professional Affiliations & Membership Office Hours Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Meeting hours are flexible upon request. S. Ombuds (773) 442-4527 ]]>
Fri, 02 Aug 2019 17:57:41 +0000 Tyler Smith 86341 at
Contact /about/working-here/employee-ombuds-office/contact Contact mbrown68 Mon, 07/02/2018 - 11:05

Meetings with the ombuds are by appointment only and can take place in the Ombuds Office, at any of our locations, off campus at a nearby location, or by telephone. You can schedule an appointment via email or voice mail, but please do not include any confidential information as privacy cannot be ensured.

Mon, 02 Jul 2018 16:05:12 +0000 mbrown68 69846 at
Ombuds Principles /university-life/ombuds-office/ombuds-principles Ombuds Principles Tyler Smith Mon, 07/02/2018 - 11:00

The Ombuds Office adheres to the International Ombudsman Association’s and as well as Northeastern’s Statement of Values. There are four key principles that guide the work of the Ombuds: Confidentiality, Informality, Impartiality, and Independence.


The Ombuds Office is confidential. The promise of confidentiality helps create a safe place for visitors to freely voice concerns. The Ombuds will not identify you or discuss your concerns with anyone unless you give your permission during the course of your informal discussions with the Ombuds and the Ombuds agrees that such disclosure is an appropriate option. The only exceptions to confidentiality are when the ombuds believes there is an imminent risk of serious harm, suspects child abuse or neglect, or is compelled by a court.


All conversations with the Ombuds are voluntary, informal, off-the-record, and do not serve as legal notice to Northeastern of a problem. This also means that the Ombuds does not keep permanent records for the University, conduct investigations, participate in formal grievances or complaints, or serve as a witness. There may be times when the Ombuds takes notes, but the notes are shredded when the Ombuds is finished working with you, if not before.


The Ombuds is a designated impartial person and will not take sides in any conflict, dispute or issue. The Ombuds will impartially consider the interests and concerns of everyone involved in a situation with the aim of facilitating communication and assisting people in reaching mutually acceptable agreements that are fair and equitable, and consistent with the mission and policies of the University. The Ombuds can act as an advocate for fairness.


The Ombuds has sole discretion on managing the day to day-to-day operations of the Ombuds Office and over how to act regarding individual matters or systemic concerns. Reporting directly to the president for administrative purposes only, the Ombuds operates outside the primary University structure. This allows the Ombuds to work free from pressure or influence that could interfere with addressing your concerns.

University Ombuds Policy 

In the fall of 2019, an Ombuds Office policy was finalized and adopted by NEIU. The purpose of the policy is to formally define the standards of practice, privileges, responsibilities, and limitations on the authority of the Ombuds and the Ombuds Office. You can use this link to view a copy of the Ombuds Office policy

Mon, 02 Jul 2018 16:00:18 +0000 Tyler Smith 69806 at
Ombuds Office /university-life/ombuds-office Ombuds Office Feature Style Static Image mbrown68 Mon, 07/02/2018 - 10:58

Welcome To The Ombuds Office

Important Message ABout Ombuds Office Services

Ombuds services are temporarily unavailable as the University Ombuds position is currently vacant. NEIU is in the process of identifying the next University Ombuds. In the meantime, we encourage employees and students to reach out to other NEIU resources that can assist them in navigating difficult university-related situations.

What is the Ombuds Office?

The Ombuds Office is a confidential and informal resource for Northeastern faculty, staff and students who are interested in discussing and addressing any university-related concern or difficult situation, such as conflict. The Ombuds is an independent person who works to understand issues and consider different perspectives in an impartial and objective manner. The Ombuds does not take sides in a conflict, serve as an advocate, conduct investigations, or make decisions about who is right or wrong.

How Can the Ombuds Help? 

The Ombuds listens to people's concerns without judgment, helps them untangle and clarify issues, and explore a range of options or strategies for moving forward. Among other things, the Ombuds can provide information about university policies or procedures, help prepare for a difficult conversation, or facilitate discussions between two or more people. The Ombuds also works with groups to explore and address issues that create challenging group dynamics or conflict. 

The Ombuds Office can be used as a first step, last resort, or at any point along the way. For a complete list of services, please visit the Ombuds Services page. 

How Can I Make an Appointment?

You can reach out to make an appointment at any time. Appointments can take place in-person at the Ombuds Office, at any of our University locations (El Centro, Carruthers Center), or off campus at a nearby location. Appointments can also take place by phone. Please be mindful that email should not be considered confidential. Please include only your contact information and availability to meet/speak; do not include sensitive or confidential information about your situation. 

  • Phone: (773) 442-4527
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Ronald Williams Library, Room 216


Mon, 02 Jul 2018 15:58:06 +0000 mbrown68 81856 at