College of Arts and Sciences Education Program / en Contact Us /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/college-of-arts-and-sciences-education-program-casep/contact-us Contact Us Timothy White Mon, 07/09/2018 - 12:13 College of Arts and Sciences Education Program Jeremy Babcock Coordinator College of Arts and Sciences Education Program (773) 442-5654

5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5654 Office Hours TBD Kendra Stern Academic Advisor Academic Advising (773) 442-4597

Room LWH 0027
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-4597 Office Hours Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ]]>
Mon, 09 Jul 2018 17:13:09 +0000 Timothy White 69096 at
Jeremy Babcock /staff/jeremy-babcock Jeremy Babcock Timothy White Mon, 07/09/2018 - 12:11 Jeremy Babcock Coordinator Office Hours TBD College of Arts and Sciences Education Program

5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5654 ]]>
Mon, 09 Jul 2018 17:11:15 +0000 Timothy White 65146 at
CASEP Course Descriptions /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/college-of-arts-and-sciences-education-program-casep/casep-course-descriptions CASEP Course Descriptions David Nissim-Sabat Wed, 07/01/2015 - 11:57

The CASEP schedule of courses is designed to help you decide if teaching is right for you.

American National Government (PSCI 216)
Description and analysis of national political institutions and processes. Current issues and problems of American government. 

Comparative Learning in Adventure Education (PEMT 109B)
This course is designed to provide theory and application of experiential learning, with application to the elementary and middle school classroom. The focus is on discovering self-knowledge, developing trust and promoting teamwork, establishing effective learning environments, learning principles of conflict resolution, and understanding and managing classroom group dynamics. There will be active hands-on participation in a variety of experiential activities, including the opportunity to co-facilitate learning experiences with peers and middle-school students, which will promote fuller understanding of the power and utility of experiential learning. There will be opportunities to work with students and teachers in elementary and middle schools. 

Chicago Speaks: Helping Immigrants Communicate (TESL 109A)
This course introduces the structure of the English language and methods of teaching it to speakers of other languages. This involves investigating the pronunciation and grammar of English as well as looking at ways to teach these subjects along with listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to English Language Learners (ELLs). The course will involve a service learning component in which students will tutor ELLs in various sites throughout the Chicago area.

Education and Individual Differences (EDFN 306)
Consideration of individual differences and principles of human development as factors in creating effective learning environments. Emphasis on: (1) understanding children and adolescents as individuals with differing abilities, aptitudes, interests, emotional responses and accomplishments as the result of genetic, maturational and environmental factors. Special attention given to children and adolescents covered by Public Law 94-142; (2) observational skills for assessing differences in order to aid student development. Focused study by each student of children or adolescents at a particular age level; (3) application of knowledge of developmental and individual differences to classroom practice. Twenty hours of classroom observations in CPS required. 

Introduction to Communication (CMTC 100)
The study of human communication with emphasis on how we communicate, the factors that influence the success of our communication interactions, and the areas in which communication take place. This course will also focus on an understanding of the self in communication interactions as well as exploring issues of perception and culture. Group discussion will focus on education topics. As part of this course, students are required to observe 20 hours in an elementary or high school classroom and submit a journal of those observations.

Introduction to Theatre (CMTT 130)
Survey of the components of theatrical experience and the function of the various contributors to theatrical production. Attendance at selected theatrical productions is required. This course will also examine the use of theatre games in teaching and explore the different roles necessary for producing a play. The final project in this course is linked to concepts studied in Introduction to Communication.

Philosophical and Historical Foundations of Public Education (EDFN 305)
The exploration of differing views of the aims of public education in America. The study of the historic settings in which the system developed. Identification of major social and cultural problems in relation to their historic antecedents. The study of various philosophic schools of thought and their impact on educational theory and practice, past and present. 

Public Speaking (CMTC 101)
The development of skills common to all forms of oral communication with emphasis on public speaking. Students will study organization, delivery, sources of materials and language usage. Competent and innovative technology use will also be a topic. Students will be asked to engage in discussions around challenges to the future of our educational system and their role as teachers within it.

United States History 1877-Present (HIST 215)
Social, political, intellectual, diplomatic and economic development of the United States from 1877 to present. 

Writing I (ENGL 101)
Specialized instruction and practice in beginning writing. Work in usage, grammar, style, paragraphs, and short essays. Designated professor will also consider education topics in discussions ad coursework.

Writing II (ENGL 102)
Continuation of practice in composition with emphasis on a variety of forms of writing and long essays, culminating in the annotated research paper.

Wed, 01 Jul 2015 16:57:26 +0000 David Nissim-Sabat 76671 at
Join CASEP /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/college-of-arts-and-sciences-education-program-casep/join-casep Join CASEP Timothy White Tue, 06/24/2014 - 12:58

If you are interested in being part of CASEP you must be admitted to 91Porn. For general Northeastern admission, !

Your Next Steps to Joining CASEP

  1. Sign up for your by emailing Testing Services at
  2. Fill out the online .
  3. We will review your responses and placement test results and be in touch with you regarding next steps to joining this cohort of future teachers.

Interested in Joining CASEP?

Fill out the CASEP Request for Information form!

CASEP Request for Information

Jeremy Babcock, CASEP Coordinator
College of Arts and Sciences Education Program
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
Phone: (773) 442-5654
Office: LWH 3098

Questions? Need more information?
Please contact Jeremy at

CASEP Request for Information Form

Applying is easy!

CASEP Advising

Connect with the CASEP Advisor to learn more!
Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:58:58 +0000 Timothy White 76236 at
CASEP Two-Year Plan /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/college-of-arts-and-sciences-education-program-casep/casep-two-year-plan CASEP Two-Year Plan Timothy White Tue, 06/24/2014 - 12:54

Below are the courses included in CASEP. Students in the first-year cohort usually number between 25-30 students. Students take a number of courses together that are designed with future teachers in mind. In addition to the cohort model, program students also benefit from a monthly seminar for future teachers, as well as a leadership retreat where we explore the teaching profession through experiential learning activities. 


Fall Spring

ENG 101: Writing I

CMTC 100: Intro to Communication  

CMTT 130: Intro to Theatre

History 215: U.S. History: 1877-Present

First-Year Experience
Students will take PEMT 109 B: Adventure Education in Chicago, or TESL 109 A: Chicago Speaks: Helping Immigrants Communicate in the fall.

The second-year cohort 

In the second year, students take their first Educational Foundations courses along with Public Speaking, Writing II and American National Government. Please note that the Educational Foundations course may vary depending on educational field chosen, e.g. Early Childhood Education majors take a different sequence.


Fall Spring

ENG 102: Writing II

CMTC 101: Public Speaking

EDFN 305: Philosophy & Historical Foundations of Public Education

PSCI 216: American National Government 


EDFN 306: Educational & Individual Differences

Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:54:14 +0000 Timothy White 76231 at
College of Arts and Sciences Education Program (CASEP) /academics/college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/college-of-arts-and-sciences-education-program-casep College of Arts and Sciences Education Program (CASEP) Feature Style Image Slider Timothy White Thu, 06/19/2014 - 10:43 CASEP Request for Information Form Prepare for a career in teaching through Northeastern's College of Arts and Sciences Education Program.

CASEP at Northeastern

All students who attend 91Porn become part of a community of learners—learners who engage in an array of experiences. These experiences transform students, as people, and as future leaders. In keeping with this transformative nature of community, Northeastern offers the College of Arts and Sciences Education Program (CASEP) in its curriculum. As a learning community for students interested in becoming teachers, CASEP will help you decide—through targeted coursework, field experiences, and thoughtful reflection—if teaching is right for you!

Our Program

CASEP begins in the first year of study at Northeastern. It combines general education courses and early field experiences with discussion and feedback about teaching. Students take general education courses that count toward any degree at Northeastern. So even if you decide not to become a teacher, CASEP’s coursework will allow you to pursue other academic paths.

Students selected to join CASEP:

  • Benefit from specially-designated general education courses in their first and second years at Northeastern
  • Become part of a cohort, or group, of like-minded students interested in the possibility of becoming teachers
  • Take courses that are content linked and/or co-taught by faculty
  • Conduct K-12 classroom observations in their second year of coursework
  • Receive priority registration with a designated advisor
  • May participate in service learning or part-time employment opportunities in educational settings

CASEP also fosters these abilities desirable in multiple disciplines:

  • Critical and reflective thinking, writing and speaking
  • Effective problem solving and decision making
  • Enhanced presentational skills and technology use
  • An understanding and appreciation of cultural difference

"CASEP will help you determine if teaching is the best career for you."

Students interested in CASEP must be full-time students and should be accepted by the University at the time of application.

Thu, 19 Jun 2014 15:43:15 +0000 Timothy White 82146 at