The health and well-being of NEIU students, faculty and staff are critical components of the overall health of our University community. Consequently, 91Porn seeks to maintain a campus environment that is free from the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs.
Consistent with its mission as a public institution of higher education, the University is committed to educating the students, faculty and staff on the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse, and to establishing standards of conduct that maintain a campus environment in which such abuse is prohibited. These standards are intended to be in full compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C., Section 701, et seq.) and the Drug-Free Schools Act of 1989 (34 C.F.R. 86, et seq.) by annually producing and distributing this Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Information. This information will comply with the Department of Education, Federal Student Aid, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information 668.14(c); 34 CFR 86
This information applies to University students and employees. It applies to incidents that occur on University property, as well as off-campus functions sponsored by the University or supervised by University personnel.
Standards of Conduct and Prohibitions
Students or employees who violate federal, state or local laws concerning drugs or alcohol are subject to criminal prosecution; those who violate University policies may also be subject to institutional sanctions or dismissal.
Employees and students, in their affiliation with the University, shall not manufacture, possess, use, deliver, sell or distribute any substance prohibited by the Illinois Controlled Substance Act or any other state or federal statute, except as authorized by law, consistent with the regulations of the University’s Board of Trustees.
No one under the age of 21 may possess, sell or consume alcoholic beverages on any property under the control of 91Porn. Persons of legal drinking age – 21 and older – may possess or consume alcoholic beverages only in accordance with the University’s Alcohol Policy, which expressly limits consumption of alcoholic beverages to persons 21 years of age or older, who are attending as specific invitees of the President or appropriate Vice President or designee, at a function specifically approved by the President or appropriate Vice President or designee, held in a specifically approved designated area.
The unlawful or unauthorized possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale or manufacture of controlled substances or alcohol is prohibited on University property or as part of any University activity. Students or employees who violate this policy may be disciplined in accordance with University policies, statutes, rules and regulations up to and including dismissal and referral for prosecution.
Prohibited Acts according to the NEIU Student Code of Conduct:
# 9 – Manufacture, delivery, sale, use, possession, or distribution of either narcotic or dangerous drugs, except as permitted by law and University regulations.
#10 – Possession, consumption, or distribution of alcoholic beverages on University property or at University-sponsored activities except in accordance with the University policy.
HR Policy:
In compliance with federal and state laws, employees are subject to disciplinary action, including discharge, for unauthorized consumption of intoxicating liquors on institutional time or property; inability to satisfactorily perform their assigned duties as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages; illegal use of drugs, narcotics or intoxicants; unauthorized sale or distribution of drugs, narcotics or intoxicants; or otherwise unfit to perform job duties due to the use of alcohol or illegal drugs.
Illinois Laws that Apply to Alcohol and Drug Use
Controlled Substances:
The possession, sale and delivery of controlled substances is prohibited by Illinois through the Cannabis Control Act [720 ILCS 550/] and the Illinois Controlled Substances Act [720 ILCS 570/100]. Under the Cannabis Control Act, courts can set penalties that increase in accordance with the amount of substances containing cannabis in each case [720 ILCS 550/1]. In regard to both acts, penalties vary with: the amount of the drug confiscated, the type of drug found, the number of previous offenses held by the individual, and whether the individual intended to manufacture, deliver or possess with intent to deliver [720 ILCS 570/401] [720 ILCS 570/402] [720 ILCS 550/4] [720 ILCS 550/5].
Underage Drinking:
The consumption of alcoholic liquor by any person under the age of 21 years of age is illegal. [235 ILCS 5/6-20]. It is also against Illinois law for anyone to permit a gathering at their residence at which one or more persons under 21 possess or consume alcoholic beverages, to rent a hotel or motel room for such purposes, and to sell or deliver alcohol to anyone under 21, or to any intoxicated person [235 ILCS 5/6-16]. It is also illegal for a person under 21 to present false identification in an attempt to purchase alcohol [235 ILCS 5/6-16].
Driving Under the Influence:
Driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, intoxicating compounds, or any combination thereof is against Illinois law. Substantial penalties exist for individuals driving or physically controlling a motor vehicle with a blood or breath alcohol concentration of .08 or greater [625 ILCS 5/11-501.1] These acts, depending on the circumstances, may incur penalties, such as a jail sentence, fines, or suspension/revocation of a driver’s license. Transporting open alcohol containers in a motor vehicle is also punishable under Illinois law [625 ILCS 5/11-502].
Federal Laws that Apply to Alcohol and Drug Use:
Possession and delivery of a controlled substance is prohibited by the United States Code, Uniform Controlled Substance Act [21 U.S.C. 801 and following]. Similar to the Illinois law, individuals can be penalized on the quality of confiscated drugs, the type of the drug(s) found, the number of previous offenses by the individual, and whether the individual intended to manufacture, sell or use the drug.
Disciplinary Sanctions
- 91Porn will impose sanctions on students and employees for violations of the standards of conduct (consistent with local, state and federal law) up to and including suspension, expulsion, termination of employment, and referral for prosecution.
Student Sanctions
The University will impose disciplinary sanctions (consistent with local, state and federal law) on students who violate the University’s foregoing policy up to and including expulsion and referral for prosecution and completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program, all in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Furthermore, student employees who violate the University’s foregoing policy may be subject to termination of employment.
Students charged or referred to Student Affairs for underage drinking or illegal drug use and possession will be charged with non-academic misconduct and are subject to the Student Code of Conduct. Students found responsible for underage Drinking or illegal drug use or possession will be sanctioned based on type, severity and frequency of misuse. Sanctions for this category range from restorative justice (community service), educational programs or assessments, conduct probation, suspension or expulsion.
Employee Sanctions
The University will impose disciplinary sanctions (consistent with local, state and federal law) on employees who violate the University’s foregoing policy up to and including possible termination of employment and referral for prosecution.
Applicable Legal Sanctions
Employees and students who violate state and/or federal law may be subject to criminal prosecution. A number of Illinois and federal statutes provide extended definitions of what constitutes illegal possession, use, and distribution of alcohol and drugs. Criminal penalties for violations of Illinois statutes include terms of imprisonment for up to sixty (60) years and fines of up to $500,000. Equally severe penalties and sanctions may be imposed for violations of federal statutes. Detailed information on penalties and sanctions are distributed annually to all students, faculty and staff and are available from Student Affairs. Definitions of legal sanctions under Illinois law for the unlawful possession, use and distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol are included in 720 ILCS Sec. 570/201 et seq. and 720 ILCS Sec 550/1 et seq., copies of which are available for review by students and employees in the University library.
Distribution of Materials
Responsible Office:
Students: Student Affairs
Employees: Human Resources
Prior to the start of the fall semester, all students will be sent the NEIU Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Information via email/ Targeted Announcement.
Prior to the start of the fall semester, all employees will be sent the NEIU Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Information via email/Targeted Announcement.
New students that begin the academic year during the spring or summer semester will be sent the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Information at the start of their respective semester via email/Targeted Announcement.
New employees will will receive the NEIU Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Information as part of a new employee hire packet distributed by Human Resources.
Biennial Review
- The school must conduct a biennial review of its program to determine its effectiveness and implement changes to the program if they are needed and ensure that any disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.
Biennial review will be conducted by the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Content Review Committee. The committee will determine program effectiveness and implement changes to the program as needed. The committee will review a summary report of all disciplinary sanctions imposed by the Dean of Students and Human Resources to ensure that all sanctions are consistently enforced.
The committee will be chaired by a Student Affairs staff member and comprised of representatives from the following areas:
- Student Health Services
- Student Counseling Services
- University Police
- Student Leadership Development
- Academic Affairs
- Human Resources
- Financial Aid
Counseling and Support Services
Student Counseling Services offers counseling and referral services to students who have drug or alcohol abuse-related problems. Student Affairs provides (a) information about on-campus substance abuse self-help groups, (b) referrals to off-campus prevention and treatment resources, and (c) substance abuse information and prevention literature. (773) 442-4650
Human Resources responds to employees and their dependents who encounter drug and alcohol abuse problems are encouraged to seek assistance voluntarily from the University’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP). If job performance is adversely affected by drug or alcohol abuse, an employee may be referred to the EAP. Participation in the EAP is confidential and is encouraged by the University; however, it will not preclude normal disciplinary action or relieve an employee of responsibility for performing assigned duties in a safe and efficient manner. (773) 442-5200
Health Risks
The abuse or illegal use of alcohol and the illegal use of controlled substances can seriously injure the health of employees and students, adversely impair the performance of their duties and their academic achievements, and endanger the safety and well-being of fellow employees, students, and others.
Substance abuse may involve not only controlled substances and illegal drugs, but also alcohol and other substances that pose a health risk. When drugs are combined, their negative effects on the mind and body are often multiplied beyond the effects of the same drugs taken singly, which can be deadly.
Here is a chart describing some of the health effects associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs:
Alcohol: Alcohol is the drug most frequently abused on college campuses and in our society. Even small amounts of alcohol can impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car, increasing your chances of having an accident. Alcohol may be an interacting factor in the incidence of aggressive acts, including vandalism and assault and serious health problems, such as liver damage. Consuming moderate to large amounts of alcohol impairs your ability to learn and remember information. Because alcohol is a depressant, very large amounts can cause respiratory and cardiac failure, resulting in death.
Cannabis: Marijuana and hashish impair the user’s short-term memory and comprehension. They can cause confusion, anxiety, lung damage and abnormalities of the hormonal and reproductive system. Hours after the feeling of getting high fades, the effects of cannabis on coordination and judgment may remain, heightening the risks involved in driving or performing other complex tasks. Cannabis, a fat soluble substance, may remain in the body system for weeks. An overdose or long-term use may bring about paranoia, panic attacks or psychiatric problems.
Club/Designer Drugs: The term “club drugs” and “designer drugs” refer to a wide variety of drugs including MDMA (ecstasy), GHB rohypnol (roofies), ketamine (special K), methamphetamine (meth) and LSD (acid). Research indicates that these drugs can cause serious health problems or even death. They can have even more serious consequences when mixed with alcohol. Club/designer drugs are also occasionally used or administered in connection with sexual assault.
Depressants: Barbiturates, benzodiazepines (e.g. Valium), Quaaludes, and other depressants cause disorientation, slurred speech, and the other behaviors associated with drunkenness. The effects of an overdose of depressants range from shallow breathing, clammy skin, dilated pupils, and weak and rapid pulse to coma and death.
Hallucinogens: Hallucinogens such as LSD, MDS, PCP (angel dust), mescaline, peyote and psilocybin (mushrooms) can cause powerful distortions in perception and thinking. Intense and often unpredictable emotional reactions can trigger panic attacks or psychotic reaction. An overdose of hallucinogens can cause heart failure, lung failure, coma and death.
Narcotics/Opiates: Heroin, codeine, morphine, methadone and opium are narcotics/opiates. There is a high likelihood of developing a physical and psychological dependence on these drugs. Health effects include anxiety, mood swings, nausea, confusion, constipation, and respiratory depression. Overdose may lead to convulsions, coma, and death. The risk of being infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, or other diseases significantly increases if you inject drugs and share needles.
Stimulants: Cocaine/crack, amphetamines, and other stimulants can cause agitation, loss of appetite, irregular heartbeat, chronic sleeplessness, and hallucinations. All non-prescribed stimulants are extremely dangerous and psychologically and physically addictive. An overdose can result in seizures and death.
Tobacco: Nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco, increases your heart rate and raises your blood pressure. The tar in cigarette smoke is a major cause of cancer and other respiratory problems. The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke can promote arteriosclerosis. Long term effects of smoking cigarettes may include emphysema, chronic bronchitis, heart disease and lung cancer.
Emergency Services Hotlines
NEIU Police
(773) 442-4100
Emergency on campus: (773) 442-5511
Alcohol and Drug Helpline
(800) 821-HELP
– Alcohol and Drug Treatment
24-hour helpline: (877) 505-HOPE (4673)
(800) 222-1222
Self-Help Groups
(312) 346-1475
(312) 409-7245
(708) 848-4884
Other resources:
Gersten Center for Behavioral Health – Swedish Covenant Hospital
5215 N. California Ave., Chicago, Illinois
(847) 329-9210
State Services Employee Assistance Program
(866) 659-3848
Chicago Treatment and Counseling Center
(773) 506-2900
4453 N. Broadway, Chicago, Illinois
Family Guidance Center, Inc.
(773) 293-5582
Methodist Hospital of Chicago
5025 N. Paulina St., Chicago, Illinois 60640
(888) 707-4673
2835 N. Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Illinois
, a guide from, a community organization dedicated to empowering people suffering from substance abuse addiction with tools and resources to start their personal journey toward recovery.
Resources for Women and Children
Haymarket Center
932 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Illinois
(312) 226-7984
Detox Services: (312) 226-7984, extension 348
- Read or download a copy of the 2020-2022 biennial review of this program.
- Read or download a copy of the previous policy.
- Read or download a copy of the 2018-2020 biennial review of this program.
- Read or download a copy of the 2016-2018 biennial review of this program.
- Read or download a copy of the .
NEIU Administrative Memorandum No. 51 – May 27, 1997
UIC - Alcohol and Other Drugs policy – A Policy and Resource Guide for Students and Employees at the University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago State University – Drug and Alcohol Policy
Formerly Administrative Memorandum No. 51 – Drug and Alcohol Abuse, May 27, 1997
Alcohol and Other Drugs Effects on Health