SDS takes special efforts to create a small team of interpreters to work closely with each student. SDS aims to have an ongoing dialogue with students throughout their academic career to best meet their interpreting needs.

  • SDS provides Sign Language interpreting accommodations for academic accessibility.
  • Students approved for Sign Language accommodations should meet with the full-time interpreter Charlotte Buehling at
  • Interpreter requests should be emailed to the full-time interpreter Charlotte Buehling,
  • Students receiving Sign Language services are entitled to early registration
  • Students are encouraged to register early and contact the full-time interpreter as soon as the student’s class schedule is confirmed.
  • Please know it may take up to five (5) business days to assign an interpreter.
  • Timely requests and input from students is essential to succesfully scheduling interpreting services.


What if there is a change in my schedule?

Email the full-time interpreter as soon as you know of any changes in your schedule.

What if the location of my class/meeting is changed?

Email the full-time interpreter as soon as you know of the change. Please provide the full-time interpreter with the new location, day and time.

What if my class is cancelled for one or more sessions?

Email the full-time interpreter as soon as you know your class is cancelled.

What if I will not be attending class/meeting?

Email the full-time interpreter as soon as you know you will not be attending

What should I do if I will be late to a class? Will the interpreter wait for me?

Email the full-time interpreter if you know you will be more than 10 minutes late to class. Interpreters will wait the duration of the class. If the full-time interpreter does not receive email notification, interpreters will wait no longer than 25 minutes for a tardy student.

The Full-Time Interpreter doesn’t interpret my class; can’t I just contact the Part-Time Interpreter if I will miss or be late to class?

Email the full-time interpreter as soon as you know of any changes in your schedule. The full-time interpreter will coordinate the changes with part-time interpreters.

How much notice to I need to provide SDS when requesting an interpreter?

As soon as student knows he/she needs an interpreter, a request should be sent. SDS expects class schedule requests to be sent during early registration. Other requests should be sent as soon as possible.

Can I request interpreters for tutoring or meetings with professors or clubs?

Yes. SDS will work with students to provide accessibility; however, not all requests can be honored. Email the full-time interpreter as soon as you know of any changes in your schedule.

How does SDS assign me interpreters?

Student Disability Services creates schedules for students and interpreters based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to:

  • Assignment dates/times
  • Number of students enrolled at NEIU
  • Assignment details (example: class subject)
  • Student communication needs
  • Interpreter availability
  • Interpreter credentials, skill and experience
  • Continuity of service
  • Interpreter’s prompt response to assignment requests

I have more questions about Interpreting Services at NEIU. What should I do?

Please contact full-time interpreter,Charlotte Buehling at and or Student Disability Services at