Student Affairs Focuses on Success, but How?
Message from the Division of Student Affairs
The Division of Student Affairs connects students to the University through educationally purposeful activities outside the classroom. Our programs and services promote learning, leadership, engagement, service, health and wellness, and the celebration of diversity. In the coming year, our work will be focused on the following priorities to better serve our students:
- Continue to implement effective, culturally relevant strategies in support of student success and retention.
- Lead the University community in developing NEIU traditions and spirit focused events and activities in support of student success.
- Continue to build residence hall programs and resources and strengthen operations to improve the residential student experience.
- Enhance support for transfer and commuter students.
- Develop a plan to provide student fee funds to enhance student engagement at El Centro and the Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies.
- Continue to rebuild and enhance services for students served in the Angelina Pedroso Center for Diversity and Intercultural Affairs and the Career Development.
- Assist with recruitment initiatives of the University through all of its programs and services.
- Continue to effectively manage a communication plan to inform the University community of academic and co-curricular policies and processes that affect student success (i.e. classroom disruption, academic integrity, student grievance, and behavioral concern referrals).
- Continue to work with the academic colleges to strengthen career services including career exploration and readiness, internships, and employment opportunities.
The Student Affairs team looks forward to working with you, and we thank you for your continued support and commitment to our students.
Strategic Plan 2015-2020
The Division of Student Affairs at 91Porn actively supports and engages its diverse community of learners through excellent programs and services that enhance students’ personal development, leadership skills, and intercultural competencies to engage in a dynamic global society.
The Division of Student Affairs will be a national leader in urban higher education and among Hispanic Serving Institutions through its promising practices to support student success.
The Division of Student Affairs embraces the University’s core values and contributes to student success through:
Civic Leadership
We encourage empowerment through learning as we educate students to be active citizens that lead with integrity and create change within their University, local community, and in the world.
Social Justice
We celebrate diversity and encourage the idea of equal participation within our society and foster in our students a commitment to creating a more equitable and just world.
Holistic Support
We support access to opportunity and are committed to excellence by providing quality programs and services to meet students’ personal, academic, and career needs.
Experiential Learning
We enhance the University community by providing hands-on learning and reflection opportunities for students that enrich their educational pursuits.
- Explore and implement strategies to support the success of our diverse student populations.
- Support integrative learning by ensuring Student Affairs programs and services advance the University’s baccalaureate goals.
- Infuse meaningful opportunities for civic learning and democratic engagement throughout Student Affairs to enhance students’ sense of community responsibility.
- Assess Student Affairs programs, services and operations to support continuous improvement and contributions to student recruitment, retention and graduation.
- Develop new traditions that instill pride and cultivate a strong connection to the University.
- Enhance strong working relationships with Academic Affairs and develop partnerships with individual faculty members to support student success.
- Develop meaningful partnerships with community leaders and organizations that support local and global learning opportunities for students.
- Increase strategic communication with various stakeholders regarding Student Affairs programs and services.
- Develop strategies to engage parents and family members as our partners in student success.
- Support the College of Graduate Studies and Research by ensuring we provide quality programs and services to graduate students.
- Collaborate with faculty and staff at El Centro, the Jacob H. Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies, University Center of Lake County, and the Center for College Access and Success.
- Explore and implement programs and services appropriate for the development of new student housing.
- Engage in professional development and benchmarking to stay aware of emerging best practices in urban higher education and Hispanic-Serving Institutions.
- Identify strategies that allow us to anticipate and proactively address the future needs of our students.
- Discover and incorporate new technologies that support student success by enhancing the delivery of student services and programs.
- Identify opportunities for external funding to support new developments within Student Affairs.
- Utilize the Professional Competency Areas for Student Affairs Practitioners as a framework for staff training and development.
- Support an intentionally inclusive and welcoming University community through excellent customer service for all students.
- Contribute to the higher education profession by creating and sharing knowledge regarding students at a diverse urban institution.
- Develop policies and procedures that support student-centered operations within Student Affairs.
- Recruit staff and student employees in Student Affairs that broadly represent the diversity of our student body.
- Recognize and reward excellence among Student Affairs staff and others across the University who support student success.