
Planning for your future Next steps to study

Next steps to study

I know what I want to study - what else do I need to know?

Once you’ve picked your top preferences, what’s next?

Passionate about law? Consider expanding your options with a joint degree, you could do law and science, law and business, or even law and arts. Joint degrees broaden your career opportunities and allow you to study more of what you enjoy.

If you're aiming for one of the competitive courses like Medicine, Dentistry, or Veterinary Science, make sure you're covering the key criteria they look for on the application - like getting practical experience. Given the competition, make sure you research alternate healthcare courses you can add to your preferences as well. When you're aiming high, a safety net is always a good idea.

Want to meet your future lecturers?

Come along to an Open Day in August. Explore courses and career options, enjoy interactive activities and speak to leading experts.

  • JCU Townsville, Bebegu Yumba campus, Douglas: Sunday 9 August 2020
  • JCU Cairns, Nguma-bada campus, Smithfield: Sunday 23 August 2020

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Looking to discover the world while you study?

Experience has no substitute. JCU offers opportunities to study overseas in more than 20 countries. Earn credit towards your degree while you discover different cultures, develop language skills, make new friends and improve your future career opportunities.

Overseas experiences last a lifetime