
Bachelor of Geology

Handbook year

Information valid for students commencing in 2024

Course code


Course type

Bachelor Degree (AQF Level 7)




Science and Engineering

Award Requirements

Admission Requirements

Course pre-requisites

Recommended Knowledge: English (Units 3/4,C), Chemistry (Units 3/4,C), and General Maths or Mathematical Methods (Units 3/4,C)

Minimum English language proficiency requirements

Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet the English language proficiency requirements of Band 1Schedule II of the JCU Admissions Policy.

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

72 credit points as per course structure

Course learning outcomes

Graduates of the Bachelor of Geology at 91Porn will be able to:

  1. Integrate and apply a coherent body of theoretical and technical knowledge of science with depth in the underlying concepts and principles in the discipline of Geology
  2. Critically appraise the role and relevance of science in society generally, and geology in particular, for the creation of sustainable futures in the tropics, and worldwide
  3. Demonstrate broad understanding of the methods of geoscience, including problem-oriented approaches, data analysis and interpretation, industry/community engagement and partnerships, interdisciplinary collaboration, and systems and futures thinking
  4. Retrieve, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information from a range of sources
  5. Plan and conduct reliable, evidence-based laboratory and/or field experiments and field work, by selecting and applying methods, techniques and tools as appropriate to one or more disciplines
  6. Organise, analyse and interpret geological and scientific data using mathematical, statistical and technological skills
  7. Convey ideas, arguments and conclusions clearly and coherently through well-developed written and oral communication skills and a variety of media
  8. Identify, analyse and generate solutions to unpredictable or complex problems by applying geological knowledge and skills with initiative and well-developed judgement
  9. Critically review regulatory requirements, ethical principles and cultural frameworks, to work effectively, responsibly and safely in diverse contexts and interdisciplinary teams
  10. Reflect on current skills, knowledge and attitudes to manage their professional learning needs and performance, autonomously and in collaboration with others.

Inherent Requirements

Inherent Requirements

Inherent requirements are the identified abilities, attributes, skills, and behaviours that must be demonstrated, during the learning experience, to successfully complete a course. These abilities, attributes, skills, and behaviours preserve the academic integrity of the University's learning, assessment, and accreditation processes, and where applicable, meet the standards of a profession. For more information please visit: Bachelor of Geology.

Reasonable adjustments

All JCU students have the opportunity to demonstrate, with reasonable adjustments where applicable, the inherent requirements for their course. For more information please visit: Student Disability Policy and Procedure.

Course Structure


Level 1

CH1020:03 Preparatory Chemistry (or any Level 1, 2 or 3 or 5 Science subject if already satisfied via previous study)

MA1020:03 Preparatory Mathematics (or any Level 1, 2, 3 or 5 Science subject if already satisfied via previous study)

EV1005:03 Environmental Processes and Global Change

EA1110:03 Evolution of the Earth

SC1102:03 Modelling Natural Systems or SC1109:03 Modelling Natural Systems-Advanced

Level 2

EA2220:03 Minerals and Magmas

EA2510:03 Earth Resources, Exploration and Environment

SC2202:03 Quantitative Methods in Science or SC2209:03 Quantitative Methods in Science-Advanced

EA2110:03 Introduction to Sedimentology

EV2502:03 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

EA2900:03 Introductory Outback Field Mapping

Level 3

EA3130:03 Advanced Petrology

EA3210:03 Structural Geology and Tectonics

EA3400:03 Ore Deposits and Critical Mineral Exploration

EA3510:03 Geological Mapping

EA3120:03 The Fossil Record: Dinosaurs and Vertebrates Through Time

EA3650:03 Energy Resources and Basin Analysis

EA3800:03 Earth and Environmental Geochemistry


Select 3 credit points of subjects from List 1 (Breadth Subjects)


Select 3 credit points of any Level 1, 2, 3 or 5 Science subjects


Select 6 credit points of any Level 2 or 3 subjects


Select 6 credit points of any undergraduate subjects

List 1 (Breadth Subjects)

BM1000:03 Introductory Biochemistry and Microbiology

BS1001:03 Introduction to Biological Processes

BS1007:03 Introduction to Biodiversity

CH1001:03 Chemistry: A Central Science

CP1401:03 Problem Solving and Programming I

EG1000:03 Engineering 1

MA1000:03 Mathematical Foundation

MA1580:03 Foundations of Data Science

PH1005:03 Advanced Stream Physics 1

SC1101:03 Science, Technology and Truth

Lists of subjects grouped according to potential career aspirations and interests can be accessed here

Options available include recommended geology related areas of Chemistry for Geology, Earth Surface Processes, Palaeontology and Spatial Science as well as a number of additional general science related areas

Course Structure – Articulation

Note: This course structure is only available to students who have entered under the articulation agreement between 91Porn and the China University of Geoscience. Students who enter under this agreement are eligible for credit against the subjects marked with an asterisk (*).


Level 1

EA1110:03 Evolution of the Earth*

EV1005:03 Environmental Processes and Global Change*

CH1001:03 Chemistry: A Central Science*

SC1102:03 Modelling Natural Systems*

Level 2

EA2006:03 Hydrology

EA2007:03 Soil Properties and Processes for Management

EA2220:03 Minerals and Magmas*

EA2510:03 Earth Resources, Exploration and Environment

EA2900:03 Introductory Outback Field Mapping

EV2502:03 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

SC2202:03 Quantitative Methods in Science

Level 3

EA3210:03 Structural Geology and Tectonics

EA3120:03 The Fossil Record: Dinosaurs and Vertebrates Through Time

EA3130:03 Advanced Petrology

EA3400:03 Ore Deposits and Critical Mineral Exploration

EA3510:03 Geological Mapping

EA3650:03 Energy Resources and Basin Analysis

EA3800:03 Earth and Environmental Geochemistry

EA3008:03 Advanced Hydrology or EV2401:03 Australian Landscape processes and Evolution

EA5026:06 Special Studies

EA5521:06 Minor Research Dissertation


Select a 3 credit point subject from List 1

List 1

CP1404:03 Programming II

CS2005:03 Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering

EA2404:03 Earth's Climate: Past, Present and Future

EA3640:03 Advanced Environmental and Marine Geoscience Technologies and Applications

EV3502:03 Advanced Geographic Information Systems

EV3506:03 Remote Sensing




JCU Cairns

Only first year is available at JCU Cairns.

JCU Townsville



Expected time to complete

3 years full-time or part-time equivalent

Maximum time to complete

9 years

Maximum leave of absence

3 years


Course progression requisites


Course includes mandatory professional placement(s)


Special assessment requirements


Professional accreditation requirements


Supplementary exam for final subject

Not applicable



Students may apply for credit transfer for previous tertiary study in accordance with the Credit Transfer Procedure.

Maximum allowed

48 credit points, except for students with a bachelor degree in a science discipline other than geology or earth sciences, who are eligible for up to 24 credit points of credit.


Credit will be granted only for studies completed in the 10 years prior to the commencement of this course.


Credit gained for any subject shall be cancelled 19 years after the date of the examination upon which the credit is based if, by then, the student has not completed the course of study prescribed for the degree.

Other restrictions

A maximum of 9 credit points of credit may be granted at level 3.

Credit will not be granted for MA1020 or CH1020 or PH1001.

Award Details

Award title


Approved abbreviation


Inclusion of majors on testamur

Not applicable - this course does not have majors.

Exit with lesser award

Students who have completed 24 credit points of their course award requirements, and withdraw from or fail to meet the requirements for progression in the later years, may be eligible for the award of Diploma of Tertiary Studies.

Course articulation

Not applicable

Special awards

Students may receive an Award of Recognition in accordance with the Recognition of Academic Excellence Procedure


Honours availability

Available as an additional 24 credit points of study [end-on]


By invitation of the College Dean

Normally a minimum overall GPA of 5.5 (i.e. credit average) is required across the bachelor degree, with credits or better in the discipline specific areas.

Quota restrictions on the number of honours places available may apply from time to time as determined by the College Dean.