Dr. Nancy Wrinkle
Associate Professor, Advisor Mathematics Major for Secondary Education
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5765
Courses Taught
Math 421: Modern Geometry
Math 340: Computing for Mathematicians
Math 338: Introduction to Real Analysis
Math 331: Abstract Algebra
Math 321: History of Mathematics
Math 312: Foundations of Geometry
Math 251/311: Introduction to Advanced Mathematics
Math 253: Linear Algebra I
Math 203: Calculus III
Math 202: Calculus II
Math 187: Calculus I
Math 186: Precalculus
Math 113: Quantitative Reasoning
Research Interests
Low-dimensional topology and geometry

1995, B.A., Mathematics, Barnard College 

2002, Ph.D., Mathematics, Columbia University

Selected Publications

Distance and intersection number in the curve graph of a surface, with Joan S. Birman and Matt Morse, submitted. 2019 Preprint: arxiv: math/2403391

Criticality for the Gehring link problem, with Jason Cantarella, Joseph H.G. Fu, Rob Kusner, and John M. Sullivan. Geometry & Topology, 10 (2006), pp 1-61.

Some ropelength critical clasps, with John M. Sullivan, Physical and Numerical Models in Knot Theory and Their Application to the Life Sciences,   (J. Calvo, K. Millett, E. Rawdon, and A. Stasiak, editors). Series on Knots and Everything, World Scientific, Volume 36, 2005.

On transversally simple knots, with Joan S. Birman, Journal of Differential Geometry55 (2000), pp 325-354.

Parametrizations of holonomic and Legendrian knots with Joan S. Birman, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 9 No. 3 (2000), p. 293-309.

BBH 212H
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5765
Office Hours
Summer 2020
By appointment
Main Campus
Curriculum Vitae