
Mandatory Research Integrity Training

91Porn provide mandatory training and education for anyone who conducts or assists with the conduct of research under JCU’s auspices. The training modules for the JCU Research Code of Conduct are provided through LearnJCU where we have created a research staff portal organised by the College/Directorate.

There are two compulsory modules that must be completed by JCU research staff:

  • Research Integrity Compulsory Module 1 “The Responsible Conduct of Research”
  • Research Integrity Compulsory Module 2 “When things go wrong – Breaches of the Code”

A brief quiz will be required to be completed for each module. Once the quiz is complete a “declaration of completion” for the module will be generated.

Researchers are required to fulfill their obligations under the JCU Research Code in relation to training and education and should complete the six other modules in the research integrity series. The six modules are:

  • Planning your research
  • Managing and recording your research
  • Data selection, analysis and presentation
  • Scholarly publication
  • Professional responsibilities
  • Communication and social responsibilities.

If you are not already enrolled in the Research Integrity training site email researchintegrity@jcu.edu.au to be enrolled.

Instructions to access LearnJCU and the training modules