The following list provides the steps to resolve each type of hold.

Name of Hold

Steps to resolve hold

Accounts Receivable Hold

Your student account balance is now past due. You can make a payment online via NEIUport. If you have questions, please email Student Payment Services at

Admissions Office Hold

Please email the Admissions Processing Office at Please type the word HOLD in the subject line.

Advisement Hold

Please email your academic advisor or the Advising Center at

Child Care Center Hold

Please email the Child Care Center at

College of Education Hold

You have not passed edTPA. Please email the College of Education at for assistance and questions.

Dean of Students Hold

Please call the Dean of Students Office at (773) 442-4610.

Emergency Loan Hold

Please call the Student Loans Office at

Graduate Admissions

Please email the Graduate Admissions at Please type the word HOLD in the subject line.

Graduation Fee Hold

Please pay your graduation fee in NEIUport. Make sure to choose the term in which you are graduating so that the payment gets applied to the correct term. 

Inactive Grad College Student

Please email the Graduate Admissions at Please type the word HOLD in the subject line.

Loan Office Hold

Please email the Student Loan Office at

NDSL/Perkins Loan Hold

Your Perkins Loan file is incomplete. Please email the Student Payment Services Office at

Readmit DPS Application Fee Hold

Your application fee has not been received by the Academic Standards Committee (DPS students only). Please email the Registrar’s Office at

Registrar’s Hold

Please email the Registrar’s Office at

Registration Office Hold

Please email the Registration Office at

Stafford Exit Counseling Hold

You must complete Stafford Loan Exit Counseling. Please go to: . Take note of the confirmation number for your records. Your hold will be removed within 2-4 business days after you complete the online exit counseling session. If you have questions, email the Financial Aid Office at

Registrar Transcript Hold

Email the Registrar’s Office at

For any other hold, please email the Registrar’s Office for guidance on how to resolve the hold.