Alberto Lopez
Professor and Associate Dean of Daniel L. Goodwin College of Education
College of Education
Teacher Education
College of Education
(773) 442-5500
Social studies education, multicultural and global education, and teacher education.
Courses Taught
ELED 304: Methods of Teaching Inquiry Social Studies
ELED 329: Student Teaching In Elementary Education
ELED-328B: Clinical Experience In Elementary Education
ELED-414: Principles Of Curriculum Development.
Research Interests
Drawing on Latino critical theory, post-structural, post-modern and anti-oppressive education theory, I see myself helping new teachers asking questions about how the educational system helps in developing a social order, which is not always fair or democratic for all groups within society. In order to do this, new teachers have to be able to recognize social discourses, ideologies, and those social structures that promote oppressive relationships within society. My research is centered on the influences of social and institutional contexts on teachers' practice as well as the role of curriculum and teaching in building a democratic society in the face of the antidemocratic structures within society that promote social injustice and intolerance.

The Ohio State University, 2016
Teaching and Learning: Early/Middle Childhood Education, Ph.D.

Selected Publications

-López-Carrasquillo, A. and Beyda-Lorie, S. (In Press). Supporting urban educationals professionals from admission to completion. In R. W. Burns, E. Garin, and V. O’Neill (Eds.), Clinically Based Teacher Education in Action: Cases Demonstrating Excellence in Accreditation (pp. xx-xx). Information Age Publishing.

-Ali, S. and Lopez, A. (2022). A qualitative investigation: Black & brown men retention and recruitment in the Grow Your Own Program and partners colleges of education and universities. Journal of Research Initiatives. 7(1), Article 4. 

-Flores-Marti, I. and Lopez-Carrasquillo, A. (2014). El sistema de evaluación en la educación física., Revista Digital, 190.  Buenos Aires, Argentina. Flores-Marti, I and Lopez-Carrasquillo, A. (2014). The evaluation system in physical education., Revista Digital, 190. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

-López-Carrasquillo, A. (2013). Deconstructing the American Melting Pot: Promoting Civic Education and Ideals in the Bilingual Social Studies. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal 4(3).

-Hubbard, T., Lopez-Carrasquillo, A., Christenson, M., Dallme, D., & Dyer, J. (2012). Shifting Roles of the GAs. In M. Johnston-Parsons (Ed.), Dialogue and difference in a PDS: A 16-year sociocultural study of an experimental teacher education program. Charlotte: Information Age Publishers.

-López-Carrasquillo, A. (2009). The planning process of a first generation Mexicana teacher in a bilingual social studies classroom in the United States. Journal of the Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture, 1(1), 83-91.

-López-Carrasquillo, A. (1996). Prácticas de aceptación y rechazo de estudiantes Dominicanos y Puertorriqueños en una escuela elemental en Puerto Rico [Practices of acceptance and rejection among Dominican and Puerto Rican students at one elementary school in Puerto Rico]. Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico [The University of Puerto Rico Social Sciences Magazine], 6, 141-164.

Room LWH 4039
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5500
Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus