Cassi Martinez
Office Administrator
Mathematics Development

91Porn, TESOL M.A., 2017

Pomona College, Media Studies B.A., 2013

5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Mathematics Department and Math Development Program: (773) 442-5760

NEIU logo
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5779
Courses Taught
Math 165
Research Interests


BBH 204H
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5779
Office Hours
Summer 2020
By appointment
El Centro
Main Campus
Nabil Kahouadji
Associate Professor, Audrey Reynolds Distinguished Teaching Professor
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5760
Courses Taught
MATH 112: Statistics in Daily Life (F16, S17 & F17).
MATH 149: Mathematics For Elementary Teachers I (S17).
MATH 275: Applied and Computational Statistics (F16, 17, 18, 21 & 22).
MATH 305: Probability and Statistics (F19)
MATH 334: Mathematical Statistics I (F17).
MATH 336: Statistical Inference (S18).
MATH 347: Probability for Actuaries with Actuarial Exam Preparation (S19, 21 & 22)
MATH 357: Financial Mathematics for Actuaries with Actuarial Exam Preparation (F19, 20 & 21)
MATH 406: Linear Programming: Theory and Practice (F18)
MATH 421: Modern Geometry (S18, F19 & 22).
MATH 441: Multivariate Statistical Analysis (S17, 20 & 22).
MATH 472: Simulation Modeling and Analysis (F16 & 20).
MATH 474: Mathematical Modeling (F20)
Research Interests
Time series forecasting; Machine learning; Differential Geometry; Actuarial Sciences; Mathematical/Statistical Modeling.

2009, Ph.D. in Mathematics, Université Paris Diderot - Paris VII, France.

2006, Master in Mathematics, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, France. 

2004, Licence (Bachelor of Science) in Mathematics, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, France. 

Selected Publications

[9] N. Kahouadji, Variations on two-parameter families of advanced time series forecasting functions IV: seasonal models and application to university enrollment,. November 2022.  

[8] N. Kahouadji,  Variations on two-parameter families of forecasting functions: seasonal/nonseasonal Models, comparison to the exponential smoothing and ARIMA models, and applications to stock market data, , July 2022. 

[7] N. Kahouadji, N. Kamran, and K. Tenenblat,  Local Isometric Immersions of Pseudo-spherical Surfaces and k-th Order Evolution Equations, Commun. Contemp. Math. 21 (2019), no. 4, 1850025, 21 pp.

[6] N. Kahouadji, N. Kamran, and K. Tenenblat,  Second-order equations and local isometric immersions of pseudo-spherical surfaces, Comm. Anal. Geom., 24 (2016), no. 3, pp. 605-643.

[5] N. Kahouadji, N. Kamran, and Keti Tenenblat,  Local Isometric immersions of pseudo-spherical surfaces and evolution equations, Fields Inst. Commun., 75 (2015), pp. 369-381.

[4] N. Kahouadji,  Construction of local conservation laws by generalized isometric embedding of vector bundles,  Asian J. Math., 15, no. 4 (2011), pp.521-538.

[3] N. Kahouadji, Conservation laws and generalized isometric embeddings, October 2009, Thèse en Ligne (T.E.L):  .

[2] N. Kahouadji, Energy-Momentum’s local conservation laws and generalized isometric embeddings of vector bundles, Geometry, Topology, QFT and Cosmology, Travaux en cours en Physique-Mathématiques, Hermann (2009), no. 76, pp.  45-70

[1] N. Kahouadji,  Cartan--Kähler theory and application to local isometric and conformal embeddings, Systèmes Intégrables et Théorie Quantique des Champs, Travaux en cours en Physique-Mathématiques, Herman (2008), no. 75, pp. 295-316. 

Additional Information

Recent Invited Talks

Nov. 4, 2022: Applied Mathematics Seminar, 91Porn, Chicago, IL, USA. 

Sept. 30, 2022: Statistics and Data Science Seminar, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA.

Sept. 21, 2022: Statistics and Data Science Seminar, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.

July 13, 2022: The 42th International Symposium on Forecasting, Oxford, England.

May 19, 2022: The 19th Mathematical and Statistical Modeling of Complex Systems Workshop, Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Poland.

Jan. 17, 2020: Joint Mathematical Meetings, AMS Special Session on Geometry of Differential Equations, Denver, Colorado, USA.

June 27, 2019: Seminari Geometria, Centre de Recerca Mathematica, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.

June 26, 2019: Barcelona Analysis Conference 2019, Poster Presentation, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.

June 10-14, 2019:  A celebration of Analysis, Geometry and Physics, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Montreal, QC, Canada. 

Aug. 14, 2018: Seminario de Geometria, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil. 

Aug. 7, 2018: International Congress of Mathematicians 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

June 7, 2018: Symmetry and Perturbation Theory Conference, Pula, Sardinia, Italy.  

March 14, 2018: When Nature Surprises our Geometric Intuition, Northside College Preparatory School, Chicago, USA.

Nov. 17, 2017: NEIU 8th Faculty Research and Creative Activities Symposium, Chicago, USA.

July 25, 2017: Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Special Session “Geometry of Differential Equations, Real and Complex”, Montreal, QC, Canada.

June 12, 2017: Séminaire de Géométrie et Dynamique, Institut de Mathématique de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France.

June 5, 2017: Geometry and Algebra of PDEs 2017UiT the Arctic University of Norway - Tromso, Norway.  

June 2, 2017: Séminaire de Géométrie et Physique Mathématiques, Institut de Mathématique de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France. 

Jan. 27, 2017: On the geometry of pseudo-spherical surfaces, Deerfield High School, District 113, Illinois, USA. 

Nov. 18, 2016: NEIU 7th Faculty Research and Creative Activities Symposium, Chicago, USA.

Room BBH 225B
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5760
Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus
Curriculum Vitae
 Professor Graham
Associate Professor, Coordinator of Mathematics Development
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5751
Courses Taught
  Math 590: Masters Thesis         
  Math 495: Project in Mathematics
  Math 389: Seminar on Belief Systems in Math and Science
  Math 381: Concepts in Discrete Math for Educators
  Math 380: Calculus Concepts for Middle School Teachers
  Math 311: Introduction to Advanced Mathematics
  Math 150: Math for Elementary Teachers II
  Math 145: Algebra Concepts for Middle School Teachers
  Math 097: Mathematical Literacy
  Math 091: Intermediate Algebra I
Research Interests
  Low Dimensional Topology: Knot Theory, Knot Floer Homology, Surfaces in 4-space, Khovanov Homology

  Math Education: Crafting out-of-class engagement, punctuated cognitive psychological interventions on student's disposition to learn and achievement

2012, Ph.D. in Mathematics,  Brandeis University 

2006,  M.S.  in Physics,  Brandeis University 

2004,  B.S.  in Mathematics and Physics with Highest Honors, University California, Davis 

Additional Information

Awards and Fellowships

  2019 Northeastern Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching

  2017 Co-PI: NSF Noyce Grant (Award no. 1660785) NSF Noyce Scholars University and Community College Collaboration

  2015-2016 Northwestern Faculty Honor Roll (student selected)

  2015-2016 Northwestern University Educational Technology Teaching Fellow

  2015 Mathematics Department Excellence in Teaching Award, Northwestern University

  2011-2012 NSF IGERT Fellow

  2004-2006 Martin A. Fischer Fellow

  Recent Presentations

  2019 AAC&U Transforming STEM Higher Education (Nov. 7) in Chicago, IL

  2019 (STEAM) 2 Conference (April 26-27) in St. Charles, IL

  2018 AAC&U and PKAL: Transforming STEM Higher Education (Nov. 8-10) in Atlanta, GA

  2018 Jayhawk Math Teachers Circle Lawrence, Kansas

  2018 Catalyzing Progress in STEM Education with Insights from Midwestern HSI's  Chicago, Illinois

  2018 Chicago Symposium Series (April 13) NEIU

  2017 NEIU Faculty Research Symposium (Nov 17), NEIU     

  2017 MAA Iowa Regional Meeting (Oct 21), Dubuque, Iowa

  2016 NEIU Faculty Research Symposium (Nov 18), NEIU

BBH 225C
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5751
Office Hours
Summer 2020
By appointment
Main Campus
Picture of John Smiling in his office
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5779
Courses Taught
Math 173, College Algebra
Math 165, Finite Mathematics
Research Interests
Mathematics education

M.A. Mathematics, DePaul University 2015

B.S. Accounting/Finance, University of Illinois-Chicago 2003

Room BBH 204H
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5779
Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus