M.A. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, School for International Training (SIT), Brattleboro, VT
B.A. English, Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Dana Horstein holds an M.A. in Teaching and a teacher trainer certificate from the School for International Training. She has taught English for more than 12 years in both the U.S. and Mexico and has worked with adult immigrants, as well as with university and high school students. Upon returning to the U.S. from Mexico in 2014, she began to focus on diversity and social justice issues in TESOL. Her concern for these issues led her to co-found the new TESOL Diversity Collaborative, which was approved to be a Forum at the 2016 TESOL International Convention.
Conference Presentations
English Only: Problematizing Teaching English in a Globalized World, National Teachers Conference, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, July 2015
Diversity in TESOL: Where Is It?, Illinois TESOL Annual State Conference, Naperville, Illinois, February 2015 (co-presented with Jeanine Ntihirageza)
Providing Meaningful Professional Development: Moving Beyond the Mandate, Illinois TESOL Fall Workshop, Chicago, Illinois, October 2014
Teaching Reflection Revisited: Practices from a Peer Mentoring Group, MEXTESOL National Convention, Queretaro, Mexico, November 2013
Seeing Student Progress, Professional Development Week, Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca, Mexico, Feb. 2012
The Classroom as a Laboratory: Using the Experiential Learning Cycle as a Teacher Reflection Tool, Professional Development Week, Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca, Mexico, September 2011
Not Just Words: Using Multi-visuals to Teach Writing, 2nd Annual Meeting for Language Teachers in the State of Oaxaca, Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca,Mexico, August 2011
English Comes Alive: Using Drama to Inspire Language Learning, Illinois TESOL Annual State Conference, Naperville, Illinois, February 2010
Up-Close and Personal: Student Stories as Language Material, Northern Region Adult Education Conference, Bloomingdale, IL, December 2009
Illinois TESOL Annual State Conference, Naperville, Illinois, February 2009
LWH 2046
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
Ph.D. in Linguistics, Louisiana State University
5500 North St. Louis Ave.
Chicago , IL 60625
United States
Majors, Minors, Graduate Programs & Certificates
Majors, Minors, Graduate Programs & Certificates
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
The TESOL faculty at NEIU has more than 75 years combined experience teaching TESOL and 80 years combined teacher training experience. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages gives students an understanding of the nature of language, culture, instruction, assessment, and professionalism as well as a greater understanding of their own interrelationships.
Ph.D., Second Language Studies, Michigan State University
(2016). The role of phrasal phonology in speech perception: What perceptual epenthesis shows us. Journal of Phonetics, 54, 15-34. (with Durvasula, K.)
(in press). Phonological alternations modulate illusory vowels in perceptual epenthesis. Phonology. (with Durvasula, K.)
(2015). The accuracy of computer-assisted feedback and students’ responses to it. Language Learning & Technology, 19, 50-68. (with Lavolette, B. & Polio, C.)
(2014). Exploring utterance and cognitive fluency of L1 and L2 English speakers: Temporal measures and stimulated recall. Language Learning, 64, 809-854.
(2012). A review of Criterion. Language Learning and Technology, 16(2), 38-45. (with Lim, H.)
(2006). Needs analysis of 6th-9th graders for an English writing camp: English writing proficiency and needs on English writing. English Teaching, 61(3), 59-82.
(2006). The effect of pronunciation training on Korean adults' perception and production of English vowels, /i/, /ɪ/, /u/, and /ʊ/. Foreign Languages Education, 13(1), 45-65
Selected Presentations
(March, 2014). Oral fluency in second language and pause phenomena. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2014, Portland, OR, USA.
(November, 2013). Relationship between L2 perceived fluency and pause phenomena: Frequency, duration, and distribution of silent pauses. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2013, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA.
(October, 2013). Allophony modulates perceptual epenthesis. Paper presented at Japanese/Korean Linguistics 23, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. (with Durvasula, D.)
(August, 2013). Effects of frequency, duration, and distribution of pauses on the perception of L2 oral fluency. Proposal presented at the Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA) 23, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
(May, 2013). Investigating utterance fluency and cognitive fluency in second language speech. Paper presented at the New Sounds 2013: International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
(April, 2013). Allophonic features modulate perceptual epenthesis. Paper presented at the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 49, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. (with Durvasula, K.)
(November, 2012). How long should a pause be? Effects of cut-off points of pause length on analyzing L2 utterance fluency. Poster presented at the Workshop Fluent Speech: Combining cognitive and educational approaches, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
(September, 2012). What is going on when L2 speakers pause: Pausing and L2 proficiency. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA) 22, Poznań, Poland.
(March, 2012). Quantitative and qualitative analysis of fluency in L1 and L2 speakers’ speech. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2012, Boston, MA. USA.
(October, 2011). Perceptual epenthesis and epenthesis in production by advanced L2 learners. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2011, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA.
(August, 2011). Effects of speech style on advanced L2 learners’ production of English syllable codas. Paper presented at the 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Beijing, China.
(October, 2010). Advanced L2 learners' production of English syllable codas: A stylistic perspective. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2010, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.
LWH 3069
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
IL, IL 60625
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