Maleki Headshot
Assistant Professor
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6073
Courses Taught
MNGT 380 Entrepreneurship
MNGT 350 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
MNGT 393 Strategic Management
MNGT 399 Management of Change
MNGT 489 Management of Organizational Change
MNGT 381 Managing International Business
MNGT 481 International Management
Research Interests
Entrepreneurship, Cross-Cultural Management, Corporate Governance

Ph.D., Business Administration (Entrepreneurship - Strategy), Washington State University

Master of Labor Studies & Employment Relations, Rutgers University

M.S., Entrepreneurship Management, University of Tehran

B.S., Industrial Management, Azad University 

Selected Publications

Maleki A., Funk, Ch., Moghaddam, K., Tajjedin, M., Simba, Amon. A cross–national study of entrepreneurial intent: The contextual effect of social trust and trust in government. April 2023. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship.

Maleki A., Moghaddam., K., Cloninger, P. A Cross-National Study of Youth Entrepreneurship: The Effect of Family Support. November 2021. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Kuhn, K., and Maleki, A. Micro-Entrepreneurs, Dependent Contractors, and Instaserfs: Understanding Online Labor Platform Workforces. March 2017, Academy of Management Perspectives.

5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6073
Office Hours
Click link below for appointment schedule.
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6127
Courses Taught
MNGT 201 Introduction To Business
MNGT 378 Managing Diversity In Organizations
Research Interests

MBA, North Park

MSC, Northwestern

PhD Candidate, Cardinal Stritch


(773) 442-6127
Office Hours
Contact via email.
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
Courses Taught
COBM 382 Internship In Business
MNGT 380 Entrepreneurship
MNGT 480 Entrepreneurship
Research Interests

MBA, Northwestern

Office Hours
Contact via email.
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-5089
Courses Taught
MNGT 368 Business Statistics
MNGT 377 Production/Operations Management
MNGT 379 Business Analytics
Research Interests
Management Sciences and Operation Research

MS, Illinois Institute of Technology


(773) 442-5089
Office Hours
Contact via email or phone.
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
Courses Taught
MNGT 355 Logistics Management
MNGT 380 Entrepreneurship
MNGT 393 Strategic Management
Research Interests
Creativity and Innovation

DBA Candidate, DePaul University

MBA, Dalhousie University


Office Hours
Contact via email.
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6127
Courses Taught
MNGT 370 Writing Intensive Program: Managing Global Business Organization
MKTG 350 Introduction To Entrepreneurship
Research Interests
Innovation, Strategy, and Management Development

MBA Case Western

(773) 442-6127
Office Hours
Posted on office door; contact via email or phone.
Main Campus
Garo Agopian smiles into the camera.
Assistant Professor
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6130
Courses Taught
MKTG 350 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 359 Marketing Management
MKTG 361 Social Media Marketing
Research Interests
Social Media, Consumer Behavior, Digital Marketing, Expertise and Influence

Ph.D. in Marketing, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 2019  
M.B.A., Lebanese American University, Lebanon, 2014    
B.B.A., Haigazian University, Lebanon, 2010 

Selected Publications

Jeffrey F. Durgee, Garo Agopian, (2018) "Refurbishing services and how services enhance consumer wellbeing", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 32 Issue: 3, pp. 311-321

(773) 442-6130
Office Hours
Posted on office door. Contact via email or phone.
Main Campus
Cigdem Gonul Kochan smiles into the camera.
Assistant Professor
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-4563
Courses Taught
MNGT 368 Business Statistics
MNGT 377 Production and Operations Management
Research Interests
Supply chain resilience; Supply chain management technology trends; Healthcare supply chains; Humanitarian logistics; Reverse logistics

Ph.D., Logistics and Supply Chain Management, The University of North Texas. 2015.
M.S., Information Technology Management, The University of Texas at Dallas. 2009.
B.S., Business Administration, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey. 2005.

Selected Publications

1. Gonul Kochan, C., Pourreza, S., Tran, H., and Prybutok, V. R. (2016). Determinants and Logistics of E-waste Recycling, The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 1, No. 27, pp. 52-70. 
2. Gonul Kochan, C., Nowicki, D. R, Sauser, B., and Randall, W.S. (2017). Impact of Cloud-based Information Sharing on Hospital Supply Chain Performance: A System Dynamics Framework, International Journal of Production Economics, No. 195, pp. 168-185. 
3. Kochan, C. G., and Nowicki, D. R. (2018). Supply chain resilience: a systematic literature review and typological framework, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 48 No. 8, pp. 842-865. 
4. Kochan, C. G., Kulkarni, S., and Nowicki, D. R. (2016). Efficient Inventorying and Distribution of Blood Product during Disasters. In Advances in Managing Humanitarian Operations (pp. 185-204). Springer International Publishing. 

(773) 442-4563
Office Hours
Posted on office door. Contact via email or phone.
Main Campus