Opportunity for Public Comment

In accordance with , and the, "Any person shall be permitted an opportunity to address public officials under the rules established and recorded by the public body." An opportunity for the public to offer comment to the Board will be placed on the Agenda for each meeting. Comment will be limited to three (3) minutes. Persons wishing to address the Board further should do so in accordance with the procedure as listed below. The ruling of the Board Chair will prevail. 

As adopted Nov. 19, 2020.

Procedure for Requests to Address the Board

From:  Board Regulations, Section I. F. 3. Presentations

3.  Presentations

    a.    Persons seeking to address the Board are encouraged to notify the President at least forty-eight hours in advance of the meeting.

The request shall include:

  1. the name, address and phone number of the person wishing to speak
  2. the name of the group represented
  3. a summary of the presentation

     b.     When the number of requests to address the Board at a given session exceeds the time available, requests will be approved based on the date the written request was received by the President. In addition, preference will be given to subject matters that relate to the agenda for the relevant Board meeting and to avoid repetitiveness.

    c.     A person seeking to address the Board should limit their comment to issues of concern before the Board and shall not contain comments of a personal nature directed toward individual Board members, NEIU employees or any other individual.

    d.    The Board will allow up to thirty minutes in total for public comment/questions per meeting. Persons appearing before the Board will each be allotted no more than three (3) minutes for the purpose of making their public comments. This will be strictly adhered to with assistance of a timekeepers. It is the Chair's prerogative to extend the time allotted to any speaker, given the other matters on the Board's agenda.

    e.    The Board, in its discretion, may accept written comments at its meetings.

    f.    Any person who does not comply with these guidelines will not be allowed to address the Board.

Please register for public comment by completing this . The Assistant Secretary to the Board will notify registrants following the close of the registration period or after 4 p.m. the day before each meeting.