Per Federal Guidelines, the following consumer information is listed below for all NEIU current and prospective students.
- Annual Security Report (Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures, Timely Warnings, and Crime Log)
- Fire Safety Report and Fire Log
- and Job placement for graduate students and undergraduate students
- Information for Crime Victims about Disciplinary Proceedings
- Method of financial assistance disbursements to student and frequency of disbursements: View on your NEIUport the Financial Aid Awards Section and Award Acceptance and click Schedule for more information.
- Policies and Sanctions Regarding Copyright Infringement (Including Computer Use and File Sharing)
- Terms of any loan received, sample repayment schedule for sample loans and necessity for repaying loans-View on your NEIUport the Financial Aid Awards Section and Award Acceptance for more information-Students should get an idea of how to pay back loans before applying. Please visit as a resource to teach you about types of loans to apply for, repayment and much more.
- Title IX
- (Resource Guide)