Writing an Assessment Report

Starting in Fall 2024 the University Assessment Team and Academic Affairs has moved to a two-year cycle for assessment reporting to provide time for meaningful assessment analysis and reflection. Full reports that include assessment data will be due every other year, while the mid-cycle year will report assessment plans and progress. 

Please check your email for information to determine if you are on a Mid-Cycle or Full Reporting year. Programs were equally divided to provide adequate support to all departments and programs.

We will continue to use the Planning and Self Study application by Watermark to which Department Assessment Coordinators, Program Coordinators and Chairpersons have access to this application. The first time working an annual assessment report, please contact Kenny Beyer at k-beyer@neiu.edu if you don't have access.


FY24 Due Date

  • The College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office has determined the FY2024 (Fall 2023-Spring 2024) Assessment Report will be due on Monday, Oct. 28, 2024.

Additional Support

Starting in Fall 2023, the Assessment Team members will serve as assessment liaisons working with specific departments. In order to provide timely assistance you can complete the form.

Goodwin College of Education

  • The reporting process is mainly designed around our local, state and college-specific accreditation requirements.

College of Business and Technology

  • The reporting process is designed around AACSB standards.

Program Review

Departments required to complete program review based on IBHE guidelines will utilize the Planning and Self Study application as well. Programs will be notified via Academic Affairs when this review must be completed and timeline for submitting.


The program review process takes approximately 12 months to complete. A general timeline is given below.

  • September: Academic Affairs provides the department with the Program Review template and timeline and meets with the department to discuss program review.
  • January: Institutional Research provides enrollment and degrees conferred data; Budget Office provides cost analysis.
  • Jan. 1: Department submits 3-4 names of external reviewers to Sudha Sriinvas, Associate Provost for Assessment & Innovation, in Academic Affairs.
  • Feb. 17: Self-study is due to Academic Affairs.
  • February: External reviewer is identified and sent contract and information by Academic Affairs. Self-study is sent to an external reviewer.
  • March: External reviewer visits for one full day or two half-days
  • Reviewer provides report.
  • Academic Affairs meets with department to discuss strengths and challenges.
  • September: Program review due to IBHE.


Kenny Beyer hosts a meeting with programs that are actively going through this process each academic year and provide technological guidance throughout the process.