Faculty Success by Watermark will be utilized by faculty to build their portfolios. Tenure track faculty new to Northeastern, in their first, second, third and fourth years, as well as those for Full Professor or Professional Advancement Increase will be required to use Faculty Success. 

Faculty Success has two modules to streamline the process.

The first module is called Faculty Success Accomplishments, which will allow faculty to build their accomplishments continually without having to wait for a 'portfolio' or 'template' to be set up each year. Benefits of using this tool include:

  • No more tables that have to be manually created
  • Courses will be auto-populated by Faculty Success admins
  • Course Evaluation Results (with those with seven or more students) will be auto-populated at the end of each semester
  • All information is entered using a form-like tool similar to a Google Form

The second module is called Faculty Success RPT (Reviews, Promotion and Tenure) module. This module is deployed to a subset of faculty who are pursuing promotion, tenure or to be retained. This module is what opens the process for writing narratives for each area, teaching, research and service.

Important Dates

Position Status Request Due Date (at 11:59 p.m.)
Teaching & Resource Professionals 1st & 2nd Year Retention Faculty Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025
  3rd, 4th, 5th Year Retention Faculty Monday, Jan. 6, 2025
Instructors Those wanting to be reconsidered for 
appointment the next academic year.
Monday, March 17, 2025
Teaching & Resource Professionals Tenured not Applying for Promotion Friday, March 28, 2025

Evaluation Memos for Contract Administrator

Watermark Tools/Guides

  • A Faculty Success Accomplishments by Watermark.
  • One of the helpful tools that is Curriculum Vitae Importer Tool which allows you to upload your Word CV to help build your portfolio. A and of this process can be reviewed. This is not a requirement.
  • Your research publications can be imported from a BibTex file that various external applications can generate, e.g. Google Scholar, EndNote, RefWorks, etc. and that can reviewed.

NEIU Processes and Technology Guides

Support matrix

  • Faculty needing assistance in using the tool can email ctl@neiu.edu or view this .
  • Reviewers (Departmental Personnel Committees, Department Chairs, Deans and University Personnel Committees) can email assesssment-assistance@neiu.edu.

Submission Tips

  • If you are using links in one of your narratives (teaching, research or service) make sure it opens in a new tab or window. This means moving the slider bar when using the Insert Link option. You can check this after submitting. You have the ability to recall your portfolio and make this correction until the official deadline.
  • If you are linking in your narrative, the links should come from items you already uploaded to the your annual activity report originally as the rule; only a few exceptions apply.
  • Refresh your Annual Activity prior to Submitting to the DPC. The refreshing of your annual activity report will then show a current date stamp and guarantee all your documentation is visible to review it. 
  • If you are required to have tables in narrative sections you can sometimes make them in MS Word first and copy and paste into Faculty Success; however, verify formatting and other features when pasting. Remember to check the look and feel after submitting.
  • Documentation is key. Keep documentation of all activities that you need to get credit for doing those activities, e.g. service work, research activities and instructional material examples.

Training Schedule

During these first first two years of implementing this application there will be numerous trainings that will be conducted for those faculty working within the application as well as all the different stages of reviewers to be knowledgeable in the system. Zoom links will be provided via Nmail calendar invitations based on individuals who are directly effected by this change, e.g. if you are first- or second-year faculty member you will get a Zoom invitation for that session.

Please attempt to RSVP to Nmail calendar invitations so we can determine participation. All sessions will be conducted via Zoom. Each session will be remain open for 15 minutes; however, if no one joins the session will be concluded for the day.

Date Time Group
Tuesday, Oct 8 4:00-5:00 p.m. DPC Drop-In Hours
Thursday, Oct. 24 2:00-3:00 p.m. Department Chairpersons
Friday, Oct. 25 2:00-3:00 p.m. Department Chairpersons
Wednesday, Nov. 13 10:00-11:00 a.m. Deans
Friday, Dec. 13 10:00-11:00 a.m. Year 1-5 Faculty
Monday, Dec. 16 10:00-11:00 a.m. Year 1-5 Faculty
Monday, Jan. 6 2:00-3:00 p.m. Year 1-5 Faculty
Monday, Jan. 6 9:30-10:30 a.m. DPC Chairpersons
Wednesday, Jan. 8 2:30-3:30 p.m. DPC Chairpersons
Thursday, Jan. 23 2:30-3:30 p.m. Department Chairpersons
Monday, Jan. 27 12:30-1:30 p.m. UPC