Documents and Other Information for Prospective Students

Examine the many resources available to prospective Counselor Education students. These resources can supplement your specific program of interest and the counseling profession in general.

For additional information, contact the Department of Counselor Education at (773) 442-5550 or

Scholarship Information

  • Through a grant from the Department of Education, the Rehabilitation Counseling program awards scholarships to rehabilitation counseling students who desire to work in the state-federal vocational rehabilitation system. The Rehabilitation Counseling program has been awarded a five-year grant through 2025 providing full tuition scholarships for interested students admitted to the rehab counseling program. Contact Dr. Craig Johnston at for more information on the grant.
  • The School Counseling program has secured a $4,270,000 grant through the U.S. Department of Education through 2027. During the final academic year when school counseling students are placed in their practicum/internship school site, students can receive a $20,000 stipend and tuition for the three advanced clinical courses, if they are placed in a high-needs school. Students who receive the scholarship also participate in a series of trainings related to inclusive practices in schools. Contact grant administrator Dr. Beth Gilfillan at for more information. 

Veteran's Request for Certification

  • Veterans currently enrolled in a Counselor Education master's degree program or a non-degree graduate program in Counseling must submit the for every semester that VA educational benefits are used.