Determine if you need to apply to the IRB
Determination of Human Subject Research: Please fill out the pre-question survey in to determine whether your project would be considered research on human subjects.
When logging in to , the Institution ID is "neiu" (lower case). The username and password is the same as your NEIUport login credentials.
Submit a New Protocol (Faculty/Staff)
Determine if you are eligible to be a Principal Investigator
- Human Subjects on-line training requirements: Researchers using human subjects must receive before applying for and receiving IRB approval. This training is available for free online. You will need to register for a free account to access the training module. For information on getting started with CITI, please see these instructions.
- Responsibilities of a Principal Investigator: The conduct of human subject research requires more consideration than types of research that do not include human subjects. Please review the guidelines about your responsibility for the safe and ethical conduct of human subject research.
- Responsibilities of a Faculty Sponsor: Mentoring students in the safe and ethical conduct of human subject research requires careful oversight and thoughtful engagement with students about their responsibilities. This document will assist you in undertaking the responsibility of mentoring students on their research.
LEARN MORE about Institutional Review Boards
This describes what an institutional review board (IRB) is and how IRBs serve to protect people who participate in research.
For more information on the IRB process, review this chart.
Questions about getting started? Please contact us at