Affiliated Faculty

Denise L Cloonan Cortez de Andersen
Cloonan Cortez de Andersen
Department Chair, Professor of Spanish
World Languages and Cultures
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-4741
Second Language Acquisition, Language Pedagogy and Assessment, Applied Spanish Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Language Planning, Phonology, Romance Phonology and Dialectology
Courses Taught
SPAN 413 Spanish Dialectology
SPAN 315 Applied Spanish Linguistics
SPAN 301 Avanced Spanish Grammar
Research Interests
Heritage Learning and heritage learners’ strategies Strategic Interaction scenarios as pre-reading and post-reading activities Assessing reading comprehension through text completion tasks Using introspection and verbal reporting to monitor L2 reading comprehension Strategic Interaction scenarios as assessment of cultural perspectives Language contact and language change: interface of Spanish and English in Chicago - evidence for a lingua franca? Spanish phonetics and phonology - dialectal variation and change due to contact Affective variables in second language acquisition

Ph.D. Linguistics.  University of Delaware, Newark, DE 1991
Doctoral Studies in Spanish Literature. University of Maryland, College Park, MD 1985-1986
M.A. Hispanic Literature.  University of Delaware, Newark, DE 1985
Graduate Studies. Centro de Estudios Hispánicos en Madrid, Bryn Mawr College, 1983
B.A. Spanish, Minor in English.  University of Delaware, Newark, DE 1983

Selected Publications


Contornos del habla: fonología y fonética del español. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, (August, 2009) ©2010

!Anda! Curso Intermedio, Native Speaker Activities Ancillary. Pearson/Prentice Hall, (2009) in Heining-Boynton, Leloup, Cowell. ©2010.

Invited Articles:

“El español de Chicago”, Contratiempo [Chicago] 80 (Diciembre 2010): 9. 


“Mother Culture Impact on Foreign Language Reading Comprehension,”    Language Across Boundaries, published in British Studies in Applied Linguistics, Cambridge, UK, 16:  (185-200), 2001, Continuum Press.

“Una aplicación de la teoría pedagógica de Paulo Freire.” Paper published in Conference Proceedings of the VII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social: Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Santiago de Cuba, January 23-26, 2001.

Book Reviews:

“Heritage Language Education: A New Field Emerging,” Brinton, Donna M., Olga Kagan and Susan Bauckus, eds. 2008. New York and London: Routledge, 2008. Modern Language Journal, 94:3, 2010.

“Idioms—Description, Comprehension, Acquisition, and Pedagogy,” by Dilin Liu. New York and London: Routledge, 2007. Modern Language Journal 93: 2, 2009.

"ESOL Tests and Testing". Stephen Stoynoff and Carol A. Chapelle. Modern Language Journal, 90: 4, 2006.

“Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices,” H. Douglas   Brown. Longman Press, 2004. Modern Language Journal, 90: 3, 2006.

“Discovering Grammar: An Introduction to English Sentence Structure,” by Anne Lobeck. Oxford University Press, 2000. Modern Language Journal, 86:2, 2002.

“Meaning in English: An Introduction to Language Study” by Lesley Jeffries. Modern Language Journal, 84: 3, 2000.       

Manuscripts--In Preparation:

“The native speaker and the heritage speaker: a comparison of their lexicon” manuscript in preparation.

Book Manuscript Reviewer:

Doing Foreign Language: Bringing Concordia Language Villages into Language Classrooms, by Heidi Hamilton, Cori Crane and Abigail Bartoshesky. Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2005.

Building Reading Comprehension Habits in Grades 6-12. A Toolkit of Classroom Activities, by Jeff Zwiers. International Reading Association, 2004.

Developing Academic Thinking Skills in Grades 6-12. A Handbook of Multiple Intelligence Activities, by Jeff Zwiers. International Reading Association, 2004.

Selected Performances


"Using regional literature to promote understanding of dialectal variation in Spanish". Paper proposal accepted for presentation at the 46th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL): The Impact of Applied Linguistics:  September 5-7, 2013, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland

“How listening strategies develop through collective scaffolding in role play”. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL): “Language, Learning, and Context”, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, September 3-5, 2009.

“Measuring and evaluating the lexicon of the non-native, native and heritage speaker in Spanish”. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL): “Taking the Measure of Applied Linguistics” Swansea University, Swansea, Wales, UK, September 11-13, 2008.

"The L2 Reading Process--An Introspective View.”  Paper presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL): “Applied Linguistics and Communities of Practice.” Cardiff, Wales, September 12-14, 2002.

“La gramática contextualizada por medio de la actuación.” Paper presented at the II Simposio Regional de Lectura y Vida: “La escuela y la formación de lectores y escritores,” (Asociación Internacional de Lectura--IRA). Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 11-13, 2001.

“Taking a Freirean Approach to Meet the Individual Needs of the Diversified Classroom.” Paper presented at the 34th Annual British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Conference: “Unity and Diversity in Language Use.”  The University of Reading, UK: September 6-8, 2001.

“Una aplicación de la teoría pedagógica de Paulo Freire.” Paper presented   at the VII Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social: Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Santiago de Cuba, January 23-26, 2001.

“La Gramática Contextualizada por la Técnica de Strategic Interaction.” Paper presented at the “X Encuentro para profesores de español: gramática y metodología en la enseñanza del español,” Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) Campus Estados Unidos. San Antonio, TX, Simulcast to Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), (Mexico City); Centro de Enseñanza para Extranjeros (CEPE), Mexico City; Escuela para Extranjeros en Canadá (ESECA) and Universidad de Quintana Roo, October 28, 2000.

“Mother Culture Impact on Foreign Language Reading Comprehension.” Paper presented at the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) 33rd Annual Meeting in Cambridge U.K. “Language across Boundaries” September 7-9, 2000.


“How to Select Materials for the Major Portfolio that Embrace Student Diversity.”  Paper presented with Dr. Mary Ellen McGoey to the AAHE National Conference on Higher Education: “Learning in Context: Who are our students? How do they learn?”  Chicago, IL, March 16-19, 2002.

“How to Assess Undergraduate Programs: A Model.” Paper presented with  Mary Ellen McGoey at the American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) 2001 National Conference on Higher Education, (March 24-27, 2001) “Balancing Private Gain and Public Good,” Washington D.C., March 27, 2001.

“Employing a Freirean Approach to Meet the Individual Needs of the Diversified Classroom.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), “Teacher Educator as Advocate,” New Orleans, LA, February 17-21, 2001.

“Design for the Foreign Language Major Portfolio: An Outcome Template.” Paper presented with Mary Ellen McGoey and Vicki Román-Lagunas at the American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) Assessment Conference 2000: “Rising Expectations for Assessment: Can We Deliver,” Charlotte, NC, June 14-18, 2000.


Invited Talk: Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association (CHICATA) “DIALECTOLOGY: What is it? Its significance in language prestige and cross-cultural understanding”, Open Books, Chicago, April 26, 2014.

“Assessment of Major Programs: A Design Template.”  Paper presented with Dr. Mary Ellen McGoey at the 2001 Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, IN, November 4-6, 2001.

“Designing an Assessment Template for the Undergraduate Major.” 5th Annual Assessment Conference Sponsored by the College of Business and Economics, California State University at Fullerton, Fullerton, CA: “Outcome Assessment: From Chaos to Clarity,” March 1-2, 2001.

“Strategic Interaction Workshop: Learning Languages through Scenarios.” Workshop presented at the Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ICTFL) Conference: “Languages: Take Two,” Itasca, October 19-21, 2000.

“Encouraging and Assessing Reading Comprehension through Text Completion Tasks.” Paper presented at the 27th Plains International Reading Association (IRA) Regional Conference: “Literacy--Gateway to New Horizons.” St. Louis, MO, October 12-14, 2000. 

“A Framework to Facilitate Student Teachers’ Self Assessment.” Paper presented  at the 14th Annual Midwest Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Conference: “Preparing Teachers to Create Successful School Environments,” Davenport, IA, April 8-9, 2000.

“Assessment of culture in the Communicative Foreign Language Classroom,” Paper presented at the 1999 Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ICTFL) Conference: “Capitalizing on Foreign Languages”, Springfield, IL, October 22, 1999.

“Preliminary Assessment Practices for Foreign Languages--A Work in Progress.”   Paper presented at 91Porn, Assessment Workshop, Chicago, IL, March 10, 1999.


Acting Department Chair. Department of World Languages and Cultures, 91Porn, Chicago, IL 05/2013-12/2013.
Professor of Spanish. Department of World Languages and Cultures, 91Porn, Chicago, IL 09/09-present.
Associate Professor of Spanish. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 91Porn, Chicago, IL 09/2003-08/2009
Assistant Professor of Spanish. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 91Porn, Chicago, IL 08/1997-08/2003

Additional Information

Advisor: Teaching Certification for Professionals (TCP) Advisor; Liaison to the College of Education, Undergraduate advisor

LWH 2039
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Department of World Languages and Cultures
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-4741
Office Hours
M/F 11-2, T/W 1-3, and T/R 2-6 or by appointment
Main Campus
Curriculum Vitae
Lisa Hollis Sawyer
Associate Professor, Psychology; Gerontology Faculty, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Affiliate Faculty, Instructor in the Master of Public Health Degree Program.
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5846
Gerontology, Psychology, Women and Gender Studies, Tests and Measurements, Public Health, Program Assessment.
Courses Taught
PSYC 401 Gerontology:An Overview
PSYC 402 Developmental Processes in Later Life
PSYC 406 Aging and the Family
PSYC 408 Research methods in Gerontology
PSYC 420 Seminar in Proposal Writing
PSYC 434 Aging Services Network
PSYC 455 Seminar in Aging
PSYC 307 Psych Tests and Measurements
PSYC 308 Psych Tests and Measurements Lab
PSYC 312 Psych Development of Women
PSYC 324 Geropsychology
PSYC 360 Social Psychology
PSYC 365 Industrial Psychology
PSYC 397 Service Learning
PH 470 Research Methods
Research Interests
Dr. Hollis-Sawyer’s research interests range from lifespan human development and intergenerational eldercare to aging women’s mental and physical health. She has authored/co-authored eight textbooks and authored/co-authored 59 scholarly publications. Many of these publications reflect a focus on aging and health outcomes. She is the co-Chair of the APA. Division 35 Committee on Women and Aging. In 2017, she received the APA Division 35’s Florence L. Denmark award for her research on women and aging. She has co-written a 2015 book on women’s positive health entitled “Women and Positive Aging: An International Perspective,” and published an edited 2020 APA book entitled “Older Women Who Work: Resilience, Choice, and Change.” She is a co-author of a 2020 book entitled "Adult Development and Aging."

The University of Akron, Akron OH

Selected Publications

Hollis-Sawyer, L. (2021). Differential treatment of older workers due to COVID-19 accommodations: Potential issues of ageism and age discrimination. Journal of Elder Policy, 1(3), 155-174.

Patrick, J., Hayslip, B., & Hollis-Sawyer, L. (2020).  Adult development and aging. Sage.

Sawyer, T., Nebl, P., & Hollis-Sawyer, L. (2020). Black belt statistics: A competency-based approach (plus SPSS and R). Cognella.

Cole, E., & Hollis-Sawyer, L. (Editors) (2020). Older women who work: Resilience, choice, and change. APA Books.

Hollis-Sawyer, L. (2020). Use it or lose it: Older women and civic engagement. In Cole, E., & Hollis-Sawyer, L. (Editors), Older women who work: Resilience, choice, and change. APA Books.

Additional Information

Selected Professional Awards

Recipient of the 2021 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles for Older Women Who Work: Resilience, Choice, and Change (APA Books, 2020).

Recipient of the 2017 British Medical Association (BMA) “Highly Commended” book   recognition designation for the Hollis-Sawyer, L. A., & Dykema-Engblade, A. (2016). Women and positive aging: An international perspective. Academic Press book. Awarded at the BMA Award Ceremony in London, UK on September 11, 2017.  

Recipient of the 2017 American Psychological Association Division 35 Denmark Women  and Aging Award. Awarded at the APA Conf. in Washington, DC on August 5, 2017.   

Recipient of the 2014 American Psychological Association (APA) Division 20 Mentorship Award in Adult Development and Aging. Awarded at the APA Conference in      Washington, DC on August 9, 2014.    

Recipient of the 2014-2018 Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Program of Merit Award (as Gerontology Coordinator). Awarded at the AGHE Conference in Denver, CO on March 1, 2014.    

Room BBH 307E
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5846
Office Hours
By appointment.
El Centro
Main Campus
Francisco Iacobelli
Associate Professor
Computer Science
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-4728
Natural Language Processing, Information filtering and HCI.
Courses Taught
CS-200 Programming I
CS 207 Programming II
CS-321 Server Side Web Dev.
CS-315 Modern Database Management
CS-342 Intro HCI- Human Computer Interaction
CS-347 Mobile Apps
CS-416 AI and Robotics
Research Interests
The intersection of human-computer interaction, cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence and health equity. Building smart interfaces for health care.

Ph.D. Northwestern University, Chicago, Il

MSc. DePaul University, Chicago, Il 

Ingeniero Civil Informático, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile

Room CBT 173
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-4728
Office Hours
Tuesday: 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 4:00-6:00 p.m.
or by appointment
Main Campus
Christopher L. Schroeder
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5483
Political economies of literacy, literacy philosophies and language policies.
Courses Taught
Cultural Linguistics and Sociolinguistics
English Studies and Technology
Grammars of Standard English and Competing Discourses
Literacies and Political Economies
Seminar in Composition Theory
Summer Writing Institute (National Writing Project)
Writing Across the Curriculum
Writing Assessment
Advanced Composition
American Literature
Drama and Diversity
History of Chicago Drama
Intro to Global Studies
Literatures and Literacies
Modern American Drama
Technical Writing
WAC-Writing Center Tutoring
The World of Drama
Research Interests
Chicago drama, textual circulation, and political economies of literacy

Ph.D. with distinction in English from the University of Louisiana (1999)

M.A. in English from the University of Missouri (1994)

B.A. with honors in English from Southern Illinois University (1992)

Selected Publications

Schroeder, Christopher. 2011. Diverse by Design: Literacy Education within Multicultural Institutions. Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press.
• recipient of 2012 CCCC Research Impact Award

Schroeder, Christopher, Helen Fox, and Patricia Bizzell, eds. 2002. ALT DIS: Alternative Discourses and the Academy. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann/Boynton-Cook.
• reprinted by Heinemann in 2004
• college best-seller for Heinemann in 2002

Schroeder, Christopher. 2001. ReInventing the University: Literacies and Legitimacy in the Postmodern Academy. Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press.
• reviewed in College English
• nominated for the 2002 David H. Russell Award sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English

Articles, Chapters, and Essays
Schroeder, Christopher. 2016. “Continuity and Community in a Cosmopolitan World: Code Switching and Its Effects on Community Identity.” In Crossing Borders, Drawing Boundaries: The Rhetoric of Lines Across America, ed. Barbara Couture and Patricia Wojahn, 43-59.  Boulder, Colo.: Utah State University Press.

---. 2010. “Web Authoring Software and Electronic Expertise.” In Digital Tools in Composition Studies: Critical Dimensions and Implications, ed. Ollie O. Oviedo, Joyce R. Walker, and Byron Hawk, 95-113. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, Inc.

---. 2009. “English Teachers We Have Known.” In Transforming English Studies: New Voices from an Emerging Genre, ed. Lori Ostergaard, Jeff Ludwig, and Jim Nugent, 212-228. West Lafayette, Ind: Parlor Press.

---. 2007. “Notes Toward a Dynamic Theory of Literacy.” In Locations of Composition, ed. Christopher Keller and Christian Weisser, 267-287. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.

---. 2006. “The Limits of Institutionalized Literacies: Minority Bilinguals at One U.S. University.” Community Literacy Journal 1: 67-82.

---. 2005. “Natural Diversity: A Response to David Quammen.” In Writing Environments: Rhetoric, Texts, and the Construction of Nature, ed. Sidney Dobrin and Chris Keller, 99-107. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.

---. 2004a. Review of Introducing English: Essays in the Intellectual Work of Composition, by James Slevin. Composition Studies 32: 143-146.

---. 2004b. “The Ethnographic Experience of Postmodern Literacies.” In Ethnography Unbound: From Shock Theory to Critical Praxis, ed. Stephen Brown and Sidney Dobrin. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.

---. 2002. “From the Inside Out (or the Outside In, Depending).” In ALT DIS: Alternative Discourses and the Academy, ed. Christopher Schroeder, Helen Fox, and Patricia Bizzell, 178-190. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann/Boynton-Cook.

---. 2002. “Rereading the Literacy Crisis in Colleges and Universities in the United States.” In Professing Rhetoric: Selected Papers from the 2000 Rhetoric Society of America Conference, ed. Frederick J. Anczak, Cinda Goggins, and Geoffery D. Klinger, 187-192. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

---. 2001. “Academic Literacies, Legitimacy Crises, and Electronic Cultures.” The Journal of Literacy and Technology

---. 1999. “Blurring Boundaries: Rhetoric in Literature (and Other) Classrooms.” In Teaching in the 21st Century: Adapting Writing Pedagogies to the College Curriculum, ed. Alice Robertson and Barbara Smith, 297-311. New York: Garland Press.

---. 1998. “Writing, Reading, and Resistant Meanings: Teaching Students to Fish.” Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 17: 61-72. (all footnotes were omitted without permission)

---. 1997. “Knowledge and Power, Logic and Rhetoric, and Other Reflections in the Toulminian Mirror: A Critical Consideration of Toulmin’s Contributions to Composition.” JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 17: 95-107.

Room LWH 2023
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5483
Office Hours
Spring 2025 Student Hours
Tuesday and Thursday: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Other times by appointment via Google Meet
Email at
Main Campus
Robert Hall
Office Support Specialist
African and African American Studies
Extensive knowledge and experience of university payment and purchasing procedures.

BA in Marketing Communication from Columbia College Chicago.


Chicago native, worked seven years in shipping and receiving at Wrigley Co.  Occasional web author and web game designer.

Student Union, SU207
5500 N. St. Louis
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
M, W-F: 9:00am - 12:30pm Linguistics; 1:30pm - 5:00pm AFAM T: 9:00am - 12:30pm AFAM; 1:30pm-5:00pm Linguistics
NEIU logo
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-4707
interactional sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, language and identity, cross-cultural communication
Courses Taught
LING 120: Language and Human Behavior
LING 201: Introduction to General Linguistics
LING 303: Grammars of English
Research Interests
narratives and life stories; language, ethnicity, and identity; academic writing

Ph.D. in Linguistics, Georgetown University

M.A. in Linguistics, 91Porn

B.A. in International Studies and French, DePaul University

Lech Walesa Hall (LWH) 4090
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-4707
Office Hours
Monday 11:00 AM-12:30 PM, Wednesday 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Professor; Program Coordinator; Undergraduate Advisor
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5879
Courses Taught
LING 201: Introduction to General Linguistics
LING 300: English Grammar in the Classroom
LING 322: Introduction to Sociolinguistics
LING 361: Introduction to World Englishes
LING 401: Fundamentals of Modern Linguistics
LING 454: Language and Identity
LING 471: World Englishes
LING 481: Language and Tourism
Research Interests
Discourse of tourism, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition

Ph.D., University of South Carolina

M.A., Louisiana State University

B.A., Indiana University

Additional Information

I am the campus representative for the U.S. Fulbright scholarship program.  

LWH 2029
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5879
Office Hours
Virtual Office Hours (Google Meet)
Tuesday: 2-3 p.m.
Wednesday: 5:30-7 p.m.
Thursday: 10-11 a.m.
and by appointment by email at
Main Campus

Contact Us

Main Office

(773) 442-5871
LWH 2027

Department Faculty

(773) 442-5871
NEIU logo
Professor; Program Coordinator; Undergraduate Advisor
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5879
Courses Taught
LING 201: Introduction to General Linguistics
LING 300: English Grammar in the Classroom
LING 322: Introduction to Sociolinguistics
LING 361: Introduction to World Englishes
LING 401: Fundamentals of Modern Linguistics
LING 454: Language and Identity
LING 471: World Englishes
LING 481: Language and Tourism
Research Interests
Discourse of tourism, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition

Ph.D., University of South Carolina

M.A., Louisiana State University

B.A., Indiana University

Additional Information

I am the campus representative for the U.S. Fulbright scholarship program.  

LWH 2029
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5879
Office Hours
Virtual Office Hours (Google Meet)
Tuesday: 2-3 p.m.
Wednesday: 5:30-7 p.m.
Thursday: 10-11 a.m.
and by appointment by email at
Main Campus
NEIU logo
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5874
History of the English language
Courses Taught
LING 109: FYE: Language and Diversity in Chicago
LING 110: Lexicology: The Study of Words
LING 120: Language and Human Behavior
LING 201: Introduction to General Linguistics
LING 301: History of the English Language
LING 322: Introduction to Sociolinguistics
LING 401: Fundamentals of Modern Linguistics
LING 446: Sociolinguistics
Research Interests
Conversation analysis, onomastics

Ph.D. Northwestern University

LWH 4090
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5874
Office Hours
Virtual office hours, by appointment only, MTWR 2-5 p.m.
Email at
Main Campus
Lewis Gebhardt
Assistant Professor; Graduate Advisor
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5835
Syntax, semantics, noun phrase structure and meaning, origin of language
Courses Taught
LING 401: Fundamentals of Modern Linguistics
LING 405: Typology
LING 422: Phonology
LING 427: Morphology
LING 435: Semantics
LING 437: Introduction to Generative Grammar
LING 438: Syntax
LING 447/347: Origin of Language
LING 475: Historical and Comparative Linguistics
LING 499: Thesis Seminar
Research Interests
Syntax and semantics of noun phrases, numeral classifiers, number, definiteness, Crow, Persian, theory of grammar, the origin of language

Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Northwestern University

LWH 2028
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5835
Office Hours
Spring 2021 Virtual Advising Hours
Generally available by via email Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Zoom appointments upon request via
Main Campus