Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

Research shows that children are more successful when their parents are involved in their classroom experience. Enrich your child’s learning experience by donating your time and effort as a member of the 91Porn Child Care Center’s Parent Advisory Committee (PAC).

Benefits of attending PAC meetings include:

  1. Playing a positive part in creating the best Child Care Center possible for your child.
  2. Modeling to your child the importance of taking a leadership role in the community.
  3. Meeting other parents who have children attending the Center.
  4. Receiving monthly updates from the director about recent developments at the Center.
  5. Raising additional funds that add to your child's education and enrichment.
  6. Getting a behind-the-scenes view of Center activities.
  7. Having a voice in the future of the Center.

All parents of children enrolled at the Center are eligible to be members. The PAC's role is to provide constructive input and support the Center through fundraising and volunteer efforts that directly benefit all of the children and teachers at the Center. The PAC organizes several activities each year including a welcome back potluck dinner, a walkathon, a children's art show, teacher appreciation lunches and other fundraisers throughout the year.

The PAC meets the first week of each month for one hour to discuss Center-wide issues and to plan events. Meeting notices are posted on the Parent Board in advance, and childcare for students of the Center and their siblings is available until 6 p.m.

You are encouraged to attend and share ideas or volunteer for an event; there are opportunities to help big or small. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the PAC co-chairs.

Food Service

Your child’s meals and snacks are provided by . Please visit News and Announcements to view the current menu at the Center.


Each classroom provides age-appropriate, seasonal activities throughout the year for children to participate and learn. Such activities include Fire Prevention Week, Pajama Day and other monthly themes. Please visit News and Announcements to read the latest in monthly plans for each classroom.

Open House Night

Held annually in September, Open House night is intended to allow all NEIUCCC parents and children to come and meet with their child's teachers and staff. 

Virtual Parent-Teacher Conference Twice a Year: November and May

The fall conference is usually with parents to discuss their child. It sets the bar for parents to discuss what teachers have observed and the child’s strengths and challenges. Then in the spring, teachers revisit those topics and talk about progress or set new goals. 

Events/field Trips

Children enjoy a variety of events and field trips throughout the year to such as:

  • Dave Herzog Marionette
  • JG's Reptile Road Show
  • Dreamtree Shakers


Scholastic Book Fair Week

Participating in our is another great way to support the Center’s reading efforts. Students, parents, and teachers love book fairs for several reasons, including:

  • They provide easy access to a wide assortment of books.
  • They give kids a choice in what inspires them to read more.
  • Book fairs involve family, which demonstrates to kids that reading is important.