Interested in bringing a new chapter to NEIU? Our Greek system is looking to expand.

Students interested in bringing a new chapter to campus or nationals looking to recruit on campus are both welcome. All potential chapters must be approved by United Greek Council (UGC) in order to do ANY form of formal recruitment on campus. Please see Greek Expansion policy below.

Greek Expansion Policy
Greek Life

Greek-lettered organizations wishing to expand their chapter to NEIU must follow the below procedures. Overall, the organizations must work with the United Greek Council, the governing council for all Greek-lettered organizations, the Office of Student Leadership Development and the Student Government Association.

1. Groups planning to expand to NEIU must first contact the Greek Expansion Coordinator at who will meet with them to go over this policy, advise them on UGC presentation, and answer any questions group may have about the campus. NO FORMAL RECRUITMENT may be done before receiving approval from UGC. This includes posting flyers, holding formal meetings or setting up informational tables.

2. Group must provide a letter to both the Director for Student Leadership Development and the United Greek Council President, indicating interest in expanding to NEIU. The letter must provide a brief overview of organization, a statement of intent and contact information. The letter must be received 14 calendar days before the next UGC meeting.

3. After the letter has been received, the organization can attend a UGC meeting (see Director or Expansion Chair for meeting dates and times) and propose expansion before the delegates and officers. The proposal should include the history of the organization, purpose for expansion and mechanisms to ensure success in recruitment and retention of members at NEIU. UGC will vote to offer charter status to organization. Organizations have one year from time of vote to have two members; in good academic standing, on campus, and be in process of becoming recognized by the Council of Clubs. A onetime six-month extension may be granted by the Director for Student Leadership Development. Organizations who do not meet the above requirements within the time frame will lose their charter status and will need to reapply.

4. Once the UGC has approved the organizations expansion, the organization must work with the Greek Expansion Coordinator to begin recruiting members on campus. The Greek Expansion Coordinator can assist with reserving rooms, reserving tables and helping promote the expansion of the new organization.

5. Before beginning any intake/pledging process the Deans of Pledges/Pledge Educator and any students who are beginning the pledge process MUST meet with Director of Student Leadership Development in keeping within the intake policy.

6. The organization must have two members and an on-campus advisor before attending a Student Government Association Council of Clubs (COC) meeting to be recognized as a registered student organization. The process can be found on the SLD website in the Student Organizations tab.

7. Once approved by COC, you must attend a New Organization Orientation sponsored through the Office of Student Leadership Development.

8. You must complete the paperwork indicating your officers to Student Leadership Development, set up an Earned Income Account, and continue to comply by all policies set by the SLD.

9. After all paperwork is complete, then the new organization will attend UGC meeting to be voted in as full member and will need to assign one delegate to the UGC and comply by all UGC policies. Membership is required for all Greek-lettered organizations into UGC in order to maintain their status at NEIU.

10. Organizations that fail to complete these steps within one year of acceptance vote will need to petition to UGC for an extension. If requirements are not met within extended time frame will need to begin process over.